
  1. 从题目看,“反七律体”仍体现了七言歌行自由抒写的特征,但其形式是七言八句而“非格律化”。

    It usually took the form of eight seven-character lines but was not regulated-versed .

  2. 在唐代七言歌行的发展过程中,卢照邻与骆宾王均作出了突出的贡献。

    Both LU Zhao-lin and LUO Bin-wang contributed to the development of Seven-Words'Poetry of the Tang Dynasty .

  3. 张说在文学创作上舒卷自如,特别是七言歌行。其中,尤以对七言歌行的确立与完善而影响巨大、意义深远。

    He also distinguished himself in literary creation , especially in writing seven character song lay . His establishment and refinement to the " Qiyan Gexing " is the most influential and meaningful .