
dōng yà
  • East Asia
东亚 [dōng yà]
  • [East Asia] 亚洲大陆的东部,包括中国、日本、蒙古、韩国和朝鲜

东亚[dōng yà]
  1. AO可激发出类似EU遥相关型的异常,从而影响到东亚地区的气候。

    The AO can make the anomaly like the EU teleconnection , so it can influence East Asia climate .

  2. ELNino演变不同阶段东亚大气环流年际异常型的数值模拟

    Numerical modeling of interannual anomalous atmospheric circulation patterns over East Asia during different stages of an El Nino event

  3. 而在中国和其他东亚国家,高达90%的高中毕业生被视为近视。

    in China and other East Asian countries , as many as 90 percent of recent high school graduates are thought to be nearsighted .

  4. 这种迷信被称为“恐四症”,在中国、日本、马来西亚和韩国等东亚和东南亚国家和地区非常普遍。

    This superstition4 is referred to as tetraphobia and is common in East Asian and Southeast Asian regions such as China , Japan , Malaysia and Korea .

  5. 东亚地区闪电产生NOX的时空分布特征

    Spatial and Temporal Distributions of NO_X Produced by Lightning in East Asian Region

  6. 东亚赤道异常区电离层CT诊断&实验及初步结果

    Tomographic diagnosis of the ionospheric equatorial anomaly in the region of east-asia ── experiment and early results

  7. 混合型FDI与第三国效应:对东亚地区的经验研究

    Complex FDI and the Third-country Effect : Empirical Research of East-Asia Area

  8. FDI的特质与东亚模式

    The Unique Qualities of FDI and the Asian Model

  9. 东亚钳蝎毒抗癌多肽对H(22)荷瘤小鼠免疫调节作用

    Effect of Anticancer Polypeptide from Buthus Martensii Venom on Immune Function in the H_ ( 22 ) - bearing Mice

  10. 东亚寒潮对ENSO的可能影响

    Possible effects of East Asian cold wave on ENSO

  11. 通过20对引物对不同种群东亚飞蝗基因组DNA进行的AFLP多态性检测,共得到1159条带,多态性比率平均为59.88%。

    There were 1159 loci bands from AFLP analysis in genome DNA among populations by 20 primer combinations , the average polymorphism ratio was 59.88 % .

  12. ENSO对东亚夏季风和我国夏季降水的影响研究进展

    Recent progresses of studies on influence of ENSO on the East Asian summer monsoon and China summer rainfall

  13. 东亚飞蝗发生区芦苇LAI的遥感反演及其尺度效应研究

    Study on Retrieval of Reed LAI and Scaling Effect in Occurrence Area of Oriental Migratory Locust Based on Remote Sensing Technology

  14. 介绍了刻板印象内容模型(SCM)的来源、理论假设和在美国与欧洲(个人主义文化)、东亚(集体主义文化)样本中的实证研究。

    The paper introduced and gave comments on the original , theoretical hypotheses and its key empirical studies of the stereotype content model ( SCM ) .

  15. 对中国经济和东亚经济体经济的脉冲响应函数和方差分解的研究表明,中国GDP是多数东亚经济体GDP和双边贸易波动的主要解释因素。

    The impulse response function and variance decomposition studies on Chinese economy and East Asian economies show that Chinese GDP are the major factor to explain most East Asian countries ' GDP and trade fluctuations .

  16. 最后以APEC为例来说明在东亚区域合作中为了降低交易费用而进行了必要的制度创新。

    At the end , it narrates that to lower the transaction cost , it is necessary to innovate institution as has shown in the example of APEC .

  17. 运用相关及滑动相关的计算技术,讨论了近百年东亚冬季风与ENSO循环的相互关系及其年代际异常。

    Based on the method of coherence and moving coherence analysis , the interaction of East Asian monsoon with ENSO cycle and their interdecadal variations in last century are investigated .

  18. 当少台风活动时期,东亚为纬向环流,西南太平洋上赤道西风及ITCZ也弱。

    During the inactive period , the circulation of East Asia is essentially zonal and the ITCZ over Southwest Pacific is weak .

  19. 一个世纪以前,德国在威廉一世(KaiserWilhelmI)领导下的崛起让世界感到不安;如今,中国的崛起让东亚感到不安。

    A century ago it was the ascent of Germany under Kaiser Wilhelm I that unsettled the world ; today a rising China is roiling east Asia .

  20. 运行NCAR公共气候模式(CCM2)20a对东亚气候进行了模拟研究,并对模拟结果进行了检验。

    The NCAR community climate model was run for 20 years and the simulated East Asian climate was analysed and checked against the observation data .

  21. 东亚区域经济合作和一体化从提出、探讨到FTA在不同国家之间的签署和具体实施到东亚区域经济合作和一体化的制度化建设,东亚在迈向区域经济一体化的道路上已经取得了较大的进展。

    From the proposal , discussion and implementation to the institution construction of the East Asian regional economic cooperation and the integration , East Asia has already achieved a big progress on the path .

  22. 东亚垂直专业化与我国贸易结构变迁Millstone地区垂直等效风场的气候学变化

    Research on the Vertical Specialization in East Asia and the Shift of China s Trade Structure ; Climatology of the Effective Winds at Millstone

  23. 利用自然正交函数法划分了东亚自然天气季节以后,本文应用K均值聚类法对各个自然天气季节内部的500毫巴候平均环流进行了分型试验,得到了一些有意义的结果。

    After dividing NSS over East Asia by the method of EOF , an attempt of pattern classification of the mean pentad circulations at 500 mb level for each NSS is made by the method of K-mean cluster analysis . Some interesting results have been obtained .

  24. 模式范围包括东亚地区及相邻海域,水平分辨率为60km×60km,垂直方向为23层。

    The model resolution is 60 km x 60 km in the horizontal and 23 layers in the vertical .

  25. BBC新闻–尽管朝鲜对大多数外国游客闭关锁国,但颇有讽刺意味的是,它或许成了东亚–大洋洲这条世界最重要的国际候鸟迁徙路线的救星。

    BBC News - Despite being closed to most foreigner visitors , North Korea may ironically be the saviour of one of the world 's greatest international migration routes - the avian East Asian Australasian Flyway .

  26. 东盟对东亚合作基础的转变与C-P-C通道经济&区域经济一体化视野中深圳与东盟的经贸合作

    The Transformation of ASEAN concerning Cooperative Bases and the Economies of C-P-C Thoroughfare

  27. 作者还从热带太平洋SST(海面温度)的年代际变化及其对中印半岛和东亚上空水汽输送的影响,分析了上述我国气候年代际变化的可能成因。

    In order to investigate cause of the interdecadal variability of climate in China , the monthly mean SST anomalies in the tropical Pacific and its impact on water vapor transport in the Indo-China Peninsula and East Asia are analyzed .

  28. 指出了青藏高原感热驱动气泵(SHAP)在调制东亚季风及全球气候中的重要作用;

    The importance of the Sensible Heat driven Air Pump ( SHAP ) over the Qinghai Xizang Plateau in regulating the East Asian monsoons and global climate is emphasized .

  29. 从现实性来考虑,可以借助APEC贸易投资自由化框架、次区域合作协定、区域内贸易的发展途径以及长期的经济合作基础和渠道来发展东亚区域内的投资合作。

    From practical considerations , we can improve investment cooperation in East Asia by drawing support from APEC trade and investment liberalization frame , and making use of the channels of sub-regional development cooperation , inner-region trade development and long-term economic cooperation .

  30. 利用IAPAGCM-Ⅱ大气环流模式,模拟了赤道中太平洋地区海温异常对东亚和南亚夏季(6~8月)降水的影响。

    The paper simulates the effect of sea surface temperature anomalies ( SSTA ) in the equatorial mid-Pacific Ocean on the precipitation in east and south Asia during summer ( from June to August ) using IAP AGCM - ⅱ .