
Soil Erosion Assessment on Xia'anxi Small Watershed of Three Gorges Reservoir Area
The Design & Application of the Fittingout Wharf under the Condition of silty sand
The boy did not go down .
Experimental Study on the Effect of Slope Bed on Bed Load Transport Rate under Wave Action
Numerical Modeling for Tidal Current and Sediment at Daliao River 's Estuary in Marine Outfitting Quay Project The Design & Application of the Fittingout Wharf under the Condition of silty sand
According to the entire distribution law of bank collapse along middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River , combined with the concrete geological and hydrogeological condition of Sima curved riverbank , the mechanism and affecting factors of bank collapse are researched .
It made the boy sad to see the old man come in each day with his skiff empty and he always went down to help him carry either the coiled lines or the gaff and harpoon and the sail that was furled around the mast .
The crushing and screening equipment is the major devices for the production of aggregates in the system of aggregate production . The selection of the crushing and screening equipment for the Xia'anxi system was determined at the competitive bidding , construction design and capacity expanding stages .
Simplified procedure for evaluation of residual pore pressure response in layered seabed under wave loading ;
Analytic solutions for phreatic line in reservoir slope with inclined impervious bed under rainfall and reservoir water level fluctuation
Quay cranes can realize full loading under the dual-cycling model . For the problem , this paper established a mathematic model whose target is minimum time .
The south coast of the Qiongzhou Strait , especially its middle part , alternating between promontories and bays , is subjected to erosion and deposit underthe actions of coastal dynamics such as waves and tidal currents .
Ah , where is the sunny green shore , where is your nest ?
Under the new rules , onshore independent skilled migration applications are " unlikely to be finalised by the end of2011 " & at least two years from now .
Under the conditions of cyclical changes in water level of reservoir , the engineering mechanical properties of the reservoir banks of soft rock foundation would change greatly , which would affect the pile bearing performance .
Evolution of tidal channel and its neighbouring mud flat under the action of tidal current
This article focuses on the possibility of bank collapse of the Kari ravine the third deposit body , in long-term reservoir operation with the reservoir level changing periodically .
Then they clambered up a passageway in the rock after Hagrid 's lamp , coming out at last onto smooth , damp grass right in the shadow of the castle .
According to natural environment condition features , the inshore east of Zhejiang Province can be divided into four regions as follows : ⅰ delta front region of the modern Yangtze River subaqueous delta ,ⅱ estuary and harbor region ,ⅲ islands region , and ⅳ underwater slope region .