
  1. 本文针对上海联通IP承载网的流量工程实施进行作了重点分析。

    The article focuses the analysis on the traffic engineering of Shanghai Unicom IP Bearer Network .

  2. 在这样的背景下,上海联通需要同步实现上海本地网络流量的IP承载,本课题就上海联通IP承载网的规划方案设计及其流量工程进行了分析与研究。

    In such circumstance , it requires Shanghai Unicom to transfer local network traffic to IP bearer .

  3. 在追求管理创新及与时俱进的竞争环境中,上海联通提出了以先进的信息系统和手段促进管理创新的理念。

    To pursue managerial innovation and enhance its competitiveness , China Unicom shanghai branch initiated a concept , which is to improve its managerial innovation through advanced information system .

  4. 作为上海地区主导电信运营商的上海电信,除了要与上海联通、上海网通和上海移动争夺市场份额之外,还要面对国外运营商的竞争。

    As the leading telecom service provider , Shanghai Telecom has been faced the competition of overseas telecom service provider besides the Shanghai Unicom , Shanghai Netcom and Shanghai Mobile .