首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 第三个侍从奉上大人喜好的餐巾;

    A third , presented the favoured napkin ;

  2. 我猜想大概是因为在她身上大人应有的部分同仍然是孩子的部分未能协调发展的缘故,这种不均衡有时会使人陷入不安。

    There was an adult part of her and a part that was still a child-and they were out of sync . And this out-of-sync quality made people uneasy .

  3. 盛行于土家族地区的上大人纸牌游戏是一种通过借鉴汉族游戏文化,融合自身文化特征而形成的具有独特民族风格的民间游戏。

    The Shang-Da-Ren cards game is one of the prevailing civilian game in Tujia minority area , which came of Han Nationality folk culture and created the unique ethnic style from their own cultural characteristic forms .

  4. 闪开来往的汽车,我们穿过街道,又走过一大片草地,草地上许多大人正在打垒球。

    We crossed the street , dodging a few cars , and walked across a large grassy field , where a few adults were playing softball .

  5. 他不许他的信徒给君主上贡,大人!

    He has forbidden his followers to pay tribute to the emperor , consul !

  6. 我认为小孩子的意识事实上比我们大人的要强得多。

    I think babies and children are actually more conscious than we are as adults .

  7. 在船上,不仅大人需要娱乐他们的孩子也同样需要。

    It 's not just the adults that need entertaining on board & there 's also their children .

  8. 作为孩子们自发组织的“入门”活动,球场上既没有大人指导,也不设裁判。当然也有一些正规的组织,比如“少棒联盟”和校队,但这不是我要说的。

    These were " pick-up " games , spontaneously organized by kids , without adult supervision , referees , etc. There were also formal programs like Little League baseball and school-organized sports teams , but that 's not what I am talking about here .

  9. 最近我不得不另辟财源,把主意动到了教会头上,总主教大人讨价还价的本领之高,连多恩的鱼贩都比不上。

    Of late I 've had to turn to the Faith . The High Septon haggles worse than a Dornish fishmonger .

  10. 没有认真在动物身上实验的药物大人身上使用,是完全不负责和不合道理的。

    It would be completely irresponsible and unethical to use drugs on people that had not been thoroughly tested on animals .

  11. 你走过一家家整洁的小商店;孩子们独自在沙滩上玩耍,没有大人陪伴;全身毛皮制品的亿万富婆在公园里喂鸟。

    You pass dinky little shops , children playing unaccompanied on the beach , and fur-clad Madame Billionaires feeding birds in parks .