
xià ɡǎnɡ zhí ɡōnɡ
  • laid-off workers and employees
  1. 方法对468名下岗职工以及512名在岗职工进行症状自评量表(SCL-90)、社会支持评定量表、应付方式评定量表测定,比较其心理健康水平、应付方式和社会支持强度。

    468 laid-off workers and 512 employed workers were selected and determined with SCL-90 , SSQ and WCRS to compare their differences in mental health , coping style and social support .

  2. 寻找有效途径安置下岗职工

    Seeking for Effective Ways for Resettlement of Laid - off Workers

  3. 西安下岗职工再就业对策研究

    Tactical research on the reemployment countermeasure of laid-off workers in Xi'an

  4. 下岗职工矛盾化解探析

    Analysis on How to Solve the Contradiction of the Laid-off Workers

  5. 浅谈下岗职工基本生活保障和再就业

    A Discussion on the Living Ensurance of Laid-off Workers and Reemployment

  6. 构建下岗职工再就业社会保障体系

    Constract the Social Security System of the Laid-off Workers ′ Reemployment

  7. 调整国有企业下岗职工劳动关系的理论政策探讨

    On adjustment of labor relationship of laid-off workers of state-owned enterprises

  8. 社会资本与下岗职工再就业的个案研究

    Case Study on Social Capital and Laid-off Workers ' Reemployment

  9. 解决下岗职工的基本生活需要与再就业问题探讨

    Solving Basic Living Needs and Re-employed Problem of Unemployed Workers

  10. 下岗职工再就业问题的难点与对策研究

    The Disadvantage and Countermeasures of Urban Laid - off Workers ' Reemployment

  11. 转型期下岗职工经济支持理性化模式初探

    Exploring the Rationalized Model of Economic Support for Lay-off in Transitional Period

  12. 我国下岗职工问题及对策

    The Issues of Urban Laid off Workers and Some Countermeasures for It

  13. 下岗职工经济状况对心理健康水平的影响

    The effect on the psychological health of unemployed worker 's economic condition

  14. 1998年末实有下岗职工人数。

    Number of the laid-off staff and workers at the end of1998 .

  15. 影响下岗职工心理健康水平的个体因素分析

    Analysis of factors infected the psychological health of unemployed worker

  16. 关于做好国有企业下岗职工再就业工作的思考

    Reflections on the Re-employment of Laid-off Workers from State-owned Enterprises

  17. 下岗职工应激水平与社会支持的相关研究

    Study of correlation between stress level and society support among laid-off workers

  18. 试论公共图书馆如何为下岗职工再就业服务

    How the Public Library Serves for the Jobless Regaining job

  19. 下岗职工的再就业与再社会化

    On the Reemployment and Resocialization of Laid - off Workers

  20. 下岗职工家庭利用社区卫生服务的影响因素分析

    Analysis on Influencing Factors for Utilizing Community Health Services for Laid-off Families

  21. 浅谈下岗职工的再就业培训

    On Re - employment Training for Laid - off Workers

  22. 东北国有企业下岗职工再就业问题的制度分析

    Analysis of Laid-off Workers Reemployment Issues in State-owned-Enterprises of Northeast of China

  23. 在中国失业的人员被称为下岗职工。

    In China the people who are unemployed are called laid-off workers .

  24. 下岗职工的人格、应对方式与心理健康的关系

    Relationship among personality coping style and mental health of the laid-off workers

  25. 下岗职工思想政治工作研究

    Research on the Laid-off Workers ' Ideological and Political Work

  26. 重庆市下岗职工下岗态度的调查研究

    Research on the Attitude of the Laid - off Workers

  27. 下岗职工的地位获得研究

    A Research into the Status Obtainment of the Laid-Off Workers

  28. 下岗职工再就业心理行为及辅导模式研究

    The Behaviors Study in Reemployment of Laid-off Job Seekers and Psychological Counseling Model

  29. 黑龙江省下岗职工生活状况调查分析

    A Survey on the Living Conditions of the Laid-off Workers in Heilongjiang Province

  30. 引导下岗职工转变观念,帮助其提高自身素质。

    Changing ideas of lay off workers and helping them improve their competence .