
  1. 世界有你想的那么简单吗?

    Does the world look that easy to you ?

  2. 我的世界有你的支持会变得与众不同。

    It will change my world if I know that you 're behind us .

  3. 世界有了你,生命何其美妙!

    How wonderful life is while you 're in the world !

  4. 世界上有像你这么好的人真是太棒了。

    Nice to have people like you in this world . '

  5. 晨光世界,因为有你更精彩!

    Chenguan world & more effulgent due to you !

  6. 克里酝丝柒蒂艾伦:这个世界芯上有你觉得不可爱的男生吗?

    Christie Allen : Is there a guy in the world that you don 't have a crush on ?

  7. 这世界因为有了你,所以变得更加美好;让这一季的阳光和欢笑都因你而轻轻降临,祝你生活愉快!

    This world had you , so become more fine ; Let this quarterly of the sunlight and mirths all condescend to come lightly because of you , wishing your life delectation !

  8. 这个世界上有好多人像你一样。

    I know there 're many people like you in this world .

  9. 如果我确定了这个世界有比我爱你的人。

    If I have identified in this world than I love you people .

  10. 另外,世界上总是会有你从来没尝试过的调料甚至是素食食物。

    Plus there are all kinds of spices and probably even foods you 've never tried before .

  11. 世界上有两种你从不与之争吵的人:街上的警察和法庭上的法官。

    There are two kinds of people you never argue with : a cop on the street and a judge in a courtroom .

  12. 抑或是因为他自己知道改变世界有多难——就算你碰巧是美国总统也是如此。

    Or it may be because he alone knows how hard it is to change it - even if you happen to be the President of the United States .

  13. 抑或是因为他自己知道改变世界有多难&就算你碰巧是美国总统也是如此。

    Or it may be because he alone knows how hard it is to change it – even if you happen to be the President of the United States .

  14. 世界有好多人,你可以通过许多途径去识别他,他的职业、身份、社会地位等,唯独不是通过他的个性去识别。

    There is many a person in the world who can be identified as anything either his job , his status or his social role that shows no trace about his individuality .

  15. 而我的世界你也不曾用心的来进入,虽然这个世界有你的路;

    And my world you diligently also had never of to enter , although there is your road in this world ;