
  1. 中关村大街后来发展成中国的技术中心,并因交通拥堵而饱受诟病。

    The street later developed into a technology hub of China and became notorious for traffic jams .

  2. 他在世界其他地方生活时,曾多次回到中关村大街,并见证了这条大街这些年来的转变。

    While he lived in other parts of the world , he still visited Zhongguancun Street times and witnessed its transformation over those years .

  3. 凯文是当时最早来到首都北京工作的外国人之一,他每天沿着中关村大街通勤,开车从友谊宾馆到北京大学。

    As one of the first foreigners working in the capital city at that time , Kevin commuted by car every day along the Zhongguancun Street , from Youyi Hotel to Peking University .