
  • 网络Miss World
  1. 埃丝特兰特同意主持“世界小姐选美大赛”节目。

    Esther rantzen agreed to compere the Miss World contest .

  2. 世界小姐选美大赛评判小组

    The jury of the Miss World competition

  3. 三亚则通过主办2003年之后五年间的四届世界小姐选美大赛,进一步提升了自身在国际上的知名度。

    Sanya itself raised its international profile by hosting the Miss World beauty pageant four times over five years starting in2003 .

  4. 世界小姐选美大赛在今天看来也许不合潮流,但它曾是最吸引人的电视节目之一。

    The Miss World beauty contest may be an anachronism , but it used to be one of television 's biggest draws .

  5. 菲丽帕·洛索普导演的《品行不端》回顾了1970年世界小姐选美大赛在伦敦的皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅举行时发生的事情。

    Misbehaviour , directed by Philippa Lowthorpe , recounts what happened when the event was staged at the Royal Albert Hall in London in 1970 .

  6. 文章一方面提到选美比赛日益盛行(中国的于文霞在上周末世界小姐选美大赛中夺冠),一方面认为这次奶牛选美搞得太过火。

    While noting that the popularity of beauty contests has been rising ( China 's Yu Wenxia won the Miss World pageant over the weekend ) , the editorial argues that in this case things seem to have gone a bit too far . '