
  • 网络the three lanes and seven alleys;three alleys and seven lanes
  1. 城市的童年:走过三坊七巷

    The Three Lanes and Seven Alleys

  2. 三坊七巷巷道施工期间夯土墙保护

    The protection of tamped mud wall in the laneway construction of Three Lanes and Seven Alleys

  3. GIS在福州三坊七巷保护性规划中的应用

    The Application of GIS in the Protective Planning of 3 Lanes and 7 Alleys

  4. 福州市三坊七巷历史街区文化旅游可持续发展探讨

    Discussion on Sustainable Development of Cultural Tourism in Historic Streets in Fuzhou

  5. 福州三坊七巷历史街区保护之研讨

    On the protection of Fuzhou historic lanes and streets

  6. 三坊七巷文化资源的生态型开发

    Ecological development of the " Three Communities and Seven Lanes " Cultural Resources

  7. 三坊七巷夯土墙材料性能试验研究

    The Test Study of The Material Properties about The Earth Rammed Wall In Three Lanes And Seven Alleys

  8. 历史街区的道路交通规划研究&以三坊七巷为例

    Road Transportation Plan Research of Historical Blocks & Taking " Three Lanes and Seven Alleys " As the Example

  9. 浅谈福州三坊七巷传统建筑之门的艺术

    Analysis on Door Artistic Features of Traditional Architecture of " Three Lanes and Seven Alleys " in Fuzhou City

  10. 三坊七巷印象系列招贴设计属于文化类招贴范畴。

    It is a culture poster category that three workshops of serial posters of seven lanes of impressions are designed .

  11. 近代福州三坊七巷与中国近代文化关系研究

    A Study of the Relationship between Modern FuZhou " Three Blocks and Seven Streets " and the Chinese Modern Culture

  12. 刘氏的居住地三坊七巷有着浓厚的商业氛围,且一些工商业大户与刘氏有着姻亲关系。

    Three Lanes and Seven Alleys had dense business ambience . Some large business family and Liu had relationships by marriage .

  13. 福州规模最大的明清传统居住街区三坊七巷,是福州城历史文化的珍贵遗存。

    In Fuzhou , the three lanes and seven alleys is the biggest traditional inhabited area of Ming and Qing periods .

  14. 福州三坊七巷地名资源的旅游价值及开发探讨

    Study on Tourist Value and Development of Geographical Names Resources in Fuzhou ′ s " Three Lanes and Seven Alleys "

  15. 基于空间句法的历史街区多尺度空间分析研究&以福州三坊七巷历史街区为例

    Multi-scale spatial analysis of historic district based on syntax : taking three lanes and seven alleys in Fuzhou as an example

  16. 基于愈合理论的三坊七巷保护研究

    Study of the Conservation for the " Three Neighborhood Communities with Seven Alleys " Based on the Theory of " Concrescence "

  17. 重赋活力&以福州三坊七巷为例,浅谈历史地段的保护与更新模式

    Regain Energy & Primary Analysis of Historical Area Protection and Renovation Mode by the example of Three Alleys and Seven Lanes in Fuzhou

  18. 三坊七巷是福州市中心一个著名的历史街区,然而,在近年来的旧城改造中遭受到令人痛心的破坏。

    San-fang Qi-xiang is a famous historical blocks in fuzhou , Unfortunately , great yet unnecessary damages have happened to it in recent years'old-city-reconstructions .

  19. 本文概述了三坊七巷的损毁过程,并对福州市政府在三坊七巷破坏过程中的失误及原因进行了深层次分析。

    This paper tell about damage process of San-fang Qi-xiang , and analyzes the mistakes made by Fuzhou Municipal government and their underlying reasons .

  20. 为城市留一点记忆&福州三坊七巷现状调查及几点保护建议

    KEEP SOME MEMORIES FOR THE CITY & Investigation of the actuality of the three lanes and seven alleys and some suggestions for its protection

  21. 福州三坊七巷传统民居建筑群是福州的重要标志之一,它当中的封火墙规模较大,保留最为完好,最具有代表性。

    Fuzhou San-fang Qi-xiang traditional residential complex is an important symbol of Fuzhou , where wind-and-fire wall is the largest scale , the most intactly retained and the most representative .

  22. 它可能并没有中国其他城市那么多漂亮的风景和历史名胜,但这里的大街小巷都有着郁郁葱葱的榕树,还有历史古街区的三坊七巷都是我所喜欢的。

    Though there are not as many beautiful historic sites and scenery as other cities in China , you can find green banians everywhere . I also like the historical old streets .

  23. 论文以福州市三坊七巷的名人和民俗文化为例,初步呈现福州市地方语文课程资源的面貌与价值,然后以研究性学习为重点,提出开发与利用福州市地方语文课程资源的设想。

    The thesis takes the example for the celebrities and folk-custom and culture of Fuzhou 's Three Lanes and Seven Alleys , and introduces the visage and value of Fuzhou local Chinese-curriculum resource , and then put forward the design .

  24. 福州是绵延两千余年的历史文化名城,随着北方大量汉族移民的迁入而不断发展扩大,三坊七巷便是随着福州古城的扩大而逐渐形成和发展的。

    Fuzhou is a famous historical and cultural city stretching for more than two thousand years . It expanded continuously as the immigration of a larger quantity of Northern Chinese Hans . The three lanes and seven alleys then formed and developed during this course .

  25. 选择了三坊七巷印象系列招贴设计这一课题初期,关注到多数人对街巷传统的民族文化不了解和不重视。

    Have chosen " Seven lanes of impressions of three workshops " Serial posters are designed this subject initial stage , does not understand and not pay attention to the traditional national culture of the lane across the street to pay close attention to the majority .

  26. 三坊七巷书院文化具有积极而深厚的精神内涵,挖掘三坊七巷书院文化可以更好地审视、借鉴和发展其文化价值,以服务当代社会的发展。

    The academy culture of The three lanes and seven alleys is deep and rich . To excavate it can help us do better in survey , reference and progress when we study in the field . And it can also serve the development of contemporary society .

  27. 福州三坊七巷是我国著名的历史文化街区,晚清以来,三坊七巷的人物总是走在时代的最前沿,其思想意识也应该是最先进的。

    " Three Alleys and Seven Lanes " of FuZhou are famous historical and cultural blocks . Since the qing dynasty , the three alleys and seven lanes of the characters are always walk in the forefront of The Times and ideology should also is the most advanced .

  28. 这种联姻,不仅有利于三坊七巷家族之间文化优势的互补与传递,加强家族凝聚力,同时对福州区域经济文化的发展和闽台文化关系也具有积极的意义。

    This situation is helpful for culture superiority complementary and delivery between these families in the Three Lanes and Seven Alleys . At the same time it resulting in a far-reaching impact on the economic and cultural development in Fuzhou region and strengthen cultural ties between Fujian and Taiwan .

  29. 研究三坊七巷文化资源,即通过美术教育引导学生关注本土文化,这是在当今教育界中极力倡导的。

    Research San Fang Qi Xiang culture resource , that is guide students through art education focus on the cultural diversity of the world and the local culture , focus on cultural property of art education and in line with the current trends in art education in the world .