
  1. 物业管理关系中的业主权利及其法律保护

    The Owners ' Rights in the Relationship of Property Management and Their Protection in Law

  2. 但同时对于业主权利保护的立法还存在一些粗陋之处。

    But at the same time the legislation protect owner right still has some rough points .

  3. 这些问题的存在无一不影响法律的权威性,造成法律适用的不统一,也是业主权利受到侵害的根本原因。

    These problems not only affect the legal authority of the deposit will cause the disunity of law application .

  4. 上述问题的实质是产权界定等方面难以适应住宅市场的发展,业主权利得不到有力的保障。

    So to speak , the definition of property rights can 't adapt to the development of housing market .

  5. 每个合伙人都有代表企业签订合同的完全的“业主权利”。

    Each partner has the full " authority of an owner " to negotiate contracts binding upon the business .

  6. 其次,明确了业主权利的定义以及所包含的具体内容。

    Secondly , I gave the definition of the owner and the specific contents of the owners ' right .

  7. 随着城市小区的不断增加,业主权利受侵害的情形也日益增多。

    As the number of urban residential quarters is constantly increasing , the infringement of house-owners ' right have become more frequent .

  8. 这是文章的最后一部分,笔者在这一部分提出了一系列完善业主权利保护制度的立法意见。

    This is the last part of this paper , the author put forward a series of opinions to the protection of owner right legislation .

  9. 第三部分主要针对现有立法缺陷及实践中存在的突出问题提出了维护与保障业主权利的对策。

    In the third part of the main defects existing legislation and practice of problems existing in the maintenance and puts forward the countermeasures to guarantee the owner rights .

  10. 五是建议我国对业主权利的保护应采取事前预防与事后弥补相结合的保护模式。

    The fifth is that we should take the protection mode of the combination of prevention beforehand and making-up later to protect the owners ' rights in our country .

  11. 二战后,面对严重的住宅危机,许多国家兴建多层建筑,并相继制定建筑物区分所有权法来对其进行调整,实现对业主权利的保护。

    After the World War ⅱ, many countries began to build multi-storey buildings to settle the serious crises of housing , and formulate Building Ownership Act to protect the owers ' rights .

  12. 第二部分重点介绍了现有的物业管理立法状况,指出当前我国对物业管理中业主权利保护的积极方面和存在的缺陷。

    The second part introduces emphatically the existing property management legislation in China , points out that the current situation of property rights protected by law in the management including the positive aspects and defects .

  13. 目前我国物业纠纷仍呈上升趋势,业主权利时常受到侵犯,作为物业主人的业主对自己的物业却常常作不了主。

    At present , the property disputes are still on an upward trend in China and the owers ' rights are violated now and then , but the owers themselves fail to master their own housing .

  14. 代建制下,项目的组织实施是委托专业化项目管理公司代理建设单位行使业主权利,负责有关工程项目建设的前期和实施阶段的工作。

    Under agency construction management , the organization of the project implements is asking the specialized agent 's construction unit of project management company to exercise owner 's right , responsible for the work about the earlier stage of project construction and implementation stage .

  15. 问:所有人都可以进入到我的房屋吗,或者需要业主赋予权利?

    Sekhemet-q : will everyone be able to enter our house , or will the owner have to grant access rights ?

  16. 承包商应确保本合同中业主的权利和对分包商的要求有效体现在各分包合同中。

    The Contractor shall ensure that the rights of the company and the requirements in the contract regarding subcontractors are effectively provided for in each subcontract .

  17. 业主自治的权利基础为建筑物区分所有权理论。

    The owner autonomies ' right basis is building discrimination property rights .

  18. 在引言部分,本文提出由于城市的发展,城市小区的作用越来越重要,而业主权的研究对促进业主正确行使权利具有指导作用,在实现民事权利的同时,也能实现小区自治。

    The study of proprietorship has a guiding role to promote proprietors to exercise their rights properly . At the same time of achieving civil rights , the estate autonomy can also be realized .

  19. 索赔是承包商和业主之间责权利关系和工程风险承担比例的合理再分配,也是国际建筑市场上承包商维护自身合法权益的重要手段。

    Claim is a reasonable re-distribution of responsibility , power and interest , and is also the re-assessment of the risk ratio between the contractor and the owner . It is an important measure for contractors to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests in international construction market .

  20. 回答:业主可以赋予访问权利。

    Sekhemet-a : the owner can give access to someone for a visit .

  21. 一是建议明确行使业主撤销权的权利主体。

    One of the suggestions is to make clear the subject in the exercising of the right .

  22. 首先应当将关乎业主切身利益的重要权利给出进一步详尽的规定,从制度上保障业主权利的实现。

    First we should give further detailed rules for the interests of owner , ensuring the realization of the owner right from system .

  23. 在业主团体法人中,业主基于业主资格享有的权利才是真正意义上的业主成员权。

    Owners group legal rights of owners of property owners eligible for the real owners on the significance of members ' rights .

  24. 第一章:业主自治概述,先介绍相关内容的涵义,以及业主自治的权利基础和原则意义,侧重点是第二节关于业主自治的正当性基础。

    Chapter one : " the outline of proprietors ' autonomy ", introduces some related definitions first , as well as proprietors ' autonomous right foundation and principle significance , focuses on the second section about legal foundation of " proprietors ' autonomy " .

  25. 业主选择终止本合同,不应影响其根据合同或其他规定享有的业主的任何其他权利。

    The employer 's election to terminate the contract shall not prejudice any other rights of the employer , under the contract or otherwise .