
sān jiǎo bō
  • triangular wave
三角波[sān jiǎo bō]
  1. 三角波的周期可以在1μ~5S范围内数字控制。

    Digital controlled period of triangular wave ranges from 1 microsecond to 10 seconds .

  2. 通过对泄漏三角波的研究,给出了几种有效的解决方法,这对FMCW毫米波雷达系统的设计和其性能的提高,具有较好的参考价值。

    The leaked triangular wave of FMCW millimeter-wave radar has been analyzed .

  3. 基于DSP的高精度三角波测量仪设计与实现

    Design and Realization a High - accuracy Instrument for Triangle Waveform Measuring Based on DSP

  4. 详细描述了D类功放的三角波发生器、比较器、H–桥的电路设计;

    Three circuits of Class D Power Amplifier : triangle wave oscillator , comparator , H-bridge are presented .

  5. 该三角波能表征开关电流的变化规律,因此可以作为PWM的三角载波,从而实现占空比的调节。

    So the triangle carrier can be used as PWM adjust duty ratios .

  6. 并用模拟方式设计了交错PWM技术所需要的交错三角波。

    Using simulation methods designed a Staggered triangular .

  7. 通过库仑滴定、三角波电位扫描和X射线衍射物相分析,研究了Li/PbS电池的阴极反应机理。

    The reaction mechanism of cell Li / PbS has been studied with Coulombic titration , cyclic voltammetry and X-ray diffraction methods .

  8. 三角波脉冲电流对近共晶Al-Si合金晶面取向的影响

    Effect of Triangle Pulse Electric Current on the Orientation in Al-Si Near-eutectic Alloy

  9. 介绍了基于同步旋转Park变换的d-q检测方法以及用三角波作为载波的PWM控制方式;

    The detecting method based on synchronous rotary Park transformation and the SPWM controlling method are discussed .

  10. 应用三角波比较方式的PWM脉宽调调制方法得到六路IGBT驱动信号。

    Application is the way the triangle wave PWM pulse width modulation method for the six IGBT drive signal .

  11. 在分析有源电力滤波器APF(ActivePowerfilter)数学模型的基础上,提出了改进的三角波脉宽调制电流控制方法。

    An improved triangle - wave pulse - width modulation current control method is presented , based on the mathematic model of parallel APF ( Active Power Filter ) .

  12. 该文还指明了系统设计要点及控制所采用的三角波调制PWM电流控制法。

    The current control scheme with triangle-intersection-technique based PWM is adopted and analyzed , the key point for system design is point out .

  13. 从机软件设计主要是输出生成三角波所需的PWM脉冲,控制模数转换器进行模数转换并处理模数转换数据。

    In the software design of the slave machine , the PWM pulse which is required to generate triangle wave signal is output .

  14. 该方法利用三角波信号作为测试激励,采用码密度直方图分析方法快速计算ADC的各静态参数。

    The static parameters of ADC were extracted from the histogram of ADC 's out codes , which stimulated with triangle-wave signal .

  15. 在上述超声波电机控制系统实验平台上研究行波超声波电机的速度、位置控制特性。采用比例控制、PID控制、模糊比例控制算法研究行波超声波电机对梯形波、三角波、正弦波曲线的速度轨迹控制;

    On the platform mentioned above , the speed tracking control of USM for trapezoid , triangle and sinusoid is studied by means of P-control , PID-control and fuzzy-p control .

  16. 而有源电力滤波器常用的控制方法为三角波调制、滞环控制和定时控制等常规的PWM控制法,这些方法均存在一定的不足。

    The typical control methods for APF such as triangular wave modulate , hysteresis control and timing control , etc , these methods all have some demerits .

  17. 模拟锁频电路共分四个部分:三角波发生电路,PI控制电路,透射峰控制电路和加法选择电路。

    This circuit was divided into four parts : the triangle wave generating circuit , the PI controlling circuit , the additive selecting circuit and the transmission peaks controlling circuit .

  18. 由计算机经D/A转换器产生一个扫描三角波,驱动PZT周期拉伸参考光纤光栅。

    A D / A converter . Controlled by the computer is used to produce a scanning triangle wave , which drives PZT to stretch the FBG periodically .

  19. 完成了基于PCI总线的任意波形信号源的方案设计、硬件设计与调试,该系统可产生单频脉冲、线性调频信号、三角波等任意波形信号。

    Based on PCI , finish plan of the project , hardware design and debugging of wide signal source of radar . The system can produce Single , LFM and other arbitrary waveform .

  20. SFC轴向注入线采用了一个双间隙漂移管式聚束器和一个单间隙栅网型聚束器,分别采用三角波和锯齿波的聚束波形。

    A two-gap drift tube buncher and a one-gap grid buncher with linear bunching waveform are used on the SFC axial injection line .

  21. 信号发生器能同时产生两路正弦波、方波、斜波、三角波等常用波形。数据采集器能同时采集四路信号,以USB接口与主机通讯。

    Signal generator can produce double usual waveform such as sine wave , square wave , oblique wave , triangle wave etc. Data acquisition can collect four signals simultaneously and communicate with PC by USB interface .

  22. 在此基础上,对恒转矩、风机泵类和恒功率3类典型负载特性及三角波负载特性进行了模拟,利用BRAutomationStudio编程软件的TRACE在线监视功能得到了相应的实验曲线。

    On the basis of this experimental system , four kinds of typical load characteristics were simulated . TRACE the online monitoring function in the BR Automation studio software was used to acquire the corresponding experimental curves .

  23. 本研究表明:阶梯三角波的频谱结构由三角波每个周期中的阶梯数2k决定。

    As a result , it 's spectra structure decided by the number 2k of ladder in a cycle of triangular wave .

  24. 使用Verilog语言编程,实现了正弦波、方波、三角波和直流信号的输出。

    The Verilog language is used in the programming of the FPGA . The circuitry outputs sine wave , square wave , triangle wave and DC signal .

  25. 本文基于SPWM矩阵变换器提出了一种前馈补偿方案,通过检测线电压包络,对三角波载波进行预调制,使得正弦脉宽调制输出脉冲在宽度上给予补偿。

    The feed-forward control scheme based on SPWM matrix converter is proposed . Through premodulation of tri-carrier by measuring envelop of line voltages , each pulse is compensated differently in width of SPWM .

  26. 通过“三角波振荡电路”的创建及观测实例,表明了EWB仿真软件在电子线路中的应用优势。

    With the establishment and observation example of triangular wave oscillating circuit , the advantage of emulation floppy EWP is shown in applying it into the electronic circuit .

  27. 本文引入了三角波调制、多重化与移相载波SPWM技术、滞环电流跟踪控制、瞬时值比较控制、单周控制五类控制策略,在性能方面各有优势。

    This paper introduced five control strategys including triangle-wave modulation , carrier phase shifted SPWM tecnology , hysteresis current tracking control , instantaneous value comparison control and one-cycle control , which have their strong point .

  28. 针对变频器对电网造成的谐波污染及无功,在介绍功率器件IEGT及由此组成双PWM三电平变频器特点的基础上,给出了整流器五脉冲PWM调制方式与三角波PWM调制方式的谐波对比。

    Discuss harmonic pollution and power factor is low that caused by inverter , introduce characteristic of IEGT and dual-PWM IEGT three-level inverter . Contrast the harmonic caused by five-pulse PWM modulate mode with triangle PWM modulate mode .

  29. 并在实验室条件下搭建了实验平台,该平台以载波三角波层叠法为控制策略,运用了数字信号处理器(DSP)和可编程逻辑器件(FPGA)相结合的控制电路。

    And under laboratory conditions to build an experimental platform , the platform to the carrier triangular wave cascade method for the control strategy , the use of a digital signal processor ( DSP ) and programmable logic devices ( FPGA ) combination of the control circuit .

  30. 在PSpice下模拟FET管级参数故障、短路故障、开路故障,分别在输入端输入不同的波形激励,如方波、正弦波、三角波等进行测试。

    PSpice simulation of the FET parameters of failure , short fault , open fault , and input waveform of different incentives , such as square wave , sine wave , triangle wave , for testing .