
  • 网络mismanagement
  1. 瑞士检察机关正在对布拉特进行调查,他涉嫌不当管理以及挪用资金。

    Swiss prosecutors are now investigating Blatter on suspicion of criminal mismanagement and misappropriation of funds over the payment .

  2. 在通用旗下经历多年的不当管理和投资不足之后,萨博仍在努力解决此前遗留下来的一系列问题,而微小的世爵汽车已被验证无法带给萨博新生。

    His tiny Spyker business has proved incapable on its own of breathing new life into Saab which is still trying to throw off years of mismanagement and underinvestment by GM.

  3. 在欧洲人当中,没有什么事情比围绕他们的货币如何被管理(或不当管理)更容易引起摩擦了。

    Nothing was more likely than frictions among Europeans over how their money was being managed or mismanaged .

  4. 多线程的不当管理会导致系统的崩溃,所以对线程挂起和唤醒的控制对系统的稳定性就变得十分重要,通过反馈值来实现多线程的合理调度,从而实现系统的稳定。

    Improper management of multi-thread would cause system crashing , so stable control for thread 's suspending and resume is very important .

  5. 学生的隐性心理伤害是指在学校教育中由于教师不当管理行为给学生造成的精神性伤害。

    Owing to the improper ways of educational management caused by teachers , there exists the hidden mental harm to the students on the campus .

  6. 正是因为缺乏一种退出策略,这些银行现在变得要依赖欧洲央行提供的流动性生存,同时,它们丧失了改革那些最初使自己陷入此种境地的不良做法和不当管理的动机。

    Precisely because of the absence of an exit strategy , these banks have now become reliant on ECB liquidity to survive , while stripping them of the incentive to reform the bad practices and mismanagement which got them into this situation in the first place .

  7. 汇率风险是商业银行一种重要的市场风险,它内生于世界货币体系中的浮动汇率制度,对汇率风险的不当管理会使商业银行遭受意想不到的巨大损失。

    The exchange rate risk is an important kind of market risk of the commercial bank , and it endogenously derives from the floating exchange rate system of the world currency system . Improper management of exchange rate can bring unexpected heavy loss to a commercial bank .

  8. 但许多企业在应用ERP的过程中都存在着诸如实施盲目、选型不当、管理工作跟不上等问题。

    However , most enterprises encounter some problems such as blind implementation , unsuitable selection of ERP type and less matching management while applying ERP .

  9. 盈余管理对企业的发展产生的影响有利有弊,本文对其进行了分析,并提出了治理不当盈余管理的措施。

    This article analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of earnings management and makes some suggestions to restrict its disadvantages .

  10. 研究结果为服务企业设计有效的社会规范标识提供理论支持。(4)顾客不当行为管理策略研究。

    These findings provide theoretical support to design effective social norms signs for the service companies . ( 4 ) Management strategy of customer misbehavior .

  11. 在发展中国家中,这些涉及到难以获取有效药物、不称职人员造成的不当分配管理以及由于成本原因造成的治疗不充分。

    In developing countries they are linked to inadequate access to effective drugs , unregulated dispensing by unqualified staff and truncated therapy for reasons of cost .

  12. 但如对负债融资规模把握不当、管理不善,就会引发财务风险和教育风险,从而使学校声誉下降、人才流失,甚至产生生存危机。

    However , inadequate size and inadequate management of loan will lead to financial risks and education risks , resulting in damage of the school credit and loss of talents , and even survival crisis .

  13. 虽然建立保护区或保护地成为保护生物多样性的重要途径,但是如果建立不当或管理不善,不但不能达到保护的目的,反而还加速物种的退化和灭绝。

    Establishment of nature reserve or protect area is one of effective approaches to conserve biodiversity , but unsuitable establishment or poor management not only fails to achieve preconcerted goal , but also accelerates degeneration or extinction of protected species .

  14. 然而,如今城市色彩除面临用色不当、管理不严造成的视觉污染外,越来越多的城市寻找自己的城市色彩时却出现趋同化、一片灰的尴尬局面。

    However , city is facing the improper use of color , poor management and the visual pollution . A growing number of cities are in search of their home city , but totally the similar colors and a grey embarrassment .

  15. 为此,山东医学高等专科学校有意对实验室管理工作进行大规模的整改,建立一整套合理有序的工作流程,防止在工作期间再次出现信息管理不当、管理模式较为落后等现象。

    To this end , Shandong Medical College , is interested in large-scale rectification , laboratory management and the establishment of a set of reasonable and orderly workflow , to prevent the recurrence of improper management of information during working , the management model is lagging behind the phenomenon .

  16. 在我国,建筑工程项目不仅生产效率相对低下,而且由于工期拖延、资源浪费、各参与方冲突解决不当、管理不善等原因,导致不少建筑企业缺乏核心竞争力。

    In China , the construction project is not only relatively low production efficiency , but because of time limit for a project delaying , waste of resources , every participant choosing a misconduct in the conflict , mismanagement and so on , many construction enterprises lack the core competitiveness .

  17. 从服务企业、政府和教育部门三方面视角提出顾客不当行为的管理与教育策略建议。

    Provide the management and education strategy recommendations from the perspective of service business , government and education departments .

  18. 由于长期过度垦殖和不当的经营管理,导致近年来我国东北黑土区农田质量退化问题日益严重。

    In recent years long-term excessive reclamation and inappropriate management , resulting in that the farmland quality degradation in black soil area of Northeast China became a growing problem .

  19. 另外,企业常常疏于对顾客不当行为的管理,多数企业处于无反应状态是顾客不当行为发生和传播的关键原因之一。

    Survey shows that companies often neglect the management of customer misbehavior . One of the key reasons of customers misbehavior occurred and spreading is that most enterprises in disregard of state and no remedies .

  20. 但是,在运用金融衍生品的同时也伴随着巨大的风险,国际上由于金融衍生品使用不当或风险管理漏洞而引发的商业银行巨额亏损和倒闭的事件频频发生。

    But , the using of financial derivatives also accompanied with great risks . There are many cases of large losses and bankruptcy of banks caused by the failure of financial derivatives management in the international .

  21. 良好和保守的设计是保障核电站安全运行的前提,设计不当或运行管理不善都会给核电的安全运行带来隐患进而产生严重的事故后果。

    Good and conservative design can protect the safty of nuclear power plants . But poor design or chaotic managment will bring the potential consequences of the accident , which will lead to serious disastrous consequences .

  22. 水资源管理政策不当、流域管理机构缺乏权威、地方保护主义、不合理的水价,导致水资源分配、管理的市场失效和政府失效。

    Grade water resource management turns into disperse management , the lack of management authority in valley management mechanisms , narrow regional economy protectionism and the irrational water price have led to inefficiencies in market and states .

  23. 不当的人力资源管理会阻碍企业的发展。

    Development of enterprises can be hindered by improper managing mechanism of human resources .

  24. 防治不当和橄榄园管理粗放,同时提出有效防治的建议。

    The efficient control practice was suggested .

  25. 而旱地的这一比例则更高,原因是政策不当和畜牧业管理不足,导致荒漠化蔓延。

    This figure is even higher in the drylands where inappropriate policies and inadequate livestock management contribute to advancing desertification .

  26. 未成年人犯罪的原因,主要是由于家庭的不管教或管教不当,学校的管理体制不妥和社会环境的污染。

    The causes of the crime committing are mainly because of the improper education of the families or the improper management system of the schools or the polluted environment of the society .

  27. 这一方式通过法律与当事人制约法官的自由裁量权,以及对目前不当的司法官僚管理制度进行法治化改造,这种改造必须以发挥司法权的作用为目的,以正当程序为改造原则。

    Improper judicial bureaucracy of the current management system of rule of law reform , such reform must play the role of judicial power for the purpose , principles of due process for the transformation .