
  • 网络dongyang;Dongyang City
  1. 东阳市中山大桥160m跨钢管拱的安装与施工控制

    Construction Control of 160m Span Zhongshan Steel Pipe Arch Bridge in Dongyang City

  2. 东阳市林业产业化建设现状与发展对策

    Status of Forestry Industrialization Construction in Dongyang City and Developmental Strategies

  3. 旅游收入己占东阳市GDP的10%以上,旅游业已成为东阳名副其实的主导产业之一。

    The tourism revenues accounted for 10 % of Dongyang GDP , which obviously shows that tourism has veritably become one of the leading industries of Dongyang .

  4. 结果显示2020s时期东阳市的月均降雨量和月最高、最低气温没有明显变化,但强降雨和高温天气发生的概率增加。

    The results show that the monthly average rainfall , monthly highest and lowest temperature will not change obviously , but the frequency of heavy rainfall and high temperature will possibly increase .

  5. 东阳市服装工业园居住小区规划设计

    The Planning and Design of the Living Quarters of Dongyang Garment Industrial Park

  6. 其次,讨论了东阳市和义乌市水权交易中权利转让的实质。

    Then discussed the essence of water rights trading between Yiwu and Dongyang .

  7. 东阳市1997-2003年性病监测资料分析

    Analysis of STD surveillance data in Dongyang , 1997-2003

  8. 2007年浙江省东阳市被监管人员艾滋病、梅毒监测情况分析

    Surveillance of HIV / AIDS and syphilis among incarcerated persons in Dongyang , 2007

  9. 东阳市一例人感染猪链球菌病的病原学及分子生物学鉴定分析

    Analysis and identification of pathogenic and molecular biologic of human Streptococcus suis infection in Dongyang

  10. 东阳市流动人口新生儿破伤风疫情及其影响因素分析

    Analysis on Epidemic of Neonatal Tetanus and Related Influence Factors among Newborns of Migrants in Dongyang

  11. 东阳市外出务工人员艾滋病感染现状与相关知识调查

    Investigation on current status of AIDS infection and AIDS related knowledge among Out-migrant workers in Dongyang

  12. 东阳市城乡居民健康习惯养成情况调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis on the Adoption of Health Behavior among the City and Country Residents in Dongyang

  13. 浙江东阳市丘陵山地杉木人工实生林造地适树研究

    Study on Suitable Sites and Suitable Trees Chinese Fir Plantation in Mountainous Area in Dongyang City of Zhejiang

  14. 在节点重要度法基础上建立了最佳规模法来确定城镇公路网布局,并通过东阳市城乡公路网规划实例进行了分析验证,获得了较好的效果。

    And the example of highway network layout of Dongyang city proved that the method is of good effectivity .

  15. 以浙江省东阳市横店镇可持续发展实验区为个案,深入探讨地方政府与地方可持续发展的关系。

    This paper explore , the role of local governments in sustainable development based on a case from Hengdian Town Sustainable Development Experimental District .

  16. 合金浙江东阳市白云天恒饰品厂是一家具有多年饰品加工经验,集饰品设计开发,生产销售于一体的综合型企业。

    About usEstablished in January , 2006 , Zhejiang Tianheng Arts factory is a private enterprise integrating production , R & D and sales .

  17. 在东阳市张裕明(音)中医诊所工作的吴贝(音)今年39岁,她表示,这些蛋尝起来也挺咸的。

    They are also quite salty , according to Wu Bei , 39 , an employee at the Zhang Yuming Chinese Medicine Clinic in Dongyang .

  18. 方法对东阳市4家医院73名门诊输液室护士采用自设问卷进行压力源及压力程度调查。

    Methods 73 nurses from the outpatient transfusion rooms of 4 hospitals in Dongyang , were investigated about their work pressure sources with a self-designed questionnaire .

  19. 根据不同的医防合作组织形式和经济发展水平,选择浙江省东阳市、上海长宁区、广西凭祥市和广西南宁市作为研究现场。

    According to the coorperation approaches and economic levels , we chose Zhejiang Dongyang , Shanghai Changing , Guangxi Pingxiang and Guangxi Naning as the study fields .

  20. 这种自古便以“童子蛋”之名销售的本土美食,已在2008年正式成为东阳市非物质文化遗产。

    Sold since ancient times as " virgin boy eggs , " the local delicacy was officially listed as " intangible cultural heritage " in Dongyang in 2008 .

  21. 新农村建设过程中的县域资源整合研究&以浙江省东阳市农村区域为例

    Research on the County Resources Integration in the Process of New Socialist Countryside Construction & Based on the Study of Rural Areas Adjustment in Dongyang City of Zhejiang Province

  22. 保温包及室内健身产品东阳市家和健身休闲用品厂位于浙中部,东阳市南郊省道边,到义乌机场25公里,离宁波港口200公里,交通便捷。

    Dongyang Jiahe Fitness & Leisure Products Factory stands nearby Provincial Highway of Dongyang in Zhejiang , 25KM away from Yiwu Airport , 200KM from Ningbo Port , so enjoys the convenient traffic .

  23. 发生在浙江省东阳市的吴英集资诈骗一案,经过一审和二审程序,判决被告人吴英犯集资诈骗罪,处以死刑并没收其全部个人财产。

    Ying-financing fraud case in Dongyang City , Zhejiang Province , after the first and second instance procedures , sentenced the accused Wu Ying guilty of financial fraud and sentenced to death and confiscation of all their personal property .

  24. 对全国文物保护单位&东阳市户宅这个明清聚落的保护价值,从历史的、科学的、艺术的三个方面进行了详细的分析。

    This article makes the analysis in details the protection value of the Lu 's residence-Dongyang settlements in Ming and Qing dynasty , which is the national protection units , from three aspects of history , science and art .

  25. 提出了规划改进目标、高压电网标准接线和配网近期和远景标准接线,确定了东阳市十二五电网建设改造规划目标。

    Some planning improvement goals , the standard wiring method for high-voltage grid , the standard wiring method for distribution network in short and long term are also presented in the article and they define the goal of the Twelfth-Five-Year plan for power grid construction / reconstruction in Dongyang .