
  • 网络Chinese medicinal literature;The study of Chinese medical literature
  1. 通过本研究,旨在奠定治疗DC的中医文献学基础,探讨DC的病因病机及方药证治规律,为防治DC的临床用药提供依据。

    This research aims to lay the foundation of Chinese medical literature , explore the etiology and pathogenesis of DC and the law of differentiation therapies and prescriptions and provide the basis for clinical medicine in the prevention and treatment of DC .

  2. 古籍整理,是中医文献学的基本任务;学术传承,是中医史学的主要使命。

    The ancient books collation is the basic mission of the Chinese medical literature research .

  3. 如何发挥中医文献学在培养新安医学人才中的地位与作用

    The Role of Traditional Chinese Medical Literature Played in Training Students of the Xin An School

  4. 运用中医文献学研究方法,探讨痛证证治理论发展历程。认为痛证理论发展经历了以寒热病因、气血病机及作用于经脉、五脏类分为标志的《内经》时代;

    The development history of the theory on pattern identification and treatment of pain syndrome was probed by the research methods of Chinese medical literature .

  5. 以《中华本草》为资料源,利用传统中医文献学的方法,对1422味辛苦兼味药物的资料进行搜集和整理。

    Using the Chinese Materia Medica as material sources , the thesis collects 1422 acrid and bitter herbal medicines , which are analysed with the method of TCM .

  6. 目的:运用中医文献学与方药统计分析相结合的方法,探讨中医对视疲劳的理论认识和用药规律。

    Objective : To analyzes all kind of the traditional Chinese medicine literature combining statistical analysis to explore the Chinese understanding of the theory of visual fatigue and Using drugs principle . Method : The thesis is divided into two parts .

  7. 略论中医医史文献学的作用和研究方向

    A Brief Talk on the Function and Orientation of TCM Medical History Document

  8. 近10年中医药文献计量学的统计分析

    Statistical Analysis on TCM Documentation Metrology in Recent 10 Years

  9. 近15年中医心理学研究文献计量学分析

    Bibliometric Analysis on the Research of TCM Psychology in Recent 15 Years

  10. 本文运用中医基础理论和中医文献学的研究方法,以东汉张仲景《金匮要略》中黄疸病病因病机及证治规律为主要研究对象。

    This thesis use the basic theory of TCM and the TCM literature research , The object of this article is etiology and pathogenesis of jaundice in Synopsis of Prescriptions of Golden Cabinet .

  11. 最近,国家中医药管理局制订了新的中医文献发展规划,为中医文献学的发展指明了方向。

    The developing plan for TCM literature recently formulated by Chinese TCM Administration Bureau has pointed the way of the development of TIM literature research .