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  • 网络the Three Kingdoms;Three Kingdoms Period;The three Kingdoms era
  1. 三国时代,有一次曹操带领军队去打仗。在行军的路上,找不到水源,士兵们都感到口渴难忍。

    In the Three Kingdoms Period ( 220-280 ), Cao Cao was once on a campaign during which his men failed to find any water .

  2. 三国时代魏国的皇帝曹睿,准备选拔一个有才能的人到朝廷来做官。《在亚瑟王朝廷里的康涅狄格州美国人》也同样瑕瑜互见。

    In the Three Kingdoms Period ( 220-280 ), the king of the Wei , Cao Rui , wanted to select a very capable man to work for him . A Connecticut Yankee is similarly uneven .

  3. 此前一年间,三种国产高清晰影碟标准展开了激烈竞争,EVD支持者将这段时期比作公元3世纪战火纷飞的三国时代。

    The effort follows a year of bitter competition between three local high-definition video disc standards , a period enhanced versatile disc supporters compare with China 's war-torn Three Kingdoms era in the third century AD.

  4. 终于成为三国时代的蜀国皇帝。

    He eventually becomes the emperor of Shu during the Three Kingdom period .

  5. 狩猎活动体现了三国时代的精神风貌。

    The hunting activity reflected the spiritual outlook of the period of the Three Kingdoms .

  6. 以下哪一部电影不是以三国时代为背景?

    Which of the following movies is not set in the Period of the Three Kingdoms ?

  7. 三国时代末期,司马家族的地位在魏国变得卓著。

    At the end of the Three Kingdoms Period , Sima family became prominent in the Wei .

  8. 游戏以三国时代为背景。

    In Three Kingdoms period .

  9. 并且从命名特点出发,窥见三国时代的文化背景。

    Then , it discusses the cultural background in the time of the " Three Kingdoms " .

  10. 摘要诸葛亮是三国时代一位杰出的政治家和军事家,也是一位文学家,他写了大量的公文。

    Zhuge Liang is an outstaynding statesman and armist in Sanguo era , he wrote a lot of documents .

  11. 就真实的才干和事功而言,诸葛亮在三国时代并不是最顶尖的人物。

    As regarded the true ability and achievements , Zhuge Liang was not the most top personage at the three Kingdoms age .

  12. 活动领域灵魂、精神或体力努力的范围狩猎活动体现了三国时代的精神风貌。

    A sphere of spiritual , mental , or physical endeavor . The hunting activity reflected the spiritual outlook of the period of the Three Kingdoms .

  13. 由于高丽时代以前的农书尚未发现,我们几乎不可能确切了解朝鲜半岛三国时代的农业技术和农业状态;

    As agricultural books before Korea Dynasty has been found , it is almost impossible to see the agricultural techniques and realities of the period of the Three Kingdoms .

  14. 有唐一代,朝鲜半岛经历了三国鼎立时代,最终由偏居东南一隅的新罗完成了统一,在这个过程中,中国起到了至关重要的作用。

    During the Tang dynasty , the Korean Peninsula experienced the three Kingdoms era and finally unified into a kingdom by Silla partially located in the southeast , and China played the key role .

  15. 2008年第三次重组使中国电信业从此进入三国鼎立时代,各通信运营商对客户的竞争越来越激烈。

    The year of 2008 is an extraordinary year for the telecommunication industry in CHINA . The third restructure led the industry to the age of three giants , more and more intense competition to customers among telecommunication operators which Mobile Telecommunication CS Branch is facing with .

  16. 公元229年,仿曹丕和刘备,吴王孙权在建业(今江苏南京一带)称帝,国号吴。三国分立时代正式开始。

    In 229 , following the example of Cao Pi and Liu Bei , Sun Quan called himself Emperor of Wu with the capital at Jianye ( now Nanjing City , Jiangsu Province ) which marked the real beginning of the era of the three kingdoms in Chinese history .