
  • 网络silk carpet;silk rug;silk blanket
  1. 公司生产经营家纺布料系列,床上被服系列,真丝丝毯系列,靠垫系列等。

    Our company manufacture and deal household textile fabrics series , bed cover series , silk blanket series , cushion series , etc.

  2. 是的,这是波斯丝毯。

    Yes , it is Persian silk rug .

  3. 一个蚕茧中仅有三分之一的丝可供织丝毯所用。

    One third of the silk from the cocoons can be used to weave silk carpets .

  4. 旅游过程中,同时安排中国传统手工艺丝毯厂参观购物。

    During the full day tour , Chinese traditional handicraft silk carpet factory will be arranged for sightseeing .

  5. 电子电器、电缆材料、雕漆、地丝毯在国内外享有良好的声誉。

    Electronic appliances , cables material , lacquer , Sitan at home and abroad to enjoy a good reputation .

  6. 在某种意义上讲,此为第一道极为重要之工序,因为图样和丝毯的价值有极为重要的关系。

    To some extent , this is the first important thing because it can determine the value of the carpet .

  7. 这种是丝毯吧?它看上去真是华丽极了。旅游过程中,同时安排中国传统手工艺丝毯厂参观购物。

    This must be a silk rug , it looks so gorgeous . During the full day tour , Chinese traditional handicraft silk carpet factory will be arranged for sightseeing .

  8. 我想有些产品在加拿大很有销路,特别是全羊毛地毯和丝绒挂毯。这种是丝毯吧?它看上去真是华丽极了。

    I think some of the items will find a ready market in Canada , especially pure wool carpets and velvet tapestries . This must be a silk rug , it looks so gorgeous .

  9. 我们本着“追求质量无极限,完美服务到永远”的经营理念,打造商家满意、顾客渴求的新精品丝毯的名牌产品。

    We are guided by " the pursuit of quality is the limit , the perfect service to always be " business philosophy , to create business satisfaction , customer desire for the brand new boutique carpet .