
  • 网络three-phase circuit;Three Phase Circuit
  1. 关于对称三相电路无功功率测量的讨论

    Discussion on Reactive Power Measurement of Symmetric Three Phase Circuits

  2. 基于瞬时无功功率理论发展起来的三相电路谐波电流的检测方法,以其精度高、实时性好、算法简单及硬件实现方便等优势,正逐渐应用于电力有源滤波器中。

    The detection methods based on the theory of instantaneous reactive power for the harmonic currents of three phase circuits are be applying to the active filters owing to its high precision , good dynamics , simple algorithm and easy hard circuit .

  3. 基于DSP的一种三相电路谐波电流检测算法

    Harmonic Current Detection Algorithm of Three-Phase Circuit Based on DSP

  4. 三相电路瞬时电流、功率的分解与Park空间分析

    Decomposition of instantaneous current and instantaneous power of three-phase circuits and Park space-domain analysis

  5. 本论文以Internet在远程控制上的应用为研究背景,以远程完成三相电路实验为具体研究目的。

    This dissertation take the application of Internet in the long-distance control as research background , take accomplishment of three-phase circuit experiment in the distance as research purpose .

  6. 以三相电路瞬时无功理论为基础,计算p、q或者ip、iq为出发点即可得出三相电路谐波和无功电流检测的两种方法,分别为p、q运算方式和ip、iq运算方式。

    Based on the theory of instantaneous reactive power , two harmonics currents detection methods can be obtained by computing p , q or i_p , i_q .

  7. 单相电路中,电流冲击时充当阻尼电阻的PWM变频器的额定功率为主变压器的14%,而在三相电路中为19%。

    The required-ratings of the PWM converter , which performs the damping resistor for the inrush phenomena , is 14 % as compared to that of the main transformers in single-phase circuits . In three-phase circuits , it is 19 % .

  8. 该文基于瞬时无功功率理论分析了dqo坐标中的功率成分和三相电路中各相功率间的关系,说明了广义瞬时无功功率对传统无功功率理论的推广及延伸。

    This paper analyzes the relation between the reactive power in dqo coordinates and the power in three-phase circuits based on the instantaneous reactive power theory , and illustrates the extension of the conventional power theory by the generalized instantaneous reactive power theory .

  9. 对称三相电路无功功率测量

    Measurement of the reactive power in three - phase balanced circuits

  10. 三相电路瞬时无功功率分析与计算

    Analysis and calculation on the instaneous reactive power of three-phase circuit

  11. 三相电路瞬时无功功率理论的研究

    A Study on the Theory of Instantaneous Reactive Power of Three-Phase Circuits

  12. 三相电路开断过程的波形和矢量解析法

    Waveshape and Vector Analysis of Interrupting Process in Three-phase Circuit

  13. 单相和三相电路的峰值电压检测

    Detection of Peak Point Voltage for Single-Phase and Three-Phase Circuits

  14. 三相电路有功功率测量新方法

    A new method of measure for work power of three electric circuit

  15. 完全不平衡三相电路无功功率测量精度的探讨

    Research on Improving Reactive Power Measure Precision for Complete Unbalanced Three-phase Circuit

  16. 对称三相电路中星&角连接的分析与计算

    Analysis and Calculation about Star-Angle Connection in Symmetrical Three - Phase Circuit

  17. 非正弦三相电路中瞬时无功量的普遍化定义

    A Generalized Definition of Instantaneous Reactive Quantity in Nonsinusoidal Three phase Systems

  18. 测量三相电路功率常见的几个问题

    Several Problems about Measuring the Power of Three-phase Circuit

  19. 三相电路功率的测量方法

    The Methods of Three - Phase Circuit Power Measurement

  20. 三相电路瞬时功率的分析

    The Analysis of the Instantaneous Power in Three-phase Circuits

  21. 三相电路实验分析

    The Analysis of Three - phase Circuit Experiment

  22. 单相及三相电路谐波和无功电流的检测研究

    Study on the Detection for Harmonics and Reactive Currents of Single-Phase and Three-Phase Circuits

  23. 基于对称分量法的三相电路谐波和无功电流检测新方法

    A New Detecting Method for Harmonic and Reactive Current Based on the Method of Symmetric Parts

  24. 该方法不仅适用于单相,也适用于三相电路。

    It not only fits for single phase circuit , but also for three phase circuit .

  25. 三相电路谐波电流两种检测方法的对比研究

    A Study on the Comparison of Two Methods used to Detect the Harmonic Currents of Three-Phase Circuits

  26. 依据三相电路的瞬时无功功率理论,推导了谐波电流的计算方法;

    The harmonic calculation in three - phase rectifier is derived from the instantaneous reactive power theory .

  27. 从物理和数学的角度,对单相电路、三相电路瞬时有功功率和瞬时无功功率的概念进行了剖析。

    From physical and mathematical points of view , this paper analyses the nature of instantaneous active and reactive power .

  28. 该方法相对简化了结构,并且采用了改进的算法,能很好地运用于单相电路和三相电路的谐波检测。

    With simpler block structure and improved algorithm , the proposed method performs well both in single-phase circuits and three-phase circuits .

  29. 利用三维空间矢量,提出了一种新型的无需坐标变换的三相电路畸变电流检测方法。

    Using three-dimensional space vectors , this paper describes a simple method for detecting the distorted current without any coordinate transformation .

  30. 电力有源滤波器能动态补偿不对称三相电路的畸变电流、负序电流分量。

    Active power filter can compensate current components which include distortion and negative sequence current components when it is used in unbalanced three-phase circuit .