
yán xíng kǎo dǎ
  • torture sb. cruelly;subject sb. to severe torture;cruelly torture;cruelly beat up
严刑拷打[yán xíng kǎo dǎ]
  1. 他们再也没有当他的面严刑拷打过囚犯。

    They never again tortured a prisoner in his presence .

  2. 我原以为在文明国家,严刑拷打早已销声匿迹。

    I believed that in civilized countries , torture had ended long ago .

  3. 任何严刑拷打都不能使他开口。

    No torture would make him speak .

  4. 严刑拷打未使她屈服。

    Torture failed to make her submit .

  5. 决不准许严刑拷打。

    Torture should never be sanctioned .

  6. 她被严刑拷打。

    She was cruelly tortured .

  7. 他身上的一处处伤痕证明他曾受到严刑拷打。

    His scars bore witness to the torture he had suffered .

  8. 痛苦严刑拷打往往使施刑者和受刑者都丧失人性。

    torture Torture always dehumanizes both the torturer and his victim .

  9. 刚才那队人可能会为了这个信息对你严刑拷打

    That other team would 've tortured you for that information .

  10. 克洛德决非猛士:他断不会死在严刑拷打之下。

    Claude was no hero : he 'd never die under torture .

  11. 尽管敌人将他严刑拷打,他还是什么也没说。

    Nothing escaped his lips though the enemy tortured him .

  12. 所有证据都是在严刑拷打下获得的,因此它毫无价值。

    All the evidence was obtained under torture , it was worthless .

  13. 严刑拷打往往使施刑者和受刑者都丧失人性。

    Torture always dehumanizes both the torturer and his victim .

  14. 他遭到严刑拷打,以至患上癫痫。

    He was beaten so severely that he developed epilepsy .

  15. 尽管有严刑拷打和心理上的压力,一些战俘仍旧坚定不移。

    Despite the torture and the psychological pressure some POWs remained unbrainwashed .

  16. 他们好像受到过严刑拷打。

    It seemed that they had been put through some hideous torture .

  17. 巴宾顿和他的同谋们经过严刑拷打而招供了

    Babington and his fellow plotters had been tortured and had already confessed .

  18. 我知道你善于严刑拷打。

    I know that you 're good at torture .

  19. 他们用严刑拷打其它严厉的方法来找出事实的真相。

    They used torture and other extreme measures to find out the truth .

  20. 他们也不会屈服于你的严刑拷打。

    Before they will bow to physical torture .

  21. 人在严刑拷打之下什么都可能说出来。

    A man will say anything under torture .

  22. 把他带进来严刑拷打

    We should bring him in and torture him

  23. 政府官员也发现了有26名人被诱拐和严刑拷打过。

    Authorities also found the bodies of26 people who had been kidnapped and tortured .

  24. 在他死前,我们对他严刑拷打。

    Before he died , we tortured him .

  25. 这个阴谋反叛集团中幸存下来的领导人在监牢里遭到严刑拷打,逼他们招认口供。

    The surviving leaders of the conspiracy were tortured in prison to make them confess .

  26. 他们会对我严刑拷打吗?

    Will they use torture on me ?

  27. 敌人严刑拷打,他仍凛然而立。

    The man remained on his feet in spited of the enemy 's cruel torture .

  28. 今天,我要教你们在严刑拷打下的生存技巧。

    Today , I 'm supposed to teach you about survival techniques * For torture .

  29. 他受到了严刑拷打。

    He was subjected to torture .

  30. 她显然经受过严刑拷打。

    She 's obviously been abused .