
  • 网络society;two-oriented society;two oriented society
  1. 两型社会建设:从人才资源到人才经济

    Construction of Two-oriented Society : from Brain Resource to Brain Economy

  2. 两型社会,指的是资源节约型、环境友好型社会。

    The two types of society that is resource-saving , environment-friendly society .

  3. 长株潭城市群两型社会政府管理体制创新

    Renew the Government Management System of the City Group of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan

  4. 两型社会建设应该成为东亚合作共同的主题

    The Construction of Two-oriented Society : Common Theme for East Asian Cooperation

  5. 推进两型社会建设的低碳经济之路

    Low-carbon Economy : Path to Boosting the " Two-oriented Society " Construction

  6. 绿色制造在长株潭两型社会建设中的应用研究

    The Application Research On Green Manufacturing In Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan Area Two-oriented Society Development

  7. 武汉城市圈两型社会的物流网络空间布局研究

    Research on the Regional Logistics Net of Wuhan City Cluster

  8. 两型社会背景下宜居生态城市建设探讨&以湖南衡阳为例

    Research on Habitable Ecotype City Construction under the Background of Two-oriented Society

  9. 在两型社会建设中积极推进新型工业化进程

    Boosting New-patterned Industrialization in the Process of Constructing Two-oriented Society

  10. 构建武汉城市圈两型社会的战略分析

    Strategic analysis of constructing Wuhan urban circle " two style society "

  11. 产业技术与两型社会建设的哲学透析

    A Philosophic Analysis of Industrial Technology and the Construction of Two-oriented Society

  12. 财政对两型社会建设支持不够。

    Fiscal policy support not enough two-oriented society construction .

  13. 构建两型社会与环境资源纠纷的多元解决机制

    Construction of " Two-oriented Society " and Multi-resolution Mechanisms of Environmental Resources Disputes

  14. 对于长株潭城市群两型社会建设更是如此。

    To CZT City Cluster " Two-type society " building even more so .

  15. 省会城市功能发挥与两型社会城市群建设

    Provincial Capitals ' Function and the Construction of City Groups in Two-oriented Society

  16. 两型社会战略下城市圈生态网络建设构想

    The Construction of Ecological Network of Metropolitan Circle under the Two-Oriented Society Strategy

  17. 两型社会建设背景下的武汉人才资源开发与管理研究

    The Research of WuHan Human Resource Development and Management

  18. 从信息资源的角度析建设两型社会

    Research on constructing resource-saving and environment-friendly society in the view of information resources

  19. 关于统计方法在两型社会建设中应用的思考

    Reflections on the Application of Statistics Methods in the Construction of Two-oriented Society

  20. 两型社会建设与中西部农村现代化的战略选择

    Two style social construction and central and west countryside modernization 's strategic selection

  21. 经济发展方式的转变与两型社会建设

    Transformation of Economical Development Mode and Two-type Society Construction

  22. 长株潭城市群两型社会发展战略

    On the Development Strategy of " Two-oriented Society " of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan City Agglomeration

  23. 循环经济立法对两型社会建设的影响&以《循环经济促进法》为例

    Influences of circular economy legislation on the building of resource-saving and environment-friendly society

  24. 低碳经济对武汉城市圈建设两型社会的启示

    Enlightenment of Low-carbon Economy on the " Two-oriented Society " Construction of Wuhan Circle

  25. 基于两型社会的武汉中心城区交通问题研究

    Traffic problems of Wuhan City Center Based on Constructing Resource-Conserving and Environmentally Friendly Society

  26. 两型社会建设中教师环境意识状况及提升策略

    Teachers Environmental Awareness Status and its Enhancement Strategy during the Construction of Two-oriented Society

  27. 两型社会背景下的高校生态图书馆建设

    Construction of the Ecological Library in the University Based on Construction of Dual-model Society

  28. 两型社会建设中的土地资源管理&以长株潭城市群为例

    On Land Resource Management of Building Two-oriented Society

  29. 转型期中部两型社会建设中的制度因素及构建

    The System Factors and Construction of Central China Two-oriented Society Construction in Transitional Period

  30. 积极发展太阳能产业,助推武汉两型社会建设

    Actively Develop Solar Power Industry , Propelled Two Types of Social Construction in Wuhan