
sān jí chǔ lǐ
  • tertiary treatment
  1. 三级处理包括一系列物理化学处理步骤。

    Tertiary treatment comprises a series of physicochemical steps .

  2. 丙烯腈废水的三级处理

    Tertiary treatment of wastewater containing acrylonitrile

  3. 国内外的一些工程实践证明:周期性循环活性污泥法(CASS)工艺配合二氧化氯消毒工艺能使二级处理的费用达到三级处理的出水效果,是目前医院污水处理最理想的方法。

    Some engineering practice shows that CASS technic cooperating with chlorine dioxide disinfection is the best method for the hospital sewage disposal which makes the drainage quality reach Grade 3 standards only with Grade 2 disposing cost .

  4. 石油钻井污水就地三级处理技术

    A three step in situ treatment of drilling site waste water in disposal pool

  5. 要实现废水回用可采用活性炭吸附等三级处理工艺。

    The dye-printing wastewater dealed with by activated carbon adsorption or other third wastewater treatment processes .

  6. 超微孔精细过滤膜上的超微小孔能高效用于生活用水回用和污水三级处理工程。

    Ultra-minute work microporous FELT membrane through o reuse facility f service water and3 times sequence high grade treatment of waste & sewage water .

  7. 采用一级处理与三级处理并用、多种吸附剂联合使用的方法,对味精厂废水进行净化处理,探讨了工艺流程中的影响因素。

    The wastewater of natrium glutamate was purified by the means of combined the first rank disposal with the third one and using many kinds of adsorbent .

  8. 研究了石油化工污水经三级处理后回用于循环冷却水动态模拟试验中细菌数量的控制。

    Study at the bacteria number controlling in simulation experiment when the wastewater of refining-chemistry is reused in circulating cooling system after the third stage biology treatment .

  9. 详细介绍了二级处理水和三级处理水灌溉草坪绿地的研究现状、热点和发展方向。

    The status quo , hotspot and development trend of research on the application of secondary treated wastewater and tertiary treated wastewater for turf-grass irrigation were introduced in detail in this paper .

  10. 人粪尿中有机物、氨氮含量很高,传统的反硝化处理方法要求有很高的污泥浓度,固液分离不稳定,影响了三级处理效果。

    Because human excitements belong to high organic and high ammonium wastewater , and traditional activate sludge method always demand highly sludge concentration , gravity separation unsteady , the last treatment effect is impacted .

  11. 人工湿地处理法具有易于建设、运行费用低、耗能少、维护方便和运行过程缓冲能力强等特点,适合用于养殖业废水的二级或三级处理。

    Treatment of the wastewater by constructed wetland method is often available as the secondary and tertiary treatment , due to its better characteristics , such as easy construction , low running cost , less energy consumption , convenient maintenance and cushioning capacity and so on .

  12. 实践证明,该装置用于冶金轧钢废水处理中,能代替传统的轧钢废水三级处理工艺,节约投资成本70%,占地减少85%,运行费用亦大幅下降,且无需专门的污泥脱水装置。

    This equipment can take the place of traditional three-phase technique of wastewater disposal . It can save 70 % investment cost and 85 % land area , and largely reduce operation cost , without any special mud dehydration equipment . It has notable profits on both economy and environment .

  13. 经合适的三级时效处理(如120℃0.5h~24h+盐浴190℃10min,W.Q+120℃24h),7055合金获得的硬度和电导率比T6状态的更高。

    Hardness and electrical conductivity of 7055 alloy treated by appropriate third-step aging treatment ( e.g.120 ℃ 0.5 h-24 h + salt bath 190 ℃ 10 min , W.Q. + 120 ℃ 24 h ) are higher than that of T6 condition .

  14. 通过该法与其它土地处理法和人工常规二级、三级污水处理技术对污染物去除率的比较,表明慢速渗滤土地处理法效果更好。

    Compared with other treatment techniques , this method was found to be more effective .

  15. 7055铝合金的三级时效处理

    Three-step aging treatments of 7055 aluminium alloy

  16. 基于危险理论的三级异常处理系统模型

    Danger theory-based three-level anomaly disposal system model

  17. 采用气水反冲洗滤池工艺对二级出水进行三级深度处理;

    Then the air-water backwash filter is adopted to perform grade III deep treatment to the Grade II effluent .

  18. 探讨了石灰-硫酸铁三级中和法处理重金属酸性废水过程中pH值的设定。

    Discuss pH value enactment in treating heavy-metal acidic waste water with lime-sulphuric iron three steps neutralizing method .

  19. 介绍了AC500系列PLC控制系统及基于其的三级分布式污水处理自控系统。

    This paper introduces The AC500 PLC System and the three-level distributed sewage treatment system .

  20. 三级固溶处理对Al-Zn-Mg-Cu系铝合金组织和剥落腐蚀性能的影响

    Effect of triple-solution on microstructure and exfoliation corrosion properties of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu aluminum alloy

  21. 废水三级絮凝脱色处理的效果

    Effect of Tertiary Coagulation and Flocculation Treatment on Decoloring of Effluent

  22. 强化生物絮凝/三级人工湿地处理高浓度生活污水

    Bioflocculation / Three-stage Constructed Wetland for Enhanced Treatment of High-concentration Domestic Sewage

  23. 三级氧化塘处理甘蔗糖厂中等浓度有机废水的研究

    Treatment on the Organic Wastewater from the Cane-sugar Plant with Three-grade Oxidation Pond

  24. 废水三级物化处理浮泥问题的解决方法

    A solution to fluid mud problems in the tertiary physico-chemical treatment of pulping and papermaking wastewater

  25. 针对大型工业循环冷却水系统,提出完整的三级旁流处理工艺,以满足各种用户对水处理的不同要求。

    A complete three stage side-stream treatment was put forward for large-scale industrial cyclic cooling water system to meet requirements for different water treatment for various customers .

  26. 研究了进水负荷、硝化液回流、水温等工况条件下的三级BAF工艺的处理效能。

    The performance of three-stage BAF system processing under different hydraulic loading rate , nitrified liquid reflux , temperature conditions was studied .