
  1. 在新世纪网络规划和建设中,无论是窄带IS-95、2.5代CDMA20001X还是真正的3代,CDMA网络都是值得关注的中心。

    The layout and construction of CDMA network , either narrow bands called IS-95 system or 2.5 generation and the real 3 generation , deserves more attentions in the new century .

  2. 安全专家警告说,Shellshock漏洞暴露了互联网在超过20年的时间里为网络犯罪分子留下的大量可乘之机,这凸显出最基本的网络基础设施已经不适应21世纪网络的需要。

    The Shellshock bug that has left vast swaths of the internet vulnerable to cyber criminals for more than 20 years highlights how the basic foundations of the network are not fit for the 21st century web , security experts have warned .

  3. 新世纪网络技术展望

    A forward view of network techniques in the new century

  4. 论新世纪网络道德教育

    On the Network Ethical Education in the New Millennium

  5. 中国工业建筑在世纪网络中定位

    Orientation of China Industrial Architecture at Century Network

  6. 十年论剑:新世纪网络文学现状与问题

    Network Literature in Ten Years : The Current Situation and Problems in New Century

  7. 20世纪网络通信业的发展&IT技术世纪回眸之四

    Advances of Computer Network Technology in 20 Century

  8. 本世纪网络已经成为人类生活中不可或缺的组成部分。

    The network has become the most important part of the human life in the century .

  9. 21世纪网络环境下省级图书馆信息资源建设

    The Information Resource Construction at Provincial Libraries under the Network Environment in the 21 st Century

  10. 会计信息化:21世纪网络会计的发展策略

    Counting Information : the Development Policy of Network Counting in 21 ~ ( th ) Century

  11. 高速网络技术的出现是新世纪网络迅速发展的需要。

    The rapid development of network in new century leads to the appearance of the high speed network technology .

  12. 21世纪网络技术的发展,给高校图书馆的信息服务带来了全新的变化。

    The development of network technique in 21-century brings new change of information service of colleges and universities library .

  13. 网络营销作为21世纪网络经济的核心,目前在我国企业的运用中仍存在一定的问题。

    Being the core of the 21st century 's network economy , the marketing still has some problems in China 's enterprise .

  14. 本文的研究课题源自教育部新世纪网络课程建设工程的教学改革与研究项目。

    The research in this thesis is supported by the new century network curricula construction reform fund of the Ministry of Education .

  15. 文章探讨了21世纪网络环境下参考咨询服务的新观念、新需求。

    This article discusses the new idea and requirement for the service of reference and consultation in the network environment of21th century .

  16. 随着上个世纪网络技术的蓬勃发展,各网络公司开始利用网络开展金融业务,它们通过提供网上购物、网络游戏卡等网上消费方式来实现其赢利目的;

    From last century , the net technology has got great developed , each internet company begins their business on the fictitious net .

  17. 随着21世纪网络化、信息化时代的来临,嵌入式设备的网络互联已经成为必然的发展趋势。

    With the coming of network and information era , to enable embedded system be connected with network has already become inevitable trend .

  18. 人才竞争已成为21世纪网络时代一个显著特征,尤其是IT企业的人才竞争表现的十分突出。

    Talent competition has become one of the most obvious characteristics in 21st century , especially the talent competition in IT enterprises is the outmost .

  19. 在新世纪网络化环境中,做好图书分类工作直接决定和影响着图书馆整体工作的水平。

    Under network environment in the new century , the overall level of library work is directly determined and influenced by doing well books classification .

  20. 而教育部新世纪网络课程建设工程的《人工智能》网络课程项目(1441000)为本文提供了很好的应用背景。

    On the other hand , AI net course project of national new century net course construction engineering ( 1441000 ) has provided good application background .

  21. 21世纪网络科技时代,随着校园网络建设的逐步完善,网络教学成为可能。

    The21st century era of science and technology network , with the construction of the campus network to improve gradually , the network may be teaching .

  22. 教育部组织实施的新世纪网络课程建设工程已初见成效,它为学生的网络学习提供了必要的课程资料。

    The Ministry of Education has organized the " Network Curriculum for the New Century ", which offers necessary materials for students to study via the network .

  23. 新世纪网络环境下,信息服务业融合网络技术、信息技术,不断发展、完善,呈现出它自身的发展现状和未来趋势。

    Under network environment of new century , information service compromising network technology and information technology is developing and perfecting unceasingly and presents its own developing situation and future tendency .

  24. 论述了新世纪网络环境信息服务的特点及网络信息服务的发展方向,探讨了利用网络信息资源开拓信息服务的方法。

    This paper discusses the features and developing orientation of network information services in the new century , and probes into exploiting the methods of information services by using network information resources .

  25. 本文结合国家教育部新世纪网络课程项目《画法几何与工程制图》,对网络课件的开发技术、实现方法及系统结构等进行了研究。

    Under this kind of situation , based on abundant practices and effective works of two net courseware projects , the thesis makes some researches on net courseware developing and realization technology .

  26. 教育部于2000年5月启动了新世纪网络课程建设工程,先后批准了300多个网络课程资源的建设项目,对促进高等教育信息化起到了重要的作用。

    The Education Bureau initiated the Project of Constructing Network Courses for the New Century in May , 2000 , and from then on has approved over 300 programs of developing network courses , which has been of great importance to develop the informationization of university . education .

  27. 21世纪是网络的时代,Internet的普及已经影响了人们传统的交流方式。

    21st century is the era of networks . The popularity of internet has affected traditional communication means .

  28. 21世纪是网络的时代,Internet发展如此之快为GIS的创新提供了机遇。

    21st century is the era of internet , offering good opportunity for GIS 's information .

  29. 它对Internet遗留的问题能提供有效的解决方法,被称为21世纪的网络。

    It can provide efficient solutions to the problems from Internet . Then it is called the networks of 21st century .

  30. IPv6在IP地址量,安全性,服务质量,移动性等方面优势,以及其发展的前景,必将成为21世纪军事网络的核心技术。

    IPv6 IP address capacity , safety , quality of service , mobility and other aspects , as well as its development prospects . The core network will become a 21st century military technologies .