
  • 网络The next me
  1. 我也不要求你们成为下一个我

    I don 't even want you to be the next me

  2. 下一个我想向你们展示的部分是发动机。

    The next thing I want to show you is the engine .

  3. 我希望下一个我读的成功人士的故事将是你的。

    I hope the next person 's success story I read will be yours .

  4. 下一个我想见见黛安娜。

    I would like to see Diane next .

  5. 我想,我可以告诉各位下一个我刚想到的小故事。

    I think I shall tell you a little story which just came to my mind .

  6. 谁是下一个我能让这位小姐插个队吗

    Who 's first in this queue ? I am . D'you mind if this young lass signs on first ?

  7. 下一个约会我已经晚了。

    I 'm already late for my next appointment

  8. next:下一个的我是说,接下来该是什么,Serena?wild:放荡的“女孩变狂野吗”?

    I mean , what 's next , Serena ? " Girls gone wild " ? -

  9. 下一个舞我不想跳,你不介意吧?

    Would you mind if I sit out the next dance ?

  10. 下一个轮到我,然后是你。

    Weii , I 'm next * And then you .

  11. 我只能弄清下一个宰割我的是谁

    I just have to figure out who 's moving me next .

  12. 理发师说下一个给我理。

    The barber said he 'd do me next .

  13. 下一个感恩节我要帮助谁呢?

    Who shall I help come out next thanksgiving ?

  14. 下一个谁我到我了

    Okay , who 's next ? Me , it 's my turn !

  15. 帮我倒酒,下一个是我

    Top me off , I 'm next .

  16. 下一个问题我很感兴趣。

    This next story is interesting to me .

  17. 好吧,你们的理论中谁是下一个,我还是伊恩?

    Ok , so who 's next in this theory you have , me or lan ?

  18. 下一个是我父亲。

    My dad was next .

  19. 我想起了一个例子,下一个幻灯片我就来解释。

    And I think of one example in here in the next slide that I 'll explain it .

  20. 不论什么时候,只要我看到有人走神了,我就会宣布:下一个向我提问的人可以获得一本免费赠书。

    Whenever someone 's attention seemed to wander , I announced a free book for the next person who asked me a question .

  21. 我需要致某人于死地然后在下一个满月我就会变成一只嚎叫的狼

    I basically have to cause death , and then , boom , next full moon , I 'm howling on all fours .

  22. 有时我会想为了让父母少遭罪,自己是不是该做出让步,嫁给下一个和我差不多般配的男人?我很幸运,因为我的家人极力支持我的做法。

    At times I wonder whether I should just give in and marry the next guy who is more or less suitable , in order to spare my parents . I am lucky that my family is extremely supportive .

  23. 下一个学期,我报了ASL课程。

    The following term , I registered for an ASL class .

  24. 下一个月,我将向您展示如何使用Groovy来构建使用Groovlets的Web应用程序。

    Next month , I 'm going to show you how to use Groovy to build Web applications with Groovlets .

  25. 下一个例子是我所创建的一个较为复杂的bookmarklet,用于提供从任何其他页面到IBMdeveloperWorks搜索引擎的访问。

    The next example is a more sophisticated bookmarklet I created to provide easy access to the IBM developerWorks search engine from any other page .

  26. 下一个月,我将带您了解CouchDB,一个面向文档的数据库,这是一个完全不同于MySQL的数据库。

    Next month , I 'll give you a look at CouchDB , a document-oriented database that 's is distinctly different from , say , MySQL .

  27. 雷:关于你下一个假期,我有一个好提议。

    Ray : I have a great idea for your next vacation .

  28. 算上下一个礼物,我将对她不依不饶的要更多的礼物。

    Besides the next gift , I will importunate her for more .

  29. 如果这个成功了,我们下一个应该发射我做的餐桌装饰。

    Maybe if this works , we should launch my centerpiece next .

  30. 但下一个要由我决定。

    But I get to name the next one .