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  1. 并从三图测绘工作的异同点、数字测图制图、GIS数据库等方面探讨了它的可行性地裂缝灾害发生机理与三图法评价方法研究&以山西榆次地裂缝研究为例

    Meanwhile the feasibility of integration of three maps is discussed from the sameness and differences of surveying of three maps , making digital maps , GIS database and so on . A Three Maps Method on the Evaluations of Ground Fissure Hazard

  2. 地裂缝灾害发生机理与三图法评价方法研究&以山西榆次地裂缝研究为例

    A Three Maps Method on the Evaluations of Ground Fissure Hazard

  3. 三图一体化可行性探讨

    Discussing about the feasibility of integration of three maps

  4. 进行“三图一卡”的绘制、夹具的设计。

    Carries on " a three chart card " plan , jig design .

  5. 评价煤层顶板涌(突)水条件的三图-双预测法

    Three maps two predictions method to evaluate water bursting coditions on roof coal

  6. 近双三图的两个定理

    Two Theorems of Quasi - Bicubic Graph

  7. 第六图的取向与第三图的不一样。

    The orientation in the sixth figure is not the same as in the third .

  8. 在完成“三图一卡”的基础上,完成夹具设计。

    It mainly completes the jig design bases on " three charts and a card " .

  9. 文章最后总结提出了地质灾害定量评价的“三图法”基本理论和方法。

    At last the paper presents the basic evaluation theory and methodology of " Three Maps " for ground fissure .

  10. 《四元玉鉴》卷首三图的代数意义

    A study on significance of algebra in " three graphics " of the head for precious mirror of Si-Yuan Yu-Jian

  11. 倒数第三张图是错的吧?难道不应该是-√x嘛?

    The third to last panel is an imaginary number . Shouldn 't it be-SQRT ( x )?

  12. 设图G为含有三角形或四边形的三次图,G△为G的二角形收缩;

    Suppose G is a cubic graph which contains the triangles or quadrilaterals , G_ Δ is a trian-gle-contract of the graph G ;

  13. 完全三部图K(n-k,n,n)的色性(英文)

    On the Chromaticity of the Complete Tripartite Graph K ( n - k , n , n )

  14. 证明了如果X是3连通三次图G的任意19点子集,那么或者X的任意13点子集在G中可迹,或者X在G中可迹。

    If X is a set of 19 vertices of a 3 connected cubic graph , then either every 13 subset of X is traceable or X is traceable .

  15. 三圈图的第一广义Zagreb指标次大、第三大值问题

    Extreme Values of the First General Zagreb Index in Tricyclic Graphs

  16. 一种新的图像分析技术(包括X-Y图和三元图)被发展并应用于分析气溶胶单颗粒的复杂元素数据。

    A graphical technique that uses X-Y and ternary plots is presented for interpreting elemental data for individual aerosol particles .

  17. Piper-三线图显示,研究区地下水主要为HCO3Na和HCO3Ca·Na型水,水质本底条件较好。

    Groundwater there in the study area was mainly of HCO_3 Na and HCO_3 Ca · Na types on the Piper diagram , and the background of groundwater quality was found good .

  18. 本文完全确定了σ(K1,1,3,n)之值,其中Kr,s,t是r×s×t完全三部图。

    In this paper , we completely determine the value of σ ( K1,1,3 , n ), where Kr , s , t is the r x s x t complete 3-partite graph .

  19. 不含K2,3的三正则图是随意可染色图当且仅当它是K4。

    It is also proved that a connected cubic graph without its subgraph is randomly colorable if and only if K_4 is randomly colorable .

  20. 荧光光谱三元图和同步荧光图谱能较好地指示微运移的方向:自深层到地表,λ320nm增加,λ360nm减小;除λ430nm外,各波段均具正向梯度

    Fluorescent ternary diagram and synchronous fluorescence spectrum can properly indicate the direction of the micro migration : from deep strata to surface , R 320 increases ,λ 360 nm decreases and every wave band possesses positive gradient with the exception of λ 430 nm

  21. 应用三干涉图法测物体变形全信息

    All Informations Measurement of an Object Deformation with 3 Interferograms Method

  22. 三次图中包含给定点集的大子集的圈

    Cycles containing a large subset of a set in cubic graphs

  23. 展示三副图,让学生从中任意选择一幅图小组编对话。

    Present three pictures and make dialogues according to the picture .

  24. 三种图在遂昌金矿生产中的应用实践

    Application Practice of Three Kind of Geological Map in Suichang Gold Mine

  25. 倒数第三张图是错的吧?

    The third to last panel is an imaginary number .

  26. 一类三正则图的嵌入亏格分布

    Genus Distribution of Embeddings for A Type of 3-Regular Graphs

  27. 三轴图法在产业结构研究中的应用

    The Use of 3-AXIS in the Study of Industry Structure

  28. 用面扩树的方法找三次图的边三着色

    Three-colored Answers for Cubic Graph by Expand Trees with Face

  29. 115三次图的结构和124三次图的存在唯一性定理

    Constructions of 124 cubic graph and 115 cubic graphs

  30. 利用体积交由正交三轮廓图生成线性八元树

    Generation of linear OCTTREES from three orthogonal views using the volume intersection technique