
  1. 武广客运专线运输组织模式研究

    Research on Transport Operation Mode of Wuhan-Guangzhou Passenger Special Line

  2. 网络末端型客运专线运输组织模式研究

    Research on the Mode of Operation Organization on Dedicated Passenger End Line

  3. 面向专线运输的物流企业综合评价指标体系研究

    Research on Comprehensive Evaluation Index System of Logistics Enterprise of Special-line Transportation

  4. 高速客运专线运输组织模式及应用研究

    Research on Irain Operation Mode of Special High Speed Railway and Its Application

  5. 旅客运输需求是我国铁路客运专线运输组织与经营管理的基础。

    Passenger transport demand is the basis for transport organization and operation of PDL .

  6. 客运专线运输组织的若干问题

    Issues on Transportation Organization of PDL

  7. 系统分析我国客运专线运输需求特点,提出天窗开设的短时性要求;

    Analyzing the characteristics of transport demand for passenger special line systematically in our country and putting forward the short-time demand of sky-light .

  8. 再次,构建了专线运输物流企业综合评价模型。

    Then the paper constructed the comprehensive evaluation index system . Thirdly , the paper builds a comprehensive evaluation model about logistics enterprise of special-line transportation .

  9. 摘要旅客出行选择行为的研究,对了解旅客的实际出行需求状况,科学地制定客运专线运输组织模式具有重要的参考价值。

    Studying the travel choice behavior can be helpful to understand the actual travel demand status of passengers , which has important reference value to constitute the transportation organization pattern .

  10. 随着区域经济的发展,客流的高速增长,公交化运营是我国城际客运专线运输发展的主要方向。

    With the development of the regional economy and the rapid growth of passenger traffic , the mass transit type periodic system is the main direction of the development of the intercity passenger dedicated line .

  11. 《专用铁路生产调度指挥管理信息系统》是针对企业铁路专线运输作业的现代化建设而开发的多系统一体化储运生产作业平台。

    " Special-purpose Railroad Production scheduling Direction Management information system " aims at the multi - systems integration storage and transport work which the enterprise railroad private line transportation work the modernization develops to produce the platform .

  12. 专线运输物流模式是当前道路运输业融入现代物流领域的一个亮点,在发展现代物流中发挥着重要作用。

    Today , the logistics mode of special-line transportation is one of the highlights of the road transport industry integrating into the modern logistics field , also it plays an important role in the development of modern logistics .

  13. 针对铁路客运专线运输安全监控系统的特点,研究在网络带宽资源受限条件下的多路视频实时传输最佳策略问题,提出一种基于源端网络流量实时采集的视频流码率控制和网络拥塞避免机制。

    The optimal transmission strategy of multi-channel surveillance video information for passenger dedicated railway line in a network with limited bandwidth is studied according to the characteristics of the security monitoring and control system for transportation on passenger dedicated railway line .

  14. 专用铁道可视化调车系统是针对企业铁路专线运输作业的现代化建设而开发的储运生产作业平台,其面向对象是拥有铁路专线的大中型企业。

    Special Railway Visible Shunting System aimed at the storage and transport production work platform which the modernization of the enterprise railway special line transportation work developed , its object-oriented had the railway special line the large and middle scale enterprises .

  15. 预测结果为客运专线合理制定运输组织方案、设计车站规模提供了科学依据。

    The forecast result provides scientific basis for establishing a reasonable transport organization plan and designing the size of stations on this railway .

  16. 客运专线建成后铁路运输通道合理分工模型

    Model of Railway Transportation Channel Share Based on Finished Dedicated Passenger Line

  17. 客运专线条件下铁路运输通道运力资源优化配置模型研究

    Research on Model of Railway Transport Capacity Resources Optimizing Allocation under the Condition of Passenger Dedicated Line

  18. 随着我国客运专线建设的全面展开,客运专线的运输组织、客流组织等与线路运营密切相关的管理问题已提上日程,必须提前着手研究才能满足未来应用的需要。

    With the construction of the high speed passenger railway lines in our country , their transportation organization , passenger organization and some other management topic about the operation of the railway lines have been on the agenda , and must be studied ahead of schedule to meet the development .