
sān miàn huán shān
  • Surrounded by mountains on three sides;be embraced on three sides by green hills;be ringed on three sides by mountains
三面环山[sān miàn huán shān]
  1. 三面环山。

    It 's surrounded on three sides by mountains .

  2. 配有游泳池与室外热水浴池的海滨别墅ScrubbyBay三面环山、一面朝海,是远离尘嚣的休闲之地,最适合多达14人的团队在此聚会。

    Surrounded by hills and facing the sea , Scrubby Bay is a relaxed and secluded beach house , ideal for gatherings of up to 14 , complete with swimming pool and outdoor hot tub .

  3. 在一个三面环山的山谷里,很隐秘

    Secluded , in a valley , hills on three sides .

  4. 这村三面环山。

    The village is surrounded on three sides by mountain .

  5. 北京三面环山,完全依靠外部的风驱散污染。

    Surrounded by mountains on three sides , Beijing depends on strong winds to disperse pollution .

  6. 境内地势由西向东倾斜,北、西、南三面环山,中部为盆地。

    Territory lying tilted from west to east , north , west and south is surrounded by mountains , the central basin .

  7. 塔里木河流域三面环山,使得该地区水汽输送十分复杂,其机理也一直是个悬而未决的问题。

    Been surrounded by mountains , the water vapor transportation to this region is complicated and the the transportation mechanism also has been a pending issue .

  8. 它三面环山,一现峡谷月面环形山国家保护区

    " It 's surrounded by the mountains on three sides , and by the canyon on the other side " Craters of the Moon National Monument

  9. 南阳简称宛,因为三面环山,南阳居于正中,形成一个南阳盆地,状如大碗,故而得名。

    Nanyang short Wan , because three mountains , Nanyang living in the center , forming a Nanyang Basin , fish bowl , named for the club .

  10. 基隆港三面环山,一面临海,是台湾三大国际港之一。

    Keelung Harbor , one of the three largest international harbors in Taiwan , is surrounded on three sides by mountains and faces the open sea on the fourth side .

  11. 乌鲁木齐市地处欧亚大陆腹地,三面环山,地形复杂,气候多变,生态环境脆弱,是多种灾害频繁发生的主要地区之一。

    Urumqi city , which is located in hinterland of Eurasia , three sides nestling among the hills , with a varied topography , a changeable climate , ecological environment weak , is one of main areas of several kinds of calamities frequently occurring .