
  1. 建筑抗震不利地段高层钢筋混凝土房屋抗震措施

    Aseismic Measures of Tall Building of Reinforced Concrete on Disadvantage Area to Earthquake-resistant

  2. 而随着城市人口的增加,建设用地紧张问题愈见突出,建于抗震不利地段的房屋建筑日渐增多。

    With the development of city population the site for construction is being scarcity and more and more buildings are constructed on the seismic unfavorable site .

  3. 本文通过对兰州市抗震防灾规划中抗震不利地段场地的特点及南北两山坡地的基本情况和地质结构情况进行大量的现场调查。认为黄土边坡问题是兰州市抗震不利地段场地研究的重点领域。

    With careful investigation to the characteristic of the seismic unfavorable site and the basic geological situation of northern and southern mountain , we can conclude that loess slope problems are the critical research area of the seismic unfavorable site of Lanzhou .