
  1. 公共图书馆视听资料管理模式&以东莞图书馆为例

    Audio-visual Resources Management Model of the Public Library & Taking Dongguan Library as an Example

  2. 总分馆联合开展读者活动的探索&以东莞图书馆为例

    Carrying out Reader Services Jointly in the Head-branch Library System : Taking Dongguan Library as an Example

  3. 从东莞图书馆Ⅵ设计看城市图书馆视觉识别系统的建立

    City Library VIS Construction Scheme Based on the ⅵ Design of Dongguan Library

  4. 基于协同视角的区域图书馆业务统筹管理&以东莞图书馆为例

    Integrated Management of the Regional Library Businesses Based on Collaborative Perspective & Taking Dongguan Library for Example

  5. 东莞图书馆自助图书馆建设实践

    Self-service Library Construction Practice

  6. 公共图书馆岗位轮换制的探讨&以东莞图书馆报刊部的岗位轮换为例

    Probe into Job Rotation System in University Library & Taking the Job Rotation of Newspapers and Periodicals Section of Dongguan Library as the Example

  7. 摘要本文介绍了东莞图书馆集群管理条形码与单位代码编制的背景、要求、内容及其应用效果。

    This paper introduces the establishment background , requirement , content and effect of bar codes and unit codes of cluster management in Dongguan library .

  8. 本文介绍了东莞图书馆粤剧图书馆建设的背景、调研立项、筹建及各项业务工作和服务活动开展的情况。

    This paper introduces background , survey , setting up a project and preparing to establish of Dongguan Yueju library construction , and introduces its status of work and service .

  9. 论文概述了东莞图书馆总分馆的特点,总结了在此背景下联合开展读者活动所取得的社会成效。

    This paper introduces the characteristic of head-branch library system of Dongguan library , and sums up the social effect of reader 's activities jointly carried out on the background .

  10. 以东莞图书馆建立的自助图书馆为例,对建设自助图书馆的必要性、可行性以及设备配置和功能实现进行了论述与探讨。

    With the example of Dongguan Library , this article discusses the necessity and feasibility to construction of the self-service library and explores its allocation of equipment and realization of functions .

  11. 从馆舍建设和业务准备两个方面概要介绍了包括项目组织、建筑设计、发展纲要、功能布局、运作管理模式、服务模式等在内的东莞图书馆新馆建设的过程和各项工作情况。

    The paper introduces briefly the process and work of new Dongguan library construction , including project organization , building design , development outline , function distribution , model of operation and management , model of service , etc.

  12. 摘要通过图书馆建筑理念发展的分析,以具体的东莞图书馆新馆建设的案例,指出《城市图书馆新馆建设》一书在理念和实践两方面对当代城市图书馆新馆建设的参考作用。

    The paper analyses the concept of Library buildings , and introduces the reference use of the book construction of the new urban library both in theroy and in practice with a sample of new Dongguan Library construction .

  13. 技术+管理:东莞构建图书馆公共服务体系的实施战略

    Technology Plus Management & Dongguan 's Working Strategies of Establishing Public Library Service System

  14. 方正之间静谧之美:东莞市图书馆设计

    Beauty of silence in upright and foursquare : design of Library of Dongguan City

  15. 三分之一&东莞松山湖新城图书馆

    Library of Songshan Lake New Town