
  • 网络ministry of education of the people's republic of china;Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China;MoE;moe.edu.cn
  1. 2003年4月,由中华人民共和国教育部制订的《普通高中数学课程标准(实验)》正式出版,新一轮课程改革将校本课程与国家课程、地方课程并列,作为课程三大板块之一。

    Mathematics Curriculum Standard for Senior High School was published in April 2003 . The course of History of Mathematics ( HM ) is adopted into mathematics curriculum .

  2. 本文旨在通过笔者2009年参加的中华人民共和国建国60大庆教育部汇报宣传片的策划、拍摄、制作与2010年参加上海世博会学习研究的心得体会。

    This paper aims at the participation of the author in 2009 founding of the PRC Ministry of Education reported in Daqing 60 videos in the planning , filming , production and the 2010 Shanghai World Expo will learn to participate in the study learned .