
  • 网络Sinensium Scientiam Medicam
  1. 全国人大代表、中国中医科学院院长张伯礼

    Zhang Boli , NPC deputy and president of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences

  2. 对中医科学研究的思考与展望

    Thinking and Prospect on Scientific Study of Chinese Medicine

  3. 采用中国中医科学院临床评价中心的临床研究中央随机系统(网络版)随机分组。

    Sixty patients were randomized by Clinical Evaluation of Traditional Chinese Academy of Sciences with the clinical research center of Central Randomization System ( Network ) .

  4. 中国中医科学院一位资深研究员吕爱平说,一些传统中草药可能确实对抑制艾滋病有一定疗效,但其实验结果的重复性不好。

    Lui Aiping , also a senior researcher at the academy , says that while some traditional medicine might be able to inhibit HIV , the results are often hard to replicate .

  5. 屠呦呦通过她所在的中国中医科学院中药研究所,发表了一份关于青蒿素与传统中医药价值的获奖感言。

    Dr. Tu , through the Institute of Chinese Materia Medica at the Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences where she works , issued a statement about the value of artemisinin and traditional Chinese medicine .

  6. 方法:选取2000年3月至2004年10月于中国中医科学院广安门医院肿瘤科住院的恶性肿瘤患者29人,肿瘤切除术后1-6月。

    Methods : From March , 2000 to October , 2004 observe 29 patients with the malignant tumor which sick in hospital in tumor section of Guang An Men hospital of the China Academy of Traditional Chinese medicine , tumor excision method latter 1 - 6 months .

  7. 第二,学习语义网以及技术本体和RDF,分析中医药科学数据共建对语义技术的需求,将相关技术应用到中医药科学数据共建工程中。

    Secondly , study semantic web and related technologies as ontology and RDF . Use these technologies in the project .

  8. 中医儿科学发展现状与趋势

    The Present Conditions and Future Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine Pediatrics

  9. 中医是科学,还是经验的积累?

    Is TCM a science or just a collection of experience ?

  10. 立足临床直面变谱弘扬特色提升学术&对中医外科学发展的理性思考

    Rational Considerations for the Development of Chinese External Disease Science

  11. 在过去他们认为中医不科学。

    In the old days considered traditional Chinese medicine unscientific .

  12. 论中医的科学精神和人文方法

    Scientific Spirit and Humanities Method of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  13. 中医伤科学在针灸专业教学之浅析

    On the importance of traumatology of TCM in teaching major of acupuncture and moxibustion

  14. 陈自明对中医产科学的贡献

    Chen Zhiming ′ s Contributions to TCM Obstetrics

  15. 在广义的科学概念下,可以说中医是科学。

    We may say TCM is a science in the wider concept of science .

  16. 从科学哲学的角度看,中医是科学的。

    From the perspective of science philosophy , the traditional Chinese medicine is scientific .

  17. 中医的科学性问题是争议的实质。

    Chinese medicine is a controversial scientific issues .

  18. 秉承传统、开拓创新是中医外科学发展的永恒主题。

    Succession and innovation is an eternal subject for the development of Chinese traditional surgery .

  19. 中华医学科研管理杂志以中医内在科学原理复兴中医的建议

    Chinese Journal of Medical Science Research Management

  20. 中医伤科学网络课件的开发研制

    Development of Chinese herbal medicine injury net-CAI

  21. 现代教育技术在中医伤科学教学中的应用及展望

    Application and prospect of modern educational technology in teaching of orthopedics and traumatology of TCM

  22. 新医药科学与中医药科学

    New Medical Science and the Scientific TCM

  23. 中医的科学性问题研究

    From the analysis to the behavior of problems embodied in Scientificity Research of the Chinese Medicine

  24. 我国中医药科学数据库的特色

    Characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine databases

  25. 试论中医妇产科学的形成

    On Formation of TCM Gynecology

  26. 关于中国古代有无科学问题的思考&兼论古代中医的科学性

    Consideration on the Problem Whether Ancient China Has Science & The Scientific Nature of Ancient Chinese Medicine

  27. 中医骨伤科学是一门临床实践能力和动手操作能力要求极高的一门学科。

    Traditional Chinese Orthopedics is one of the disciplines that have high clinical practice and require operation ability .

  28. 中医药科学前沿问题

    Theory Front in TCM

  29. 中医药科学讲究天人合一,具备系统性、综合性等优势,同时又存在玄妙性、经验性等弱点。

    The scientific TCM theory thinks of the heaven and man as one , and has its superiorities and deficiencies .

  30. 近几年来,中医药科学问题的现代研究不仅是中医药本身的研究重点,也成为其他学科,如化学、药物学研究的重点。

    Nowadays , TCM 's modernization is the key area of research in medicine and other subjects , like chemistry and pharmacy .