
  • 网络thefair;PERSONAL JOURNAL
世相 [shì xiàng]
  • [the ways of the world] 世态

  1. 大历浙东和湖州文人集团的形成和诗歌创作泛论鲁迅白描浙东世相的艺术手法

    The Rise of East Zhejiang and Huzhou Literary Groups at Age Dali and Their Poetical Creation

  2. 中国世相漫画

    Chinese cartoons of worldly appearance

  3. 你正偷偷瞥看,瞥到人生世相的真实一面。

    You 're getting a hidden peek , a peek into the world of what 's really going on .

  4. 然而其无节制地温情表达,多少也遮蔽了人生世相丑恶与残酷的一面。

    However , her excessive expression of tender feelings also covers the ugly and cruel side of human life .

  5. 水彩作品《守望》、《世相》、《春韵》入编艺术观潮&中国水彩名家作品集。

    Watercolors " watch "," THE WORLD "," Spring Dance " into the series Art tide-famous works of Chinese watercolor set .

  6. 苍凉记忆见世相寂寞心眼画人情&简论张爱玲小说的心理叙事

    Bleak Memories Appear the World 's Looks , Lonely Mind 's Eyes Describe the Human Feelings & simply dissertate psychologic narration of Zhang ai-ling 's fictions

  7. 在经济上,劳动分工、私有财产、科学技术引领的社会化大生产成为了现代经济发展的世相。

    To economy , socialized mass production led by the development of division of labor , private property , science and technology has become the present situation of modern economy .

  8. 不过有些东西诗人喜欢在诗中谈到只是因为它们可以作为表达世相人情的手段,现实里却未必热中这些东西。

    But there are things one likes to talk about in poetry because they are ways of expressing aspects of the world , yet that one does not obsessively pursue in reality .

  9. 世相(微信公众号)推送的一篇文章中的一句话让我感触颇深:平凡的人在平凡的世界里辛苦奋斗,只是为了追求继续平凡地活下去的权力。

    A sentence in an article recommended by the Fair ( WeChat Subscription ) touched me : by hard work , ordinary people only fight for the right to continue their ordinary life in the ordinary world .

  10. 本文考察并分析了各种相关叙述文本,对其史实进行了详细的考证,并将其放在晚清的历史语境下加以诠释,同时以其为路径探讨晚清的相关世相。

    Putting it into a historical context and viewing it as a approach to the Qing society , the dissertation have explored and analyzed all kinds of text , and has a detailed investigation with the historical facts .

  11. 通过这些意象的建构以及对意象背后的丰富内涵的把握,我们可以看到张爱玲与苏青散文她们共同关注的两重主题:对女性主体意识的书写和对现实生存世相的关注。

    Through these construction of image idea and handle the rich insides their prose . We can see they focus on two topics both : the writing of female consciousness and the world around the real life concerns .

  12. 它以直面人生的创作态度和严格写实的风格表现时下的生活和人民的心态,以世俗化的手法描绘世相,以大众化的审美形式与人民大众接轨。

    It shows the life and psychology of the present people with the attitude of facing the life directly and strict true-life writing style , describes the world with worldly methods , and meets the people with common taste fashions .

  13. 他的长篇小被《国画》以圆熟的艺术技巧,勾画了权力中心的世相百态,勾勒了边缘人物的精神漫画,表现了作家深深的忧患意识。

    His novel " Traditional Chinese Painting " has draws the outline of various aspects of authority , giving a brief account of spiritual cartoon for frontier figures and expressed the author 's misery consciousness deeply by his skillful artistry .

  14. 在散文创作上,他忠实实践自己的文学观对普遍人性进行咏叹与婉讽,主要包涵真挚的情感,人生的感悟,丰雅的情趣以及世相的婉讽。

    On essay writing , he practice his literature and art opinion which is to chant or satire the normal human nature which mainly include the sincere feelings , the understand of life , the elegance spice and the satire to normal people .

  15. 最后,杂文风格也有所变化,从前期纵向的、时间维度的历史沉思走向后期横向的、空间维度的对现实的动态关注,从宏观的理性思辨走向微观的具体的世相解剖。

    Finally , the essay style also had some change , from longitudinal , historical reflection of time dimension in the earlier period transferred towards the later crosswise dynamic attention to the reality of spatial dimension , moved towards the microscopic concrete analysis from the macroscopic rational thinking .

  16. 新疆巴里坤早石炭世菊石相的珊瑚

    Early Carboniferous corals in the AMMONOID facies from barkol , Xinjiang

  17. 中国南方中晚石炭世沉积相及沉积模式

    Middle-late Carboniferous Sedimentary Facies and model in the south of China

  18. 云南东部早寒武世沉积相古地理

    On the palaeogeography of the Early Cambrian sedimentary facies in East Yunnan

  19. 斋桑盆地自晚白垩世以来即为淡水湖泊环境,其始新世至中新世湖相及湖边缘相沉积物产有丰富的轮藻化石。

    The Zaysan Basin in eastern Kazakstan has been the site of a freshwater lake since Late Cretaceous time .

  20. 甘肃公婆泉铜矿田中&晚志留世浅海相火山喷发旋回及火山作用演化

    The Middle and Late Silurian Marine Volcano Eruption Cycle and Volcano Action Evolution of Gongpoquan Copper Ore Field , Gangsu Province

  21. 晚二叠世-中三叠世盆地相沉积为火山岩屑浊积岩、硅质岩、泥岩和陆缘碎屑浊积岩及泥灰岩、钙质砂岩和砾屑灰岩。

    The Late Permian-Middle Triassic strata are composed mainly of clastic turbidites , cherts , mudstones , marls , calcarenites and breccias .

  22. 经过无数人参与创作、传播、修改、润色等,在岁月的长河中得以千锤百炼,并世世相因、代代相传。

    After countless people participate in creation , dissemination , modification , embellishment and their contribution , which is through time and space .

  23. 盆地的主要烃源岩为渐新世&中中新世湖相泥岩以及下海岸平原沉积。

    The main hydrocarbon source rocks for the basins consist of lacustrine mud and lower coastal plain sediments from Oligocene to Middle Miocene .

  24. 文章主要探用二重证据法,佳量将出土文献与傅世文献相结合,努力还原当时语言的真实面貌,突出其鲜明的时代特色。

    Great efforts are made to restore the authentic face of language in Song Dynasty and project the distinct era feature by employing the method of dual evidence and combining the unearthed documents with hand-down-literature .

  25. 英安岩单颗粒锆石U-Pb年龄为(474.5±4.7)Ma,与中&晚奥陶世地层年代相吻合。

    U-Pb single-grain zircon age of the dacite is ( 474.5 ± 4.7 ) Ma , which agrees with stratigraphic chronology .

  26. 西沙晚中新世以来礁相地层中有孔虫动物群的分布及其意义

    Foraminiferal fauna distribution in REEF-FACIES beds since late Miocene in Xisha Islands and its significance

  27. 本文记述了江苏阜宁西园剖面全新世风暴控制相的沉积构造类型及沉积构造组合。

    The Holocene storm-controlled facies of Xiyuan section , Jiangsu Province , is described and discussed mainly in the aspects of sedimentary structures and their associations .

  28. 自问世以来,相较于其它经书史籍,受重视程度较低,对其所进行的专门研究也比较迟。

    Since its inception , compared to other Confucian classics history , attention degree is low , its are devoted to the study of relatively late .

  29. 自汉以来,直至明清,终封建之世,亲亲相隐制度伴随着封建社会,历经荣辱兴衰,走过沧桑的两千年。

    From the Han until the Ming and Qing Dynasty , through the whole history of feudal society , the system of mutual concealment of kinship had accompanied with whole feudal society through the ages of 2,000 years with honors and disgraces .

  30. 塔里木盆地晚泥盆世及石炭纪岩相古地理

    Lithofacies palaeogeography of the late Devonian and Carboniferous in Tarim Basin