
  • 网络uncertain data
  1. 本文采用一种概率XML数据模型&pdocument,该模型是表示不确定数据的一种方式。

    In this paper , writer use a probabilistic model of XML data-p-document . P-document is a form of show uncertain data .

  2. P2P环境中不确定数据Top-k查询处理算法

    P2P Top-k Query Processing Algorithms over Uncertain Data

  3. 同时,为了处理非均衡的不确定数据,结合模糊C均值聚类算法提出了一种基于非均衡不确定数据的支持向量机。

    Simultaneously , to deal with non-equilibrium uncertainty data classification problem , an improved algorithm of unbalanced uncertainty data SVM is constructed with the Fuzzy C-Means Clustering algorithm .

  4. 实验结果表明D-S决策树分类算法能有效的对不确定数据进行分类。

    This D-S decision tree is a new classification method adapted to the uncertain data .

  5. 不确定数据集上的Skyline查询处理算法研究

    Research on Skyline Query Algorithms Over Uncertain Dataset

  6. 随着物联网及RFID技术的发展,RFID不确定数据的清洗技术得到了国内外研究学者的广泛关注。

    With the development of the Internet of Things and RFID technology , domestic and foreign scholars take wide attention to the RFID uncertain data cleaning technology .

  7. Substitution算法及其扩展在很大程度上加强了针对离散型不确定数据对象的Skyline查询的适用性、精确性和有效性。

    The Substitution algorithm and its expansion largely enhanced the applicability , accuracy and validity for Skyline query in discrete uncertain data objects .

  8. 实验结果表明,D-S证据理论决策树分类算法能有效地对不确定数据进行分类,有较好的分类准确度,并能有效避免组合爆炸。

    This D-S decision tree is a new classification method applied to uncertain data and shows good performance and can efficiently avoid combinatorial explosion .

  9. Skyline查询处理技术常用于多目标决策,不确定数据流上Skyline查询具有重要的应用价值。

    Skyline query processing techniques are applied to make multi-objective decisions . Skyline queries on uncertain data streams have great value in many applications .

  10. 不确定数据流的数据不确定、实时响应、单遍处理等特点对Skyline查询带来巨大挑战。

    The characteristics of uncertain data stream such as uncertainty of data , real-time response and single-pass , make a huge challenge for skyline query processing technology .

  11. 随着对不确定数据对象研究的深入,针对不确定数据对象的Skyline查询得到了数据挖掘和数据分析研究领域的广泛关注。

    With the research on uncertain data objects deeply , the Skyline query for uncertain data objects received widespread attention in the field of data mining and data analysis .

  12. 人们已经在确定及不确定数据上对co-location模式挖掘问题进行了大量研究并获得了很多成果,但在模糊数据上进行的研究几乎没有。

    The mining co-location pattern problem for certain and uncertain data had been investigated in the past , but not for fuzzy data .

  13. 对具有不确定数据的指数可靠性增长问题,应用Bayes方法给出了精确限、近似限及试验阶段的划分方法。并以实例加以说明。

    In this paper , Bayes method is utilized to give accurate limits , approximate lim-its and classified method of test stages for index reliability growth problem with indefinite data , and an example is given to illustrate the method .

  14. 目前不确定数据集合上的空间co-location模式挖掘已经取得一些优秀的成果,然而这些成果并不能应用到所有的情况。

    At present the uncertain spatial co-location pattern mining already have been made some outstanding progresses , however these achievements are not suited with all the situations .

  15. 针对不确定数据流上的多用户Skyline查询问题,提出了基于垂直分割的连续概率密度函数建模的不确定数据流分布式子空间Skyline查询方法SSVUCpdf。

    A subspace skyline query method on vertical divide uncertain data stream modeling by continuous probability density function ( SSVUCpdf ) is proposed to solve the problem of multi-user skyline query .

  16. 应用Bayes方法,研究了阶段试验信息中具有不确定数据的的二项可靠性增长问题,提出了可靠性最低置信限及试验阶段的划分方法,并给出实例。

    The binomial reliability growth with uncertainty data in some development phases has been studied in this paper . The lower confidence limit of reliability in the last phase has been derived using Bayes method . The method of test phases ' partition is proposed .

  17. 不确定数据流上的top-k查询处理越来越重要,如何在多个top-k查询之间共享结果是节省计算开销以及提供实时响应的关键。

    Top-k query processing over uncertain data streams has become increasingly important . Sharing the results of these queries is a key factor to save the computation cost and provide real time response .

  18. 提出了一种新的基于概率维度的不确定数据挖掘框架,并构造了它的实例,探讨了结合WMP马氏距离应用的相关研究方向。

    We offer a new framework for uncertain data based on probability dimensions . We also construct an instance of it and analyze the aspect with combining the WMP Mahalanobis distance . 5 .

  19. 提出了NFA-Tree模式匹配方法在单项概率事件流上进行复杂事件检测,使用匹配树结合自动机实现不确定数据的的模式匹配。

    The method uses combination of directed acyclic graph and automata to achieve complex event pattern matching on the uncertain data . ( 3 ) NFA-Tree pattern matching method is proposed here for multiple alternatives event stream with the use of automatic machines and matching tree on uncertain data .

  20. 但这个新公式本身也是基于不确定数据得出的。

    But the new orthodoxy is itself based on uncertain numbers .

  21. 研究了一种新的不确定数据挖掘框架。

    A new framework for uncertain data mining is proposed .

  22. 基于代数神经网络的不确定数据知识获取方法

    Based on algebra neurons networks of knowledge acquirement method

  23. 不确定数据聚集查询的分布式处理算法

    Distributed Algorithms for Aggregation Queries over Uncertain Data

  24. 具有不确定数据的成败型元件和系统可靠性置信下限的精确解

    Exact Lower Confidence Limits of Reliability For the Pass-Fail Component and Systems with Indefinite Data

  25. 基于不确定数据指数型产品贮存可靠性的置信下限

    Lower Confidence Limits of Storage Reliability for Exponential Type Products Based on Uncertainty Life Data

  26. 针对不确定数据流环境的聚类分析有着十分重要的应用前景,已经成为当前的研究热点。

    The clustering analysis for uncertain data streams environment has a very important applications and perspective .

  27. 不确定数据的出现对传统的数据挖掘技术提出了新的挑战。

    The emergence of uncertain data puts forward new challenges for the traditional data mining technologies .

  28. 不确定数据对象分为两种:连续型不确定数据和离散型不确定数据。

    Uncertain data objects are divided into two types : continuous uncertain data and discrete uncertain data .

  29. 本文主要是基于粗糙集和其他不确定数据理论知识来进行语义本体构建的改进,并在此基础上,考虑了云环境下语义本体的构建框架和基于此框架的语义检索流程。

    This paper mainly improves semantic ontology construction based on the rough set theory and other uncertain data .

  30. 不确定数据在一些重要应用领域中是固有存在的,如传感器网络和移动物体追踪。

    Uncertain data is inherent in some important application fields , such as sensor networks and mobile object tracking .