
  • 网络real estate market
  1. 最后,从影响因素的角度提出利率市场化,严密监控资本和不动产市场的资本流动和提高汇率弹性等有针对性的政策建议。

    At last , from the perspective of influential elements , this dissertation propose that interest rate should be market oriented and we should monitor capital and real estate markets closely and increase exchange rate flexibility .

  2. 不动产市场将持续活跃,代表著经济改变最大的地方。

    The real estate market will continue to be active and will represent the greatest place of change in the economy .

  3. 换言之,整个二十世纪二十年代期间,美国经历了一次具有通货膨胀倾向的信贷扩张,这在兴旺的股票市场和兴盛的不动产市场上表现得最为明显。

    In other words , during the1920s , the United States experienced an inflationary credit boom .

  4. 在全球经济紧密相连的形势下,美国不动产市场的问题会导致冰岛银行和亚洲厂家的破产。

    The idea is that in a global economy so tightly linked that problems in the U.

  5. 我每日经手数百万的合约,并监督公司跨足工业不动产市场。

    I handled multi-million dollar contracts on a daily basis and oversaw the company 's expansion into the industrial real estate market .

  6. 随着我国不动产市场的日益成熟和房地产行业的相关改革的进行,房屋租赁市场日趋活跃。

    With real estate market increasingly mature and real estate industry related reforming in China , housing rental market has become increasingly active .

  7. 该结论可为不动产市场参与者提供决策的依据,同时为不动产评估理论、方法和实务创新提供了一定的参考。

    The conclusions can give all participants the decision-making , at the same time ; can give theory innovative and some references to practical .

  8. 亚洲的投资者在次贷危机中没什么损失,手里拥有大量现金,在去年开始进入日本不动产市场购买房产。

    Flush with cash and unscathed by the credit crisis , Asian investors have stepped up their purchases of Japanese real estate over the past year .

  9. 不久,父亲发现货款利率一直在降低,而且不动产市场正值谷底,于是他改变了主意。

    Soon , father found out that loan interest rates had been dropping and the real estate market was at an all time low . He changed his mind .

  10. 从金融角度来看,资本流入会引发贷款风潮,导致证券市场和不动产市场的过度繁荣。

    Looked from the financial angle that , the capital class joins a society the initiation loan unrest , causes the stock market and the real estate market excessively prosperity .

  11. 随着资本市场直接融资比重不断上升,不动产市场的不断发展完善,证券、不动产占社会总资产的比重越来越高,资产价格对消费和投资的影响理应越来越大。

    With the increase of direct financing ratio and the progress of real estate market , the impact of asset price on consumption and investment should be more and more obvious .

  12. 为了适应我国不动产市场的迅速发展,应从分析不动产登记的法理基础出发,结合不动产登记的现状,从多方面完善我国不动产登记制度。

    In order to adapt to the rapid development of the market of immovable property , the registration system of immovable property should be improved in many ways , beginning from its legal basis and taking into consideration of its present situation .

  13. 自从实行国有土地使用权有偿转让以来,我国的不动产交易市场日益发达。

    Since implementing the paid transfer of the use of state-run land right , the real estate trade market of our country is developing day by day .

  14. 在美国、英国等国家规模庞大的不动产类证券市场在我国基本处于停滞阶段,所以直接投资不动产类资产仍是目前我国保险资金进行不动产配置的现实选择。

    The real estate securities market in our country is basically at a standstill phase which is large-scale in the United States , Britain and other countries . The direct investment is still the main choice for insurance funds at the real estate field at present in our country .

  15. 物业税主要是针对土地、房屋等不动产,要求其承租者或所有者每年都缴付一定税款,同时税款将随着不动产市场价值的变化而变化。

    The property tax is specific to real estate including land and housing , which the owners or tenants should pay tax annually and the tax allowances will increase according to the market value of the properties .

  16. 完善的登记制度对于维护不动产权利人合法权益、保障不动产交易安全和交易便捷以及国家对不动产市场的宏观调控均具有重要意义。

    A perfect registration system is of great significance in respect of safeguarding the legal right of the real property possessor , ensuring the trade of real property to be safe and quick and the government 's macro regulation and control about the real property market .

  17. 但是目前我国的不动产登记制度并不是真正民法物权意义上的登记制度,带有浓厚的行政管理色彩,已不适应日益发展的不动产市场和保护不动产财产权益的需要。

    However , our system of real estate registration , which is mostly on the basis of administration , is not a real registration system on the real right of civil law It could not meet the demand of the quick developing market of real estate .

  18. 除此之外,引进不动产证券化制度有利于形成投资结构的多元化,实现资本的大众化,分散不动产投资风险,建立更加规范化的不动产投资市场。

    Besides , this system can be helpful to form investment construction diversification , accomplish capital popularization and disperse risks of real estate investment and build up a more standard market .