
  • TVXQ
  1. 你是否期待着由东方神起新的OST曲目?

    Are you looking forward to the new OST track by DBSK ?

  2. 英格:你觉得东方神起怎么样?

    Eng : What do you think about Tong Vfang Xien Qi ?

  3. 据说后街男孩又对东方神起五人的声音天赋进行了赞扬。

    The Boys reportedly proceeded to praise TVXQ for their excellent vocal talent .

  4. 东方神起。永远守候。

    Please always keep the faith .

  5. 某职员妻子去韩国看“东方神起”演唱会而成了需要照顾上初中和小学的子女的兼职主妇。

    A government staff became a part-time housewife to take care of his children while his wife was watching DBSK'live concert in Korea .

  6. 某政府职员因为妻子去韩国看东方神起演唱会而成了需要照顾上初中和小学的子女的兼职主妇。

    a government staff became a part-time housewife to take care of his children while his wife was watching DBSK ' live concert in Korea .

  7. 昨天,我们说到了后街男孩就东方神起的评价,今天,东方神起也透露了他们与后街男孩这个传奇组合的偶遇。

    Yesterday , we got to hear the Backstreet Boys'take on TVXQ ; today , TVXQ exchanged their side of their encounter with the " living legends " as well .