
  • 网络three-excess
  1. 投资三超现象浅析

    Simple Analysis of Pheromone of " Three Excesses " in Investment

  2. 加强管理控制建筑工程三超

    How to Control " Three Excesses " of Architectural Engineering in Administration

  3. 使馆工程三超问题分析及解决方法研究

    " Three Excesses " Problem of Embassy Project Analysis and Research on Solution

  4. 高速多影像电影摄影机三超正析摄像管摄像机

    High speed multiple motion-picture camera three image orthicon camera

  5. 寒地水稻三超栽培技术研究

    Summarize in the Study of 3-S Cultivating Technique of Rice in Cold Zone

  6. 浅谈引起水利工程三超现象的原因及对策

    Discussion on the Reasons and Countermeasures of Causing Three Exceeding in Hydraulic Engineering

  7. 三超育苗对寒地水稻生育及产量的影响

    Effects of 3-S Growing Seedlings on Rice Growth and Yield in Cold Zone

  8. 长期以来,工程建设投资控制中存在着不少问题:比如三超现象,即概算超估算、预算超概算、决算超预算;

    There are a lot of problems of investment control in project for a long time .

  9. 通过分析引起三超问题的原因,提出了相应的对策。

    Through analyzing reasons of causing three exceeding problem , this paper puts forward appropriate countermeasures .

  10. 滚装船上装载三超车辆带来的危害

    The Harm to the Ro / Ro Ship by Loading Vehicles with Overload , Overlong and Overhigh

  11. 分析住宅项目费用三超现象的形成过程及原因。

    Analysis of housing cost of the project " three super " phenomenon and the reasons for the formation process .

  12. 寒地水稻三超栽培增产机理及关键技术研究

    The Principle of Increase Production and Studies on the Key Technique of 3-S Cultivating Technique of Rice in Cold Zone

  13. 然而,在我国推行代建制后,仍存在三超现象严重的问题。

    However , in our country after the implementation of agent system , there are still " three super " in a serious problem .

  14. 加强建设工程造价管理,控制和合理确定工程造价,确保工程造价的准确性,是建设工程造价管理的首要任务,它对控制固定资产投资规模、防止“三超”现象起着关键作用。

    Enforcing construction cost management , controlling and reasonably ascertaining construction cost , and ensuring its precision , are the primary task of construction cost management .

  15. 长期以来,我国政府投资项目建设实施中时有发生部分超投资、超规模、超标准的三超现象。

    For a long time , government investment projects implementation is in the part of a " multi-investment , super-scale , above-standard "," the excesses " phenomenon .

  16. 水稻三超宽行栽培对水稻生育及产量的影响

    Effect of 3-S Wide Space Cultivation on Growth and Yield of Rice The Study on Planting Method of Wide Row and Short Space between Plants of Mat Grass

  17. 着重对当前建筑工程存在的三超现象从管理上分析了原因,针对存在的问题,提出了从管理上控制三超的建议。

    The paper analyses reasons of " three excesses " existed in architectural engineering , then makes a suggestion of controlling " three excesses " in respect of administration .

  18. 能否合理确定投资估算、设计概算将直接影响到投资资金筹措和计划的落实,并能有效地遏止“三超”现象产生。

    Whether to rationally establish investment estimation and designing budget estimation may directly influence investment funds collection and investment plans , and effectively prevent " the three oversteps " .

  19. 本文对建设工程项目造价三超现象做了深入的探讨和研究,并就如何有效控制建筑工程造价提出了个人的见解。

    This paper analysed the cause of the phenomena of overspend in the construction project , and according to the research , advanced some advices on cost control and management .

  20. 主要探讨了:对公路工程造价-般的核查内容、关于三超问题的思考、审计的目的、审计的内容等,并通过事例做了详尽的说明。

    Highway engineering cost general contents of verification and the reflection of " super three " problem , audit objective and the content of audit , and give a detailed description through examples .

  21. 引起水利工程出现三超问题的主要原因是政策性调整、材料设备涨价、设计阶段投资估算不足和工程施工管理不善等。

    The main reasons of causing three exceeding problem in hydraulic engineering are adjustment on polity , rising in prices of materials and equipment , work in design stage , engineering construction management etc.

  22. 因此,在工程建设过程中由于对工程造价控制的不合理,出现了许多三超现象和烂尾楼现象,使得国有资源白白浪费。

    Therefore , in the process of engineering construction of engineering cost control unreasonable , appeared a lot of " SanChao phenomenon " and " lousy poop " phenomenon , makes the state-owned resources wasted .

  23. 诸如设计阶段难以控制工程造价、招标工程人为压级压价、材料价格静态管理、乱摊派、乱收费、三超现象普遍存在等。

    For example , building cost is out of control during the designing phase , and price and grade are often deliberately demanded lower in the building bid , static management sometimes dominates price of materials .

  24. 但与此同时,也存在很多问题,如三超现象、估算指标老旧、大量工程造价数据没有得到系统地整理和利用等。

    But at the same time , there are still many issues , such as " three outstrip "、 the index of estimation being too old and vast amount of engineering cost data being not systematically digested and used .

  25. 比如在项目投资控制中三超问题的普遍存在;又比如,工程竣工投入使用后的运营维护成本远超初始投资。

    For example , the question in the control of investment of project of " three super " universal existence ; and the operation and maintenance cost of the completion project which have put into using is far more than the initial investment .

  26. 但从近些年来的相关调查发现,在我国建设项目成本管理中存在普遍而且非常严重的三超(概算超估算,预算超概算,决算超预算)问题。

    But , according to some investigations on cost management of construction projects , there are at large and even very severity cost overrun risks , which are general estimates over rough estimates , budgetary estimates over general estimates and final accounts over budget .

  27. 长期以来,建设项目前期工作滞后,前期方案深度不够,建设项目三超现象严重等一直是困扰投资管理者的问题。

    For a long term , the construction project work of early stage hysteresis , the scheme depth of early stage is not enough , project " 3 exceed " phenomenon serious etc. , it is the problem that has puzzled investment management for years .

  28. ~(154)Er核三轴超形变核态存在的微观机制

    Formation Mechanism of Superdeformed Triaxial Nuclei ~ ( 154 ) Er

  29. ~(157)Tm原子核三轴超形变的研究

    Theoretical Research on Superdeformed Triaxial Nuclei

  30. 第三代超敏TSH与TRH兴奋试验的相关性探讨

    The association between the third generation sTSH and the TRH stimulating test