
  • 网络core;Hearts of the World
  1. 事实是,这里才是技术世界的核心地带。

    The fact is that this is the core of the technology world .

  2. 他们是在通信和信息世界的核心。

    They are at the core of the world of communication and information .

  3. 现在,Facebook已经成为新互联网世界的核心,很多人一天的在线生活也是从这里开始。

    Facebook is squarely at the center of this new universe , and much of what people do online these days starts there .

  4. 直指莫切世界的核心。

    Cuts to the heart of the Moche world .

  5. 我出访的首站是穆斯林世界的核心——沙特阿拉伯。

    My first stop will be Saudi Arabia - the heart of the Muslim World .

  6. 人的存在及其活动是文化世界的核心。

    The existence and activities of human beings are the core of the culture world .

  7. 我们都已经形成了关于我们自己、我们的生活以及世界的核心信念。

    We 've all developed core beliefs about ourselves , our lives and the world in general .

  8. 目前,环保与发展问题成为当代世界的核心问题。

    At present , the environmental and development issues become the core of the contemporary world issues .

  9. 数百年来,埃及一直是阿拉伯世界的核心;阿拉伯世界的趋势引领者和思想中心。

    For centuries Egypt has been the heart of the Arab world ; its trend setter and ideas centre .

  10. 法官是司法的主体,是法律世界的核心人物。

    The judge is the main body of the judicial system and the core characters in the legal world .

  11. 电子商务作为一种新的经济运行模式,将成为21世纪信息世界的核心。

    Electron commercial affairs , a new pattern of economical operation , will be the core of information world in the21th century .

  12. 信仰问题是人的精神世界的核心问题,也是制约人生观成熟发展的一个关键因素。

    Belief problem is the core in the peoples ′ spirit world , which is also a key factor to influence the development of the outlook on life .

  13. 灵魂观是他们观念世界的核心,是理解和阐释自然界、人类社会的出发点,并不断在各种祭礼的反复展演和日常生活的经常表现中传承着。

    Their soul concept is the core of their ideology and the starting point of understanding and interpreting nature and the human society , which has been inherited through various rituals and daily activities .

  14. 电子商务不仅解决了时间和空间上的限制节省了资源,而且还可以提升企业的形象,可以说电子商务将成为二十一世纪人类信息世界的核心。

    E-commerce not only solves the constraints of time and space to save resources , but also enhances the corporate image . It can be said that e-commerce will become the core of information world in the twenty-first century .

  15. 虚拟社区是传统社区在网络空间的缩影和延伸,是以互联网为基础的虚拟世界的核心元素之一,虚拟社区的群体性、社会性等因素能影响社区成员的行为意向。

    Virtual community is the epitome and extension of traditional community in cyberspace , is one of the core elements of the virtual world which is based on the internet . Its social and other factors can affect the community members ' behavioral .

  16. TPP能够在世界经济的核心地区,建立起一个由美国和日本领导的国际商业框架。

    The T.P.P. will provide an American - and Japanese-led framework for business in the world 's center of economic power .

  17. 在过去的几百年里,曾经处在外围的欧洲、以及之后的美国成为了世界经济的核心。

    In the past few centuries , what was once the European and then American periphery became the core of the world economy .

  18. 戏谑地为国王加冕及脱冕是狂欢式的世界感受的核心所在,把这种脱冕与加冕的仪式移植到文学中来,形成了文学上的一种脱冕型结构。

    This ritual act of crowning / decrowning of a carnival king lies in the very core of the carnival sense of the world .

  19. 因此,如何提高政府管理部门在世界上的核心竞争力就成了摆在我国政府管理部门面前的首要课题。

    Therefore , how to raise the core competencies of the government management section in the world is the government initial topic of the management department . in our country .

  20. 鉴于亚太地区正日益成长为世界经济的核心,美国在亚太失去主导地位无疑将产生全球性的影响。

    Given that this is the region that is increasingly emerging as the core of the global economy , a loss of American predominance here would certainly have global implications .

  21. “海宝”不但反映了上海这座城市的精神,而且告诉我们世界博览会的核心理念是人,世界博览会的目标是成为代表任何生活的使者。

    " Haibao " not only reflects the very spirit of Shanghai , but also expresses the core concept of the World Exposition , that is the World Exposition stands for envoy of people and life as well .

  22. 人才由师而育,师由教师教育而出,教师教育自然成为当今中国乃至世界改革的核心,我国的教师教育在改革开放中也得到了迅速的发展和提升。

    People get education from teachers , who are civilized by the teacher 's education , so it naturally becomes the core of reform in China , as well as the whole world , which leads to its rapid development and advance in China .

  23. 美国和日本寿险公司的破产使寿险业偿付能力管理问题显得日益严峻,世界保险监管的核心也转向偿付能力监管。

    And the emphases of insurance regulation turned to solvency management .

  24. 制造业是促进世界经济增长的核心产业。

    The manufacturing industry is the core industry to promote world economic growth .

  25. 设计是意大利石材能在世界是大放异彩的核心。

    Design idea is the reason that why Italian stone famous on the world .

  26. 这对金融中心来讲也很重要,因为这些金融交易中心仍然是世界金融网络的核心。

    This matters to financial centres , because exchanges are still at the heart of the world 's financial network .

  27. 人才是最重要的战略资源,当今世界的竞争最核心的是人才竞争。

    Human resources are the most important strategic resources and lie at the heart of competition in today 's world .

  28. 和谐世界理论研究的核心问题,是解答‘和谐世界’何以可能这个基本问题。

    The core issue of the theorization is to answer the fundamental question of " why ' a harmonious world ' is possible " .

  29. 因为一项《传播学报》的研究表明女玩家实际上是网络虚拟世界中的统治核心。

    Because a study in the Journal of Communication shows that when it comes to dominating the virtual world , women are actually more hardcore than men .

  30. 延展的时间、目的论、进步史观构成了中世纪世界历史观念的核心内容。

    The Extending time , teleology and progressive historical view have constituted the kernel content of the ideas of " world history " of the Middle Age .