
  • 网络Not Your Fault;It is not your fault
  1. 别难过,不是你的错。

    Don 't get upset . it 's not your fault .

  2. 她说那不是你的错,泰德。

    She 's saying it 's not your fault , ted .

  3. “那不是你的错,约翰。”——“那么,是谁的错呢?”

    ' It wasn 't your fault , John . ' — ' Whose , then ? '

  4. 罗布所传达的最重要的信息是:"当恶霸对你不友善时,那不是你的错。"

    Rob 's most important message is : " When bullies are unkind to you , it isn 't your fault . "

  5. 例句我知道你很喜欢之前的那份工作,但你会得到另一份的,这并不是你的错。

    I know you loved that job , but you 'll get another one , and it wasn 't your fault .

  6. B:没事,不是你的错。

    B : That 's Okay . It wasn 't your fault .

  7. 不是你的错,T.S.不是你的错那不是不是任何人的错那是一场意外就像你爸说的发生了的就发生了

    Wasn 't your fault , T.S. It wasn 't your fault . It wasn 't. It wasn 't anyone 's fault . It was an accident . As your father said , what happened ... just happened ...

  8. 你不必道歉,那不是你的错。

    You needn 't apologize , it wasn 't your fault .

  9. 你可以告诉她那不是你的错。

    You could have told her it wasn 't your fault .

  10. 明明不是你的错我却埋怨�

    I blamed you for things that weren 't your fault .

  11. 那不是你的错,是我不对。

    it 's not your fault . it 's my fault .

  12. 即使不是你的错,你也可能会被开除。

    It can happen even when it 's not your fault .

  13. 我们知道了那不是你的错。

    A : We found that it was not your fault .

  14. 这个家无论发生什么都不是你的错

    Whatever 's happening with this family is not your fault .

  15. 琪琪:简妮,这不是你的错。

    Gigi : Janine , this isn 't your fault .

  16. 不是你的错。他太强壮了。

    It 's not your fault . he 's just too big .

  17. 这不是你的错!你是清白的!

    It , s not your fault ! You , re innocent !

  18. 这不是你的错,你很太自由。

    It 's your fauit , you 're too iiberai .

  19. “你暴牙,这不是你的错”

    " It 's not your fault you 're so gap-toothed . "

  20. 看,好吧,不是你的错,好吗?

    Look , okay , it 's not your fauit , okay ?

  21. 我知道这些不是你的错

    I know all of this is not your fault .

  22. 我过去的生活不是你的错。

    Stuff at happened in my past that 's not your fault .

  23. 那个女人的死不是你的错。

    What happened to that woman is not your fault .

  24. 不不是你的错是她

    Oh , no , you didn 't. She did .

  25. 又不是你的错当然是

    It 's not your fault . - Yeah , it is .

  26. 没关系,又不是你的错。

    It 's okay . It 's not your fault .

  27. 艾瑞亚这不是你的错

    Look , Aria , this is not your fault .

  28. 那是我不好,不是你的错。

    Well , that was my fault , not yours .

  29. 你知道那句古话不是你的错,是我的错吗?

    You know that old saying its not you , its me ?

  30. 这不是你的错,这是社会意识。

    It 's not your fault , it 's society .