
sān jiǎ àn
  • trimethylamine
  1. 以TS为载体的催化剂对脱除三甲胺性能的研究

    Removal of Trimethylamine by Catalyst Using TS as Supporter

  2. 研究了以TS为载体的催化剂催化氧化脱除三甲胺的臭味。

    Thecatalyst using TS as supporter was studied in deodorizing trimethylamine by catalytic oxidation .

  3. 三甲胺氧化制备N,N-二甲基甲酰胺的研究

    Studies on the preparation of n , N-dimethylformamide by the oxidation of Trimethylamine

  4. 对一种新合成的两性界面活性剂N,N,N-三甲胺-N′-油酸酰亚胺在二维通道内的减阻特性进行了实验研究。

    Experiments were conducted to study the drag-reduction characteristics of a newly synthesized zwitterionic surfactant solution ( oleyl trimethylaminimide ) in a two-dimensional channel .

  5. 结果表明在贮藏1d后,鱼肉变腐臭,挥发性碱基化合物三甲胺和二甲基在贮藏中增加。

    The results show that fish meat becomes rancid after 1 day storage .

  6. Ru/TiO2型三甲胺(TMA)传感元件的研制

    Development of Trimethylamine ( TMA ) Sensitive Element Based on Ru / TiO_2

  7. 三甲胺[N(CH3)3]MIS传感器的研制

    Development of Trimethylamine MIS SENSORS

  8. 制作三甲胺气敏传感器的SnO2粒子制备

    The preparation of nano-SnO_2 particles applied on the TMA gas sensor

  9. 二甲苯蓝FF在阳离子表面活性剂溴化十六烷基三甲胺上的Langmuir吸附及应用

    Langmuir Aggregation of Xylene Cyanol FF on Ionic Surfactant , Cetyl Trimethylammonium Bromide , and Its Application

  10. 组织中三甲胺-氮浓度变化与晚期PMI关系初探

    A pilot study to investigate the relationship between concentration of trimethylamine-nitrogen in corpse tissue and late postmortem interval estimation

  11. 碳酸钾使环氧丙烷选择性降低,三甲胺引起TS-1催化剂失活。

    Trimethylamine catalyzes the reaction of propylene oxide to polyethers , and causes the deactivation of TS-1 .

  12. 三甲胺(TMA)的毒性研究

    A study on toxicity of Trimethylamine

  13. 介绍了一种应用三甲胺(TMA)传感器对鱼鲜度进行测试的方法。

    A method for determining fish freshness by using the TMA ( trimethylamine ) sensor is introduced .

  14. 在超声条件下三乙胺替代三甲胺合成醚化剂GTA

    Synthesis of Ether GTA from Triethylamine Instead of Trimethylamine under Ultrasonic Condition

  15. 本文研究了沸石经NaCl、NaOH、HDTMA(溴化十六烷基三甲胺)改性后对焦化废水中的COD的去除效果。

    In this paper , the adsorption effect of zeolite modified with NaCl 、 NaOH 、 HDTMA to COD in coke plant wastewater was studied .

  16. 冷藏期间三甲胺,次黄嘌呤含量随着冷藏时间延长而升高,三甲胺含量<20μg/g,次黄嘌呤含量增加在50%以内鱼肉保持新鲜;

    The contents of trimethylamine and hypoxanthine increased during cold storage . When the trimethylamine content was still under 20 μ g / g and the hypoxanthine content increase below 50 % , the fish still kept fresh .

  17. 研究掺铝ZnO厚膜对三甲胺(TMA)气体的敏感性,并讨论用于检验海产品鲜度的可能性。

    Sensing properties of aluminum-doped ZnO thick film were investigated for the detection of trimethylamine ( TMA ) . The possibility of detecting freshness of sea foods was discussed .

  18. 两种填料生物过滤器第一段三甲胺最大去除容量分别为9.31gTMAm-3h-1和9.13gTMAm-3h-1。

    The maximum elimination capacities in stage 1 of biofilters A and B were 9.31 and 9.13 g TMA m-3 h-1 , respectively .

  19. 利用三乙醇胺(TEA)、溴化十六烷基三甲胺(CTMAB)分别改性蜂窝煤渣,研究了改性煤渣吸附水中对硝基苯酚的性能。

    The adsorption characteristics of p - nitrophenol in wastewater on honeycomb briquet slag modified by triethanolamine ( TEA ) or hexadecyl trimethylamine bromide ( CTMAB ) were studied .

  20. 结果表明:胺化产物分布受氨NH3的预吸附和甲胺(MMA)、二甲胺(DMA)及三甲胺(TMA)的择形脱附控制。

    It can be found from the results that the amine product distribution was controlled by the NH 3 preadsorption and by the shape selective desorption of MMA , DMA and TMA .

  21. 由于沸石孔道中部分孔穴被氨填充和堵塞,导致孔体积变小、空间位阻增大,难以生成分子较大的三甲胺(TMA)。

    The zeolite cavities were partially blocked by NH 3 filling , so the pore volume became smaller which introduced steric constraints for larger trimethylamine ( TMA ) molecule formation .

  22. 探讨了制曲温度、制曲时间、种曲添加量对鱼肉液体制曲的影响,分析了液体曲的蛋白酶活力和制曲过程对鱼腥物质三甲胺(TMA)的消除情况。

    Get rid of rank in the fermentation of fish soy sauce . It studies the effect of temperature , time and mold additive rate on the result of liquid koji making .

  23. 堆肥填料中除大量三甲胺降解菌外,还有氨氧化菌(Nitrosospiramultiformis)存在,堆肥填料生物过滤器因此具有生物降解氨的能力。

    Besides TMA-degrading bacteria , Nitrosospira multiformis , an ammonia-oxidizing bacterium was also in compost biofilter .

  24. 在Ru/TiO2型三甲胺传感元件研制的基础上,对其测定鱼鲜度与化学分析法测定鱼鲜度进行比较,进一步证明了三甲胺传感元件的实用和开发价值。

    Base on development of Ru / TiO 2 type sensitive element , the comparision of TMA sensitive element and chemical analysis for detection of fish freshness is made , it make further prove that the develop and practical value of the TMA sensitive element .

  25. 提出了在磷酸盐缓冲溶液中,镓(III)-4,5-二溴苯基荧光酮(DBPF)-溴化十六烷基三甲胺(CTMAB)的荧光熄灭体系,建立了微量镓的荧光分析法。

    In phosphate buffer solution , the gallium ( III ) - 4,5-dibromophenylfluorone ( DBPF ) - cetyltrimethylammonium ( CTMAB ) fluorescence quenching system is studied and the determination method for microamounts of gallium is presented .

  26. 同时,还检测了海马快速电点燃癫痫形成过程中星形胶质细胞缝隙连接主要蛋白Cx43的表达变化以及考察缝隙连接通道广谱开放剂三甲胺(TMA)在杏仁核电点燃癫痫形成过程的作用。

    In addition , we measured the changes of Cx43 , the main connexin type in astrocytes , during hippocampus rapid kindling progression and investigated the effects of the gap junction general opener Trimethylamine ( TMA ) in amygdaloid kindling acquisition in mice .

  27. 本文将以材料为氧化物半导体、检测对象为硫化氢、氨及TMA(三甲胺)的传感器为例,从催化化学的角度来论述它们的气味成份检测特性及探测机理。

    The characteristic and principle of smell sensor is presented in this paper , which measures smell ingredient in the point of view of catalyze-chemistry with the example of sensor whose material is semiconductor and measuring objects are H2S 、 NH3 and TMA , etc.

  28. 氧化三甲胺和甜菜碱含量分别为80~100mg/1009和300~320mg/100g之间,TCA、PCA、SSA三法比较接近,而AL法明显偏低。

    The contents of trimethylamine oxide and betaine are between 80 100mg / 100g and 300 320mg / 100g . The . TCA , PCA , and SSA methods produced a very similar result , but the AL method gave a very low content of trimethylamine and betaine .

  29. 结果显示来自内脏和表皮的混合菌群都能够利用TMAO,产生大量的NH4+和三甲胺(Trimethylamine,TMA),但是在内脏和体表混合菌群中TMAO被利用的情况却并不同。

    The results suggested that the mixed flora from the epidermis and viscera of Cod could utilize TMAO and produced large amount of NH4 + and Trimethylamine ( TMA ) . The details for TMAO metabolism were different for the mixed floras the epidermis and viscera .

  30. 以环氧氯丙烷和三甲胺为主要原科在水相条件下合成阳离子醚化剂CHPTMAC是一种经济实用的工艺路线。

    Taking the epichlorohydrin and trimethylamine as the main raw material to synthesize the product cationic etherifying agent under the condition of water mutually is a kind of craft route with practical economy .