
sān rén zǔ
  • pool of three
  1. 有人评论说他们更像是洗剪吹三人组。不管谁在操纵这个乐团,HKT似乎对网络上的骚动不以为意。

    One user writes , Wash + Cut + Blow Trio more like Whoever is controlling the profile , they seem to be taking no notice of the furore .

  2. 我们英国人可能无法完全避免卷入NatWest三人组案件,因为他们可能在英国渡过部分刑期,而费用则由我们承担。

    We in the UK may not escape all involvement in the NatWest Three case , since they may end up serving part of their jail sentence here at our expense .

  3. 我宁愿面对其中任何人,千万别这三人组。

    I 'd rather be confronted by anyone but those three .

  4. 为什么要叫《活宝三人组》呢

    Friend : Why do they call it The Three Stooges ?

  5. 和你一起来的是一个很火的三人组。

    That 's quite a hot threesome you arrived with .

  6. 打猎啊,运动啊,看《活宝三人组》啊?

    The hunting , the -- the sports , the Three Stooges ?

  7. 我爱运动,我爱看《活宝三人组》。

    You know , I love sports , I love the stooges .

  8. 这里我们可以看到三人组和他们身后的石拱门,还有大量的珍宝。

    Stone arch the frames the trio and quite a lot of treasure .

  9. 铁斋惊讶蓝染能挡下自己的攻击,三人组离开。

    Tessai is shock that Aizen could stop his attack but the three are gone .

  10. 偶像三人组“小虎队”的重组被认为是最受欢迎的节目。

    The reunion of pop trio " Little Tigers " is set to be a favorite .

  11. 这是一个后来被证明很可能对整个世界来说都很危险的三人组。

    It is a triumvirate that will prove dangerous for , well , pretty much the entire world .

  12. 他是流行音乐团体乔纳斯兄弟三人组中最成功的一位,在乔纳斯兄弟的时候,他们的专辑卖出了1700万张。

    The most successful of pop trio The Jonas Brothers , with whom he has sold 17 million albums .

  13. 出于好奇,我要求见见主厨,却被告知,这家餐馆的成功依赖于其大厨三人组。

    Out of curiosity I asked to meet the chef but was told that there was a trio behind this successful restaurant .

  14. 而近日网上爆出的魔法三人组人到中年拖儿带女的浓妆剧照也会让霍格沃茨的粉丝们倍感震惊。

    Hogwarts fans will be amazed when the magic of make-up fast-forwards the trio into middle age with children of their own .

  15. 我们没有直接看到纳吉尼的袭击,而是通过三人组在外面透过船屋玻璃的视角看到的。

    We don 't directly the snake attack directly , but via the Trio 's point of view outside the boathouse window .

  16. 三人组展示他们的发现,举出其他一些具备成功收入模式的大型体育活动案例,事情就此出现转机。

    The turning point came when the team presented its findings and gave examples of other mega sporting events with successful revenue models .

  17. 他们再次被袭击,安东发现他曾经的朋友,宗教裁判埃德加是那个神秘的他者三人组中的一个。

    They are attacked again and Anton learns that his one-time friend , the Inquisitor Edgar , is one of the mysterious trio of Others .

  18. 在试玩版中,有证据表明节奏和前场三人组的创造力是应该相吻合的。

    There is evidence emerging in the Demo that tempo and front three ( FCs & amC / MCa ) creative freedom should be matched .

  19. 这个超能力三人组不止面临共同的挑战,包括偏见、前往炼狱的征途以及魔鬼的到访。

    The paranormal trio faced more than its share of challenges , including prejudice , a trip to purgatory and a visit from the devil .

  20. 为了阻止危机,这个三人组希望欧洲央行按照需要大幅度、长久地敞开资金的水龙头。

    To halt the crisis this trio wants the ECB to open its money tap – as wide , and for as long , as necessary .

  21. 请注意,这虽然是主要场景拍摄的最后一天,却不是三人组拍摄哈利波特系列的最后一天。

    Do note that while this was their final day of principal photography , it was not the trio 's last day of filming for the Harry Potter series .

  22. 当对方球员持球成功突破湖人的外围防守时,加索尔,拜纳姆和奥多姆这三人组的严密防守将阻止其渗入内线。

    The combined long arms of Gasol , Bynum , and Odom make a formidable defensive trio ready to stop dribble penetrators who make it past LA 's perimeter defenses .

  23. 这种稍微脱离主题的小小策略将让哈利对自己的未来有了希望,也可以让我们读者对三人组今后可能走的职业道路有所了解。

    This small diversionary tactic will give Harry some hope for his future and a good opportunity for us , the readers , to learn of the trio 's possible career paths .

  24. 比尔·默瑞、科洛·塞维尼和亚当·德赖弗饰演小镇的冷面警察三人组,面对食脑者的入侵,三个警察一头雾水。蒂尔达·斯文顿饰演严肃干练、带有苏格兰口音的殡葬师。

    Sevigny and Adam Driver play a deadpanning , befuddled trio of small-town cops faced with an invasion of brain-eaters , while Tilda Swinton appears as a no-nonsense mortician with a Scottish accent .

  25. 在坎特三人组中,如果说瑞恩是制定政策的人,麦卡锡是监督计票的人,那么坎特就是掌管意识形态的旗手、真正保守主义经济价值观的守护者。

    If Mr Ryan is the policy wonk and Mr McCarthy , as whip , counts votes , then Mr Cantor is the ideological standard-bearer of the trio , the protector of true conservative economic values .

  26. 保罗?西蒙则是用灯光、舞蹈演员、巨型屏幕、液压装置、服饰变换、飞行鼓手、钢丝行走、啦啦队员、巴斯克民乐三人组等等来充实演唱会,当然,除了这些,也有音乐。

    Paul Simon did it with subtlety , detail and complex musical interplay . Madonna did it with lights , dancers , giant video screens , hydraulics , costume changes , flying drummers , tightrope walking , cheerleaders , a basque folk trio * And music too .

  27. 现在开始演习,三人一组

    We 're running a training exercise . 3-man units .

  28. 如今,学校允许学生三人一组上厕所。

    Now , pupils would have to go to the toilet in threes .

  29. 是个三人抓捕组,我打赌是中情局的人

    It 's a 3-man grab team . My money 's on CIA .

  30. 你们自己分成三人一组可以吗?

    Can you group yourselves into threes ?