
shàng dá
  • reach the higher authorities;reach the higher authorites;know virtue
上达 [shàng dá]
  • (1) [reach the higher authorites]∶向上报告

  • 下情上达

  • (2) [know virtue]∶通晓德义

  • 君子上达

上达[shàng dá]
  1. 屠宰测定表明,皖系白猪二世代的肉质比前两个世代有所改善,并且在PH1和拿破率性状上达显著水平。

    Slaughter tests showed that the meat quality of the second generation of Wanxi white pig was better than that of the previous two generations and PH_1 , Napole yield were significantly improved .

  2. 那债务沉重地压在我们全家人的身上达一代人之久。

    That debt lay heavy on our house for one generation .

  3. 在敌人领地里要求吃上达美乐披萨可不太现实。

    Ordering Dominos while in enemy territory just isn 't ideal .

  4. 他使我的祷告不得上达。

    He causes my prayer not to reach higher authorities .

  5. 数量上达数百万之众的少数派比比皆是。

    A minority of millions is not at all unusual .

  6. 恐怕我们在这一点上达不成共识。

    I 'm afraid we don 't see eye to eye on this .

  7. 润滑油分析技术已经有效地使用在柴油机及汽油机上达数十年之久。

    Oil analysis techniques have been effectively used on diesel and gasoline engines for many years .

  8. 哀3:8我哀号求救、使我的祷告、得上达。

    Even when I cry out and call for help , He shuts out my prayer .

  9. 以色列人因受奴役,就叹息哀号,他们的哀声上达于神。

    And they cried out , and their cry went up to God because of their bondage .

  10. 他们的案件最终上达最高法院,并且,在周一,以5票对4票的裁决赢了(官司)。

    Their case reached the Supreme Court , and in a five-to-four decision on Monday they won .

  11. 你岂能使你的声音上达云霄,使雨水沛然降在你处?

    Canst thou lift up thy voice to the clouds , that an abundance of waters may cover thee ?

  12. 跪地膜拜,盼望心内的祈祷能够上达天听,保佑平安顺利。(龙山寺)

    May the Gods hear my prayers , may the Gods bless all . ( Lungshan Temple , Taipei . )

  13. 未曾死的人都生了痔疮。合城呼号,声音上达于天。

    Those who did not die were afflicted with tumors , and the outcry of the city went up to heaven .

  14. 使在正式辩论和有主持核心磋商过程中程度上达不到的自由交换意见成为可能。

    Enables the free sharing of ideas to an extent which is not possible in formal debate or even a moderated caucus .

  15. 致使穷人的哀号上达于他,使他听到了受苦者的哀求。

    So that they caused the cry of the needy to come to him , and he heard the voice of the poor .

  16. 两方面都同意消费者会被这些信息所迷惑,但是却在如何应对这种迷惑上达不成一致。

    Both sides agree consumers may be confused with the information out there but don 't agree on how to address that confusion .

  17. 2犹大悲哀,城门衰败。众人披上黑衣坐在地上。耶路撒冷的哀声上达。

    Judah mourneth , and the gates thereof languish ; they are black unto the ground ; and the cry of Jerusalem is gone up .

  18. 爱下抵地面,上达最高的星辰,它是谦虚的幽谷,也是狂喜的山巅。

    Love is down to earth and it reaches to the highest star ; it is the valley of humility and the mountaintop of ecstasy .

  19. 社会管理创新与法治在限制权力和保障权利的价值取向上达致惊人契合。

    The innovation of the social management and the rule of law to get fit in amazing value restriction of power and protection of rights .

  20. 哀叫,哀号,失声痛哭哀3:8我哀号求救、使我的祷告、得上达。

    To howl , wail , or lament loudly . Even when I cry out and call for help , He shuts out my prayer .

  21. 人世间既已苦于不胜负荷,冥冥之中,便会有一种神秘的呻吟上达天听。

    When the earth is suffering from too heavy a burden , there are mysterious groanings of the shades , to which the abyss lends an ear .

  22. 这种病残酷地发展下去,最后侵入她的大脑,使她只剩下一个折磨人的影子,躺在床上达十年之久。

    Finally , in its relentless course , the disease invaded her mind , leaving only a teasing shadow to lie in bed for ten long years .

  23. 在这块花园的正中心,我也以为应当有一座美好的小山,由三级梯磴上达,每一级底顶上留出一圈平地来,其阔足以容四人并肩而行;

    I wish also , in the very middle , a fair mount , with three ascents , and alleys , enough for four to walk abreast ;

  24. 吉姆说,他在圣弗朗西斯科湾游泳时,海浪拍击在他的脸上达30分钟左右,这使得他很想放弃。

    Jim said that waves in the San Francisco Bay hitting him in the face 30 minutes into this swim , made him want to give up .

  25. 传统的电工电子实验室建设与管理模式下的实践教学在很大程度上达不到当今社会对人才培养的要求。

    The practice teaching mode of Traditional electrical and electronic experiments construction and management cannot achieve the request of now society to personnel training to a great extent .

  26. 如果算上那些放弃找工作以及只能找到兼职工作的人口,那么美国失业人口比例实际上达16%。

    The rate of unemployed Americans is16 % if you count the people who have given up looking for work and those who can only find part-time jobs .

  27. 为了防止欧元区债务危机蔓延,欧洲领导人在布鲁塞尔召开的紧急会议上达成为希腊提供新救助的协议。

    European leaders have reached agreement at an emergency meeting in Brussels on a new bailout for Greece in an effort to prevent the eurozone debt crisis from spreading .

  28. 在学术文化思想方面,学衡派突出学术研究的价值在指导社会“上达”,学术研究为新文化建设之先导;

    Anent the thought on academic culture , the School of XueHeng gave prominence to the importance of values of academic research in guiding social development and new culture construction .

  29. 我的祈祷上达于海洋陆地之主,祂将平静风浪,领你进入久盼的避风港!

    My prayer goes up to the great Lord of sea and land , that he will make the storm a calm , and bring you to your desired haven !

  30. 更好地掌握学术话语权,并在理论自觉基础上达致学术话语权的制高点,这是中国社会学从世界学术格局边陲走向中心的一条必由之路。

    To move from the periphery to the center , Chinese sociology must gain a better control of discourse power and reach the commanding heights of discourse power on a basis of theoretical consciousness .