
  1. 在前面的示例中,使用SSL的决策可能由业务安全需求驱动,因此应在这里引用。

    In the previous example , the decision to use SSL is likely driven by business security requirements , and thus they should be referenced here .

  2. 业务安全服务:负责实现企业的安全和保密目标,包括不可否认(non-repudiation)服务、遵从性和报告等。

    Business security services : Responsible for fulfilling the security and privacy goals of the enterprise , which includes non-repudiation services , compliance , and reporting to name a few .

  3. 电力通信传输网的核心部分是以SDH设备为基础的SDH光传输网,SDH设备的可靠性是电力系统各种通信业务安全稳定运行的保证。

    The SDH optical transport network , which is on the basis of the SDH equipments , is the most important part of the electric power communication . The safety and stability of the power system communication services depend on the reliability of the SDH equipments .

  4. 金融业务安全交易平台设计及应用

    The Design and Application of Financial Service Secure Transaction Platform

  5. 石家庄市工商银行中间业务安全方案设计

    The Design of Security Scheme of Middle Business of ICBC Shijiazhuang Branch

  6. 银行核心业务安全防护系统的设计与应用

    Design and Application of Bank Center Business Safety System

  7. 远程存款业务安全、方便、快捷。

    Remote Deposit is safe , convenient and swift .

  8. 高级业务安全性和可靠性的目的。

    High operational safety and reliability is achieved .

  9. 验证数据集市设计没有违背任何业务安全性设置。

    Verify that the data mart design does not violate any business security settings .

  10. 为了帮助减轻对业务安全性的担忧,应该制定相应的云安全策略。

    To help ease business security concerns , a cloud security policy should be in place .

  11. 此模型由IT安全服务、安全策略基础设施、业务安全服务和安全支持因素组成。

    This model consists of IT security services , security policy infrastructure , business security services , and security enablers .

  12. 这一层可以看作业务安全服务与IT安全服务之间的链接,它包括策略管理和分发等领域。

    This tier can be thought of as the link between business security services and IT security services and includes areas such as policy administration and distribution .

  13. 最后,本文详细给出了基于上述方法,具有业务安全级别控制功能的统一认证服务平台的设计与实现。

    Finally , based on the above methods , the paper gives details of the design and implementation of the unified authentication service platform with service security level control function .

  14. 而随着数字媒体、视频音频产品在网络上传播的普及,由此衍生出的数字产品网上交易业务安全问题,更离不开广播加密和叛徒追踪等技术的保障。

    The security and justice of digital goods transaction is emerging as a commonly concerned issue , with the propagation of digital products ( such as music , video ) .

  15. 随着国际航运业的发展,轮机英语在船员的日常工作和航运业务安全上发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    With the development of international shipping industries , marine engineering English plays a more and more important role in seafarers ' daily work and the safety of shipping services .

  16. 该多层次安全体系将诸如访问控制、数据库安全、防火墙等技术与金融信息系统的业务安全需求有机地结合了起来。

    That solution combines the computer technology , such as access control , database security , and firewall etc with security requirement of financial business in the financial information system well .

  17. 解决当前外联网络所存在的安全漏洞,构造一个完善的银行外联网络安全架构,建设一套统一规划的完善的外联业务安全防御体系。

    The risks hidden in the current extranet will be solved , a perfect bank extranet architecture will be constructed and a united planned extranet business security defense system will be finally built .

  18. 其中,业务安全级别采用静态模糊综合评判法实现,为统一认证服务平台的业务加入提供了简单有效的业务安全级别定级。

    The service security level uses the static fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to realize . It provides a simple and effective security level classification for services to join in the unified authentication service platform .

  19. 针对银行计算机信息系统业务安全的需要,提出了龙马卫士防火墙的设置方案,并就方案的实施步骤进行了阐述。

    Based on the requirement of professional safety of bank 's computer information system , this paper puts forward the setup scheme of dragon-horse bodyguard firewall , and expounds the practicing procedures of this scheme .

  20. 铁路供电段担负着为铁路沿线供水供电的任务,提高对其的管理不仅提高了供水和供电的效率,而且大大增加了铁路水电业务安全可靠性。

    The power-feed section of railway undertakes the tasks of supply of water and electricity for railway . Improving the management of the system can not only improve its efficiency , but also greatly increase the safety and reliability of the business .

  21. 银行业务安全体系是保障银行业务正常进行的关键,也需要在业务实际运行过程中,不断地进行检验和完善,这正是作者长期要完成的工作。

    The multi-layered security architecture of the financial information system is a key to the business system of banks , it also needs sustaining checking and correcting during the running of the business system of banks , This is a long term process the author will accomplish .

  22. 探讨3GPresence业务的安全机制

    Discussion on Safety Mechanism of 3G Presence Service

  23. 通过调研,新的市场不仅要求EPON业务稳定安全,而且还要能提供智能服务。

    Through research , new market not only requires a stable and secure EPON business , but also to provide intelligent services .

  24. 为了利于对IP电话业务的安全性管理及其健康的发展,本文介绍一种在IP网络对IP电话进行呼叫监控,协议分析以及监听录音的方法。

    In order to manage VOIP business safely and develop the VOIP business healthily , this paper introduces the method used in IP networks , which monitors the calling , analyses the protocol and records the voice .

  25. 本文将按照以上步骤,从威胁描述、安全需求分析、安全架构模型几个方面对IPTV业务的安全问题进行分析和梳理。

    Follow these steps , this article will analyse the IPTV service security from three aspects : threats description , security requirements analysing , and IPTV service security architecture .

  26. 本文主要阐述了在LINUX环境下如何处理电子政务中关于电子支付等网上支付业务的安全问题,并提出了在LINUX下使用PHP调用JAVA类的安全可靠的解决方案。

    This article mainly discussed the security issues on e - government , and gave a very specific linux scheme which using php to access java class . This gave us a very new method to solve digital payment .

  27. MPLS技术可以将不同的链路层技术和不同的第三层协议统一在同一平台上,不但兼容了现有各种主流网络技术,而且避开了网络的重复性,确保IP业务的安全。

    As a platform , MPLS can support different link layer technologies and different layer 3 protocols , fuse the existing mainstream network technique , avoid the repetition of network , insure the security of IP operation .

  28. 通过测试,本系统实现了数据采集、认证授权、计费处理、话单查询、系统管理等功能,符合VOIP安全认证计费的基本要求,适用于VOIP业务的安全认证和计费管理。

    By the test , the system realizes functions of user authentication , real-time accounting , phone-bill query , etc , which are the basic demands of the VOIP authenticating and accounting technology .

  29. 网络及业务的安全对于IMS而言非常重要,只有制定了良好的安全方案,很好的解决IMS的网络安全、通过各类接入手段接入IMS的接入安全才能保证IMS网络的可靠部署,进而走向商用。

    The security of IMS network is very important , only having better network security solution and access security solution can assure the reliable IMS deployment , then the IMS can come to commercial .

  30. 本月早些时候,旗下拥有肯德基(kfc)快餐连锁店的百胜餐饮预测,受在华业务食品安全担忧冲击波的影响,2013年利润将出现下降。

    Earlier this month , Yum Brands , owner of the KFC fast-food chain , forecast a drop in 2013 earnings due to the fallout from food safety concerns surrounding its Chinese business .