
sān shí wán
  • triacontane
  1. Franquet石油醚部位中分离并鉴定了3个化合物:棕榈酸(Ⅰ)、三十烷(Ⅱ)、二十九烷(Ⅲ);

    There were three compounds isolated from petroleum ether extraction and identified to be hexadecanoic acid (ⅰ), triacontane (ⅱ) and nonacosane (ⅲ) .

  2. 三十烷醇在油菜外植体不定根诱导中的作用

    The role of TRIACONTANE in adventitious root induction of rape explant

  3. 三十烷醇在GA3影响水稻幼苗生长和生理性状中的增效作用

    Enhancement of Triacontanol to GA 3 in Influencing the Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Rice Seedling

  4. 三十烷醇(TA)纳米制剂的制备及对绿豆种苗生长的影响

    Nano-preparation of TA and the Effect on the Growth of Mung Bean Seedling

  5. 本文研究在不同密度群体上喷施三十烷醇和B9对花生荚果发育过程中蛋白质和脂肪消长及成熟后种子蛋白质和脂肪含量的影响。

    This Paper studies the effect of coordinative application of triacontanol and B the protein and fat content of peanut pod and seed in the population of different densities .

  6. 三十烷醇(TA)作为一种新型植物调节剂,目前在我国有着广泛的应用和研究。

    Triacontanol plants as a new regulator , is currently in our country have a wide range of applications and research .

  7. 应用三十烷醇(TA)处理水稻,结果表明:TA能促进水稻种子萌发,提高发芽率和发芽势,提高叶片叶绿素含量和促进光合速率。

    Rice treated with triacontanol ( TA ) , the results showed that TA increased the percentage of seeds , germination energy , chlorophyll content and photosynthesis rate .

  8. 三十烷醇对绳江篱(GracilariaChordaHolm)的生长与孢子萌发的影响

    The Influence of Triacontanol on the Growth of Gracilaria Chorda Holm and the Sprout of Spore

  9. 采用不同浓度的三十烷醇(TA)和不同的浸泡时间处理海带苗,探索TA对海带的效应。

    In order to study the effects of triacontanol ( TA ) on kelp ( Laminaria sp. ) , the Laminaria seeding was treated with several concentrations of TA and different dipped time periods .

  10. 三十烷醇(1-Triacontanol)影响水稻产量的生理机制研究

    Physiological Mechanism of 1-Triacontanol on Rice Yield

  11. 三十烷醇(TA)是由30个碳原子组成的长链脂肪醇,普遍存在于动植物的蜡质中,常用蜂蜡为原料制取。

    Triacontanol ( TA ), a long chain fatty alcohol composed of 30 carbon atoms , generally exists in animal and vegetable waxes . Ordinary beewax is used as raw material for the preparation of TA . Big progress has been made in the study of TA formula .

  12. 三十烷醇对花生主茎生长和茎尖过氧化物酶活性无显著影响;B9则抑制了主茎生长,提高了主茎茎尖过氧化物酶活性。

    It was showed that triacontanol had not obvious influence on peanut stem growth and peroxidase activity of stem apex , while B 9 raised peroxidase activity of stem apex and inhibited stem growth significantly .

  13. 从螺旋藻生产基地的中试培养结果看,加入1g/m3液体三十烷醇,生物量提高了39.76%,比在实验室条件下获得更好的增产效果,但加入固体三十烷醇(STA)反而减少12%。

    Moreover , 39.76 % rate of increase of biomass was got when adding 1 g / m ~ 3 liquid triacontanol on a large-scale culture at Spirulina produce base , higher than on a little-scale at lab oratory , but decreased 12 % when adding solid triacontanol .

  14. 应用示踪技术研究三十烷醇对作物的生理效应

    Studies on the physiological effects of Triacontanol on-crops using radioactive tracers

  15. 正-三十烷醇的定性、定量分析方法

    Analytical Method of Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis for n - Triacontanol

  16. 三十烷醇对茶树叶片结构的影响

    Effects of Triacontanol on the Structure of Leaves in Tea Plant

  17. 蜂蜡、糠蜡中三十烷醇的分离提纯及其特性

    Isolation and Purification of Triacontanol from Bees-wax and Bran-wax and Its Properties

  18. 三十烷醇促进作物生长的效应

    Stimulating effect of Triacontanol on the growth of some crops

  19. 用中蜂蜡提取三十烷醇的工艺改进

    Improving the technique of extracting Triacontanol from wax produced by Chinese bees

  20. 三十烷醇对3种单细胞藻类生长的影响

    The Effect of Triacontanol on the Growth of Unicellular Algae

  21. 三十烷醇在原生质体冰冻和化冻中对质膜的保护作用

    The protective effect of Triacontanol on protoplast plasmalemma subjected to freezing and thaw

  22. 漆蜡中含有三十烷醇的研究

    Study Report To Study Triacontanol in Urushi Wax

  23. 三十烷醇对大鼠血液系统的影响

    Study on the effect of Triacontanol for the blood system of big white rats

  24. 元素定量分析及红外光谱分析表明:该物质是三十烷醇-1。

    Elemental quantitative analysis and IR spectral analysis show the substance to be 1-triacontanol .

  25. 三十烷醇对水稻根系的影响

    Effects of Triacontanol on Root System in Rice

  26. 从蜂蜡中提取三十烷醇的研究

    Study on the Extraction Triacontanol from Beeswax

  27. 三十烷醇对降低杂交稻空壳粒也有效果,对千粒重无明显影响。

    Triacontanol causes promotional effects on the decrease in number of empty grains in hybrid rice .

  28. 植物新生长物质三十烷醇不同剂型生理效应研究

    A Study on Physiological Effects of a New Growth Substance of Plants-Triacontanol in Some Different Formulations

  29. 三十烷醇可明显提高菌丝体胞内多糖含量。

    At the same time , TA can improve the mycelia polysaccharide content of the mycelia obviously .

  30. 三十烷醇浸种对冬小麦幼苗生长的生理效应

    Physiological effect of steeping the seeds in 1-TRIACONTANOL solution on growing of winter wheet in Seedling Stage