
  • 网络sanjiao lake
  1. 这场暴发最早是在5月份报告的,当时渔民在这个三角洲和湖上都发现了死鱼。

    The outbreak was first reported in May , when fishermen found dead fish in both the delta and the lake .

  2. 指出了沙四段主要为低位体系域和水进体系域,其中低位体系域发育冲积扇-扇三角洲-湖相沉积体系,水进体系域发育扇三角洲-湖相沉积体系。

    The lowstand system tract had developed alluvial fan - fan delta - lake facies sedimentary system , and transgressive system tract had developed fan delta - lake facies sedimentary system .

  3. 从全新世开始,三角城古湖泊开始形成,沉积物中碳同位素组成偏重的有机质主要来源于湖泊中的沉水植物,此时湖泊水体较大,湖泊生产力较高。

    The heavier carbon isotopic compositions of organic sediments came mainly from the submerged macrophytes and the lake level was higher during this time , and accompanied by a high lake productivity .

  4. 下白垩统的扎赉诺尔群的沉积相的主要类型为三角洲相,湖相和浊流相。

    The facies types of the Lower Cretaceous are mainly delta , lake and turbidity .

  5. 四川盆地西部侏罗系沙溪庙组是河流三角洲滨浅湖沉积为主的红色砂泥岩系,天然气资源相当丰富。

    Abundant in natural gas sources , Jurassic Shaximiao Formation in west Sichuan Basin is a red sandstone and shale mainly deposited in fluvial , deltaic shoal faces .

  6. 沉积模式表现为:由盆地西南缘向盆地中心依次出现冲积扇相三角洲相浅湖亚相和深湖亚相。

    The depositional pattern shows that alluvial fans , delta facies and lacustrine facies are developed hi proper order from the southwest to the center of the basin .

  7. 其成因相包括分流河道、决口扇及决口河道、分流间湾、三角洲平原小型湖、沼泽、分流河口坝、前三角洲泥及砂质重力流等;

    And the delta genetic unit includes distributary channel , distributary bay , small lake of delta plain , swamp , distributary estuary bar , frontal delta mud and sandy density flow and so on .

  8. 前三角洲位于辫状河三角洲前缘向湖较深水方向的斜坡带,常与湖相沉积呈渐变过渡。

    Prodelta is located in braided river delta front slope to the direction of the lake deeper water zone , which is often associated with the deposition of semi-deep lake .

  9. 滦平盆地扇三角洲体系可分为扇三角洲平原组合、扇三角洲前缘组合和前扇三角洲-浅湖组合等3种沉积组合,共识别了17种成因相。

    The depositional system of Luanping fan-delta can be further divided into 3 sedimentary associations ( deltaic plain , deltaic front and prodelta ) and 17 genetic units .