
  • 网络thalamic reticular nucleus;trn;nRT
  1. 目的研究高频电刺激丘脑网状核(TRN)对戊四氮致癫痫大鼠的作用。

    Objective To investigate the effect of high frequency electrical stimulation in the thalamic reticular nucleus ( TRN ) on the epileptic rats evoked by Pentylenetetrazol ( PTZ ) .

  2. 结论:睡眠纺锤波由与特异丘脑核团相连的丘脑网状核产生,并受皮质-丘脑和丘脑-皮质联结调控。

    CONCLUSIONS : Sleep spindles are generated by the thalamic reticular nucleus in conjunction with specific thalamic nuclei and are modulated by corticothalamic and thalamocortical connections .

  3. 丘脑网状核及其GABAB受体在癫痫小发作形成中的作用

    Roles of reticular thalamic nucleus and GABA B receptor on absence epilepsy

  4. 结果PTZ致痫组大鼠丘脑网状核GABAARα1mRNA表达明显低于正常对照组,而VNS抗癫痫组明显高于PTZ致癫痫组。

    Results The expression of GABA AR α 1 mRNA in the thalamic reticular nuclei of PTZ group rats was lower than that of control group rats . For rats treated with VNS beforehand , the expression increased .

  5. 丘脑网状核,膝上核;

    Reticular thalamic nucleus , gemini nudei ;

  6. 丘脑网状核;

    Reticular nucleus of the thalamus ;

  7. 迷走神经刺激对戊四氮致癫痫大鼠丘脑网状核谷氨酸受体的影响

    The Influence of Vagus Nerve Stimulation on Glutamic Acid Receptor in Thalamic Reticular Nuclei of Pentylenetetrazole-induced Epileptic Rats

  8. 传出纤维除到上述区域外,还投射到丘脑网状核、缰外侧核和下丘脑外侧区等。

    Besides all above areas , the caudate-putamen nucleus also projects to the reticular nucleus of the thalamus , the lateral habenular nucleus and lateral hypothalamic area .