
  • 网络World Series
  1. 地震发生时,该电视网正在烛台棒球场直播世界系列赛。

    The network was broadcasting the World Series from Candlestick Park when the quake struck .

  2. 世界系列赛上,亚特兰大勇士队和多伦多蓝鸟队双方各赢一场,战成平局。

    The World Series between the Atlanta Braves and Toronto Blue Jays is tied at one game apiece .

  3. 1988年,蔡丰安凭借出色的球技,到宾夕法尼亚的威廉波特小联盟世界系列赛(LittleLeagueWorldSeries)打比赛,他的球队击败来自夏威夷珍珠市的球队赢得了冠军。

    In 1988 , Tsai was good enough to travel to the Little League World Series in Williamsport , Pa. , where his team won the title by beating the team from Pearl City , Hawaii .

  4. 华纳兄弟打算出品J.K罗琳巫师世界系列共5部,这部格林德沃之罪是第二部。

    The Crimes Of Grindelwald is the second entry in what Warner Bros. intends to be a five-film franchise as the studio wrings more riches from author J.K. Rowling 's wizarding world .

  5. 在墨西哥科苏梅尔的铁人三项世界系列赛决赛中,处于领先位置的英国选手乔尼•布朗利(JonnyBrownlee)在比赛进行到只剩不到半英里时放慢了速度,踉踉跄跄地拐向一处补水站。

    At the final race of the World Triathlon Series in Cozumel , Mexico , Jonny Brownlee of Britain was leading with less than half a mile to go when he slowed and staggered over to a water station .

  6. 红袜队就是这么赢世界系列赛的。

    And that 's how the Red Sox won the world series .

  7. 我们自然讨论了世界系列赛,并分享了感受。

    Of course we discussed about the World Series and otherwise shared the feeling .

  8. 这是魔兽世界系列里的第一款实时的战略游戏

    That was the first real-time strategy game from the World of Warcraft series .

  9. 纽约洋基队只需要一次客场胜利就可以赢得世界系列赛。

    The New York Yankees are just a win away from winning the World Series .

  10. 波士顿红袜队的两名成员为慈善剃掉了他们的“世界系列胡须”。

    And two members of the Boston Red Sox have shaved their World Series beards for charity .

  11. 它是“超级碗”、世界系列赛和奥运会的三合一。

    It is the Super Bowl and the World Series and the Olympic all rolled up into one .

  12. 在1987年世界系列赛上,明尼苏达双子队在首场比赛开赛前就锁定了胜局。

    The Minnesota Twins'victory in the1987 World series was locked up before the first Series game ever began .

  13. 世界系列的美国职业棒球锦标赛,也已渐趋名符其实。

    The World Series , the U.S. professional baseball championship , has begun to live up to its name .

  14. 这是魔兽世界系列里的第一款实时的战略游戏,而这就是16年前的事情。

    That was the first real-time strategy game from the World of Warcraft series . That was 16 years ago .

  15. 之后我们赢得两次世界系列赛,现在几乎所有的30家俱乐部都相信数据统计有着隐藏的力量。

    Then we won two World Series and now virtually all30 clubs believe in the power of baseball 's hidden statistics .

  16. 贝比鲁斯称他在这里拍摄的,在1932年世界系列赛,16年后,小熊棒球麦加这个动议。

    Babe Ruth called his shot here during the1932 World Series , 16 years after the Cubs moved into this baseball Mecca .

  17. 在这七场美国国家联盟冠军系列赛中获胜的球队将晋级本月末举行的世界系列赛。

    The winner of this best of 7 national league championship this series will advance to the world series later this month .

  18. 他说他成为布朗队的球迷,是因为他父母在1948带他去看了世界系列赛。那年他六岁。

    He said that he became a Browns fan because his parents took him to the World Series in1948 when he was six years old .

  19. 本次与“冷扑大师”较量的人类团队由杜悦领队,他是业余扑克玩家,去年在5000美金买入的无限德州扑克世界系列赛中夺冠。

    The human team up against Lengpudashi was led by Yue Du , an amateur poker player who won the World Series of Poker $ 5000 buy-in , no-limit , Texas Hold'em category last year .

  20. “对于一个中立的球迷,这一点必须有一个最佳决赛的七人橄榄球世界系列活动,真正下来所有的努力在最后一分钟的比赛,”他补充说。

    " For a neutral fan , this must have been one of the best finals of an IRB Sevens World Series event , which really all came down to the try in the last minute of the game ," he added .

  21. 幸运的是,大多数赛事安排在令人放松的环境中,比如西班牙的毕尔巴鄂——红牛悬崖跳水世界系列赛将在那里举行,选手们将从拉撒尔夫桥上下落80英尺,跳入内尔维翁河,古根海姆博物馆充当这一赛事的背景。

    Luckily , most are set in relaxing environments like Bilbao , Spain , where the Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series will have divers dropping from the La Salve Bridge to fall 80 feet against the backdrop of the Guggenheim Museum and into the Nervi ó n River .

  22. IFLA知识自由政策之世界报告系列研究

    A Study on the IFLA / FAIFE World Report Series

  23. 从健美操世界杯系列赛分析中国健美操现状

    Analysis of Chinese Aerobics Current Condition from the World Cup of Aerobics Series Competitions in 2003

  24. 世界遗产系列之南美篇触摸南美的文明脉搏

    Pulse of South American Civilization

  25. 我国击剑优秀运动员世界杯系列积分赛准备期训练安排研究

    Study on Training Arrangement in Preparing Periods for Fencing World Cup Accumulating Points of Elite Chinese Athletes

  26. 特里普拉切特,著名的“碟形世界”系列小说作者,近日被诊断出阿尔茨海默氏病早期症状。

    Terry Pratchett , best known for his Discworld series , has been diagnosed with a very rare form of early onset Alzheimer 's.

  27. 在这部大热的世界魔幻系列电影终章首映式上,这名英俊的演员在伦敦莱斯特广场一出场就震撼了全场。

    The handsome star rocked up at London 's Leicester Square for the world premiere of the final film in the popular fantasy franchise .

  28. 谢克女士是一位参加世界扑克系列赛的职业选手。她表示她对这个指控表示质疑,并将和丹尼尔先生斗争到底。同时她认为说她隐瞒了她收藏的鞋子的指控是荒唐可笑的。

    Mrs Shak , who plays World Series poker , said she was contesting the lawsuit and would fight him all the way and that it was ludicrous to claim that she had hidden the collection .

  29. 19世纪末20世纪初,整个世界一系列变数的冲击破坏了维也纳维和机制的前提,进而破坏了欧洲一个世纪的和平。

    However , at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century , a series of variable lashes in the whole world led to the destruction of the prerequisite for the System , and thus , to the total destruction of the peace in Europe .

  30. 近来,Gon?alves坐下,着手于将3000多幅窗户的摄影做成拼贴画,他的“世界之窗”系列自此诞生了。

    Gon ? alves recently sat down to assemble over 3000 photographs of windows into collages , giving birth to his series Windows of the World .