
  • 网络Universal ball;universal sphere
  1. 介绍鼓形滚柱联轴器和万向球铰式卷筒联轴器的结构与特点,及带卷筒联轴器的卷筒装置的设计与制造。

    This paper introduces design features of spherical roller coupling and drum coupling with spherical pivot bearing . The design and manufacture of rope drum arrangement with drum coupling are described in the paper .

  2. 基于ADAMS的三叉杆滑块式万向联轴器的内球运动仿真分析

    The Inside Ball Kinematic Simulation Analysis of the Tripod Sliding Universal Joint Based on ADAMS

  3. 万向节衬套及球十字架球形接头密封防尘套

    Universal-joint bushing and ring spider BALL JOINT SEAL BOOT