
  1. 三和银行大连分行是于1993年成立的一家日本独资银行,分行成立后致力于开拓大连地区三资企业的外汇业务。

    Sanwa bank Dalian branch was a Japanese wholly invested branch founded in 1993 . The branch has been conducting foreign currency business for joint ventures in Dalian district since it was established .

  2. 如今在中国占据主导的销售渠道为间接渠道中的保险代理人、保险经纪人和保险公估人三种渠道和银行保险渠道,而保险代理人和银行保险渠道几乎占据着整个市场。

    The dominant channel is insurance agent , insurance broker and bancassurance of indirect channel , then the insurance agent and bancassurance even take up the whole insurance market .

  3. 全文共分成四个部分:第一章介绍了外资银行的基本概念、外资银行进入中国市场的三个阶段和外资银行在华发展的现实特点。

    There are four chapters in this thesis : Chapter one : Concept of foreign banks and its development feature in China market .

  4. 在中国一些夫妇不得不假离婚,这样他们才能获得第三方抵押贷款和银行贷款来买房。

    There , some couples have to fake their own divorces so they can get third mortgages and bank loans to buy properties .

  5. 开展物流金融服务是现今物流业发展的趋势之一,也是供应商、采购商、第三方物流企业和银行多方盈利的利润增长点。

    To carry out logistics financial services is the current trend of development of the logistics industry also bring profit growth point of profit to the suppliers , purchasers , third-party logistics enterprises and banks .

  6. 中国在周末取消银行信贷限额的举措敲响了两个警钟:第一,显示出在三次降息和调低银行存款储备金率之后,中国经济放缓幅度较北京原先预期的更为严重。

    China does too . Its weekend move to abandon curbs on bank lending curbs rings two alarm bells . First , it shows that after three interest rate cuts and a reduction in bank reserve requirements , the economic slowdown is more serious than Beijing initially thought .