
  • 网络Specialization strategy;strategic specialization
  1. 信心源于专注&记北京可再贴办公用品制造有限公司专业化战略

    Confidence from Professional & Specialization strategy of Tip Office Supplies

  2. 专业化战略是一般性选择,多元化战略是特殊性选择;

    Specialization strategy is a general choice , while diversification strategy is a special choice ;

  3. 随着中国加入WTO,跨国公司的垂直专业化战略模式将深入到中国的每一个角落,渗透在人们的生产生活中,对此,中国企业必须有自己的应对方案。

    With China entering WTO , vertical specializing , a strategic pattern of multi-national corporations , will pervade all over China . So , Chinese corporations must have countermeasures .

  4. 本文第三部分阐述了联想集团的战略定位与调整,包括专业化战略;

    In chapter 3 , the author illustrates in detail the Lenovo 's strategy orientation and adjustment , which includes four aspects , namely , specialization strategy ;

  5. 银行根据自身的核心能力定位聚焦于特定价值链环节,通过模块化实现专业化战略,并由此形成大量的核心银行和专业化银行,最终结果是模块化的生产网络结构。

    Banks focus on specific aspect of value chain by its own core competencies location and implement professional strategy through modular to promote the formation of many core banks and specialized banks .

  6. 接着运用生命周期战略理论和竞争地位战略理论,规划出天策公司在管理咨询行业初步发展时期、公司创业阶段的营销发展战略即追随者战略和专业化战略;

    Then the paper plans the marketing strategy of the company during the initial period of consulting sector and the company based on the theory of life cycle strategy and competition position strategy , that is follower and specialization strategy .

  7. 在有外部威胁的情况下,设想了与企业外部机遇和内部优势相匹配的专业化发展战略,以便于对XX中小型电力自动化企业的发展起到推动作用。

    Under the external threats , the paper matches the professional development strategies to the external opportunities and internal advantages , for promoting the development of XX medium-small scaled electrical automation enterprise .

  8. 通过研究和分析制定HX集团专业化发展战略,对专业化和多元化这一学术界和企业界热点问题进行了讨论和归纳总结,这对指导企业经营实践活动具有重大的理论和现实意义。

    Through research and analysis to develop strategies for professional development HX groups , for specialization and diversification of the academic and business hot issues were discussed and summarized , which is to guide business practice is of great theoretical and practical significance .

  9. 中小企业专业化经营战略之探讨

    A strategic approach to the management of the middle and small businesses

  10. 专业化企业战略执行体系:三层面理论与案例研究

    Research on Specialized Enterprises ' Strategic Execution Systems ( SES ): Three-level Theory and Case

  11. 最后,文章就中投证券公司大型专业化竞争战略的具体实施提出了几点措施和建议,以增强其现实意义。

    Finally , the article on the specific implementation of the china investment securities Large-scale specialized competitive strategy proposed several measures and recommendations to enhance its practical significance .

  12. 作为中国房地产行业领跑者的万科集团成功的实现从多元化向房地产专业化的战略转变,并在地产业建立了一定的竞争优辨。

    As the pacemaker of real estate of China , the WuHan VANKE Real Estate Ltd Company had a successful strategic transform from diversification strategies to specialization strategies and found the competitive advantages among real estate industry .

  13. 围绕企业发展战略,对影响企业发展相关联的各个要素、环节提出科学的、专业化的战略措施,是全面实现企业战略目标的保障。

    Focused on enterprise development strategies , the impact associated with the development of the various elements of dealing with scientific , and professional strategic measures , is the full realization of the strategic goal of enterprise security .

  14. 促进企业专业化发展等战略目标的实现;

    Enhancing the realization of the strategic objectives such as the enterprise 's construction expertise ;

  15. 重组后的昆钢面对复杂的市场竞争和企业本身的发展需要,在专业化与多元化战略之间进行艰难的选择。

    After reorganized , it faced to complex competition in the market and the development of the company , had to choose between specialization strategic and diversification strategic .

  16. 本文首先对国内外企业专业化多元化经营战略的实践以及理论的探讨进行了梳理,并由此确定了本文研究的相关概念和分析前提。

    Firstly the paper arranged the practice and theory of management strategy in specification and diversification in domestic enterprises and abroad enterprises , and then ascertained some concept .

  17. 我国传统中小外贸企业实施专业化经营的战略对策次贷危机下中国中小外贸企业面临的问题及对策

    On strategies for business specialization in China s small and medium-size conventional foreign trade enterprises ; THE PROBLEM AND COUNTERMEASURE OF THE SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED FOREIGN TRADE ENTERPRISES UNDER SUBPRIME CRISIS

  18. 接着提出了南仔奶粉的营销战略选择。主要涉及市场竞争战略、SWOT分析以及STP战略,提出了双龙争霸、差异化经营、专业化发展等营销战略;

    The marketing strategic selection of " Nanzi " dairy industry which is involved in market competition strategy , SWOT analyze and STP strategy and others , such as differentiated operation , specialization development has been put forward .

  19. 本文主要在专业化和多元化经营战略理论、市场缝隙战略理论的基础之上,采取理论与实践相结合、定量与定性结合的分析方法和SWOT分析框架对KT公司的经营战略进行深入分析和研究。

    Under the theory guide of specialized and multiplied management strategy as well as market niche strategy , the paper , adopting such the analysis methods as the combination of theory with practice , quantity with quality , analyzes and researches the case in the analysis framework of SWOT .

  20. 企业的专业化或多元化经营战略模式选择是由其内生的经营逻辑理念主导的。

    The choice of the strategic mode of specialized or diversified management of an enterprise is mainly decided by its internal logical concept .

  21. 本文主要探讨中小型经济开发区两种战略模式:专业化和综合化战略。

    The articles aims to make research on two strategic modes of small and medium sized economic zones : specialization and complex of industry .

  22. 本文总结了专业化城市发展的研究进展,并指出专业化城市发展战略研究要以专业化城市发展和主导产业发展的关系、产业集群理论和战略管理理论为基础。

    The development of relevant research of specialized urban development strategy is summarized and the theory foundation , including the theory between specialized urban development and its development of dominant industry , theory of industry clustering and theory of strategy management are brought , forward .