
  1. 本文主要分析了百思迪威英语及其在东联的现状。

    This paper mainly analyses the Bestway English and its status in EOAC .

  2. 让中国软件走向世界&记北京东联华兴软件公司董事长李晨

    Let Chinese software go to the world - Interview Li Chen-President of Beijing Oriental United Software

  3. 东联艾克介绍了一圈,有些人不知道被困鸟,标志着汉莎航空公司的经济舱。

    Otl Aicher introduced the circle , and some people wonder if the trapped bird signifies Lufthansa 's economy class .

  4. 最先进的设备配置,一流的人力资源,使得东联仓储公司在生产和开发新型的仓储设备方面始终站在行业的前列。

    With advanced instruments and excellent human resources , OTL is the leader in producing and developing material in the Logistic field .

  5. 东联港海底管道项目应用结果表明,该系统可提高海底管道焊缝质量的检验速度和检验精度。

    The successful application of this system in Dongliangang offshore pipeline project has proved that the system can improve the inspecting speed and accuracy to the girth welds of submarine pipeline .

  6. 东联仓储设备有限公司是于1997年由香港东联科技有限公司在江苏省镇江市丁卯经济区设立的生产型企业。

    Is a manufacturing enterprise , invested by Hong Kong OTL Group Ltd in1997 , and is located in Dingmao Economy and Technology Development Zone , Zhenjiang , Jiangsu Province , China .

  7. 推行靠东联西保南的地缘军事战略,实行现实遏制的核战略,注重加强同中国等亚太地区国家的军事合作;

    Promoting " by the West to defend the South East " geo-military strategy , a " reality check " nuclear strategy to strengthen relations with China and other countries in the Asia-Pacific region military cooperation ;

  8. 而新疆凭借与中亚五国特殊的地缘经贸优势,可以借助国家实施产业梯度转移的机会,东联西出,借力开拓中亚市场。

    Relying on special geo-trading advantage with the five countries of Central Asia , Xinjiang may draw support from the opportunity of industrial gradient shifting of China , uniting the east and exporting to west , take advantage of the external force to exploit the market of Central Asia .