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  1. 《誓不臣倭&台湾人民抗日史》在京出版

    " Never Yield to Japs : A History of Taiwanese People 's Resistance Against Japan " Published in Beijing

  2. 宁在地狱为王,不在天堂为臣。

    [ 谚 ] Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven .

  3. 基大利向他们和属他们的人起誓说,你们不必惧怕迦勒底臣仆,只管住在这地服事巴比伦王,就可以得福。

    Then Gedaliah gave his oath to them and their men , saying , have no fear because of the servants of the chaldaeans ; go on living in the land under the rule of the king of babylon , and all will be well .